3 Adar 5780 | February 27, 2020
Bais Yaakov e-Newsletter
High School
Parshas Teruma
Ad Deadline is March 2, 2020
To place an ad, make a reservation or to learn more about the event, please visit  www.galaevent.baisyaakov.net  or contact the Bais Yaakov office at 443-548-7700 x 522 or  [email protected] .  
Bais Yaakov’s Discovery Program consistently reflects creativity, beautifully packaged ideas, and real substance. A recent presentation about speech featured our own Mrs. Jose Vegh, whose humor and dramatic flair helped her to fully engage her high school audience in considering three aspects of speech we could focus on: style, content, and choice of words. Mrs. Vegh demonstrated how each of these says a lot about the communicator and more – plays a role in determining whether or not the message will be heard. Thank you, Mrs. Vegh, for giving us all the opportunity to absorb your entertaining – but most vital – message.
New in the high school: We welcome the return, after a long hiatus, of a high school student newspaper, this time appearing as the Bais Yaakov Chronicle . Kudos to the editors who worked so hard on the inaugural issue: Rena Lewin, Tzivia Lutch, Ilana Openden, and Temima Shifteh. Thank you to Mrs. Karyn Toso for encouraging her students to move forward with this idea, and publishing a most professional and issue number 1. Looking forward to the next issue!
Another program in the works is the all-new Taryag Mitzvos program soon to be launched. The program will motivate and encourage students to learn all (!) 613 mitzvos of the Torah over the course of their tenure in the high school in a completely optional forum, with exciting prizes and rewards to be offered. Students who follow through on the project will be honored on a permanent Bais Yaakov Honor Board to recognize their great accomplishment. Stay tuned for updates…..Thank you to Mrs. Miriam Tendler , the brainchild of this promising program.
The Bais Yaakov Basketball stars began their season with a dramatic victory over Bnos Yisroel in a real cliffhanger, scoring the final point with only seconds to go, for a 31-30 win. Thank you players, and thank you Coach Aviva Rockwood. The second game was played against Philadelphia, and Baltimore enjoyed a commendable second place finish.
Eighteen Twelfth and Eleventh Graders visited Johns Hopkins Hospital , where they toured various labs, including microbiology, histology, and the blood bank. They saw a tumor that had just been removed from an oncology patient. OR nurses offered a presentation about surgical procedures and job opportunities. Thank you, science department teachers, for arranging and chaperoning this trip: Mrs. Ilana Hoenlein, Mrs. Gila Nelkin, and Mrs. Shari Rochkind.
Adar is here and was welcomed with a lively, fun-filled carnival, combined with our annual auction, with funds to be donated to Ahavas Yisroel ….The G’mach annual Mishloach Manos Project will round out the picture, raising monies for tzedakah while providing opportunities for students to express their hakaras hatov  and good wishes to their teachers. Adar’s simcha climax will be reached with a spirited Purim Chagiga , a regular highlight of the school year.
Dr. David Luchins gave his annual talk to our Twelfth Grade class this year on the topic of anti-semitism. As usual, his perspective as a political scientist enabled the students to relate to the issue with great depth and breadth, understanding the broader underpinnings of the current state of affairs, as well as ramifications for everyday life in the United States. Thank you, Dr. Luchins!
As we go to press, we look forward with great anticipation to a visit from Mrs. Reena Marton , Bais Yaakov alumna, who will be leading our students in song and inspiration in honor of Chodesh Adar . We are all looking forward to this regular Bais Yaakov visit by a renowned performer and teacher in Bais Yaakov circles.
“Happenings” are always happening at Bais Yaakov. The G.O. sponsored Tu B’shvat treats… Mrs. Nechama Green’s class enjoyed a celebration of Shabbos in connection with their studies on Parshas Bereishis …and there is always more to come!
March 9 Taanis Esther (Early Dismissal)
March 10 Purim (No School)
March 11 Shushan Purim (Late Start)
Feb 27/ 2 Adar

לזכר נשמת
חנצע בת יששכר יואל ע"ה

In Memory of 
Mrs. Helen Rothstein, A"H

Sponsored by
Risa and Ephraim Prince
Feb 27/ 2 Adar

לזכר נשמת
פיגא בת ישראל צבי ע"ה

In Memory of 
Tante Faigie Sky, A"H

Sponsored by
Ari and Chani Herman and Family
Feb 26/ 1 Adar

לזכות רפואה שלמה
ליהושע שלום בן בלומא נ"י

As a Zechus Refua Shleima for
Mr. Josh Lewis

Sponsored by
Joel and Sharlene Pleeter and Family
Feb 26/ 1 Adar

לזכות רפואה שלמה
ליהושע שלום בן בלומא נ"י

As a Zechus Refua Shleima for
Mr. Josh Lewis

Sponsored by
The Lewis, Twersky, and Miller Families
Feb 25/ 30 Shevat

לעלוי נשמת
אברהם בן קלמן אליעזר הלוי ע"ה

In Memory of 
Mr. Avi Strimber, A"H

Sponsored by
Gobbie and Shayna Cohn and Family
Feb 24/ 29 Shevat

לזכר נשמת
גיטל בת ליב ע"ה

Sponsored by
The Gross Family
To sponsor a day of Davening & Learning, or contact Rabbi Gross at 443-548-7700 ext. 511 or [email protected]   for more information.