5 Iyar 5782 | May 5, 2022
Bais Yaakov e-Newsletter
Upper Elementary

Parshas Kedoshim
Who knew that just knowing your family members would allow you to divide easily? Long division comes alive in our Fourth Grade as girls turn their lessons into cute posters to share their skills with their peers. Miss Nechama Stein’s class is using mnemonics and other memory tools, turning these complex ideas into works of art to use around classroom.
Our Third Grade just completed Parshas Chayei Sarah. Finishing a parsha of Chumash is a huge accomplishment and a time to bring the lessons of the parsha together. The girls prepared games, skits, posters, and food to celebrate and highlight their accomplishments. Mazal tov to our teachers and students as we wish for continued hatzlocha with Parshas Toldos.
The advantages of having our school in the rustic forest are the glorious trees and natural setting that allows for a serene environment for learning. However, we learned what happens when a tree falls and blocks the entrance to our school, taking out the power as well. The teachers and students in the Third and Fourth Grades stepped up to the challenge! Despite not having light, the girls and teachers illuminated the rooms by reciting the entire sefer of Tehillim, playing games, preparing for Pesach, and mainly remaining calm so that everyone was able to leave the school safely and with great memories of living with Emuna in Hashem.
The Third and Fourth Grades worked diligently preparing for the Yom Tov of Pesach with songs, halachos, and stories. They took Pesach preparation to a new level as the students prepared masterful haggados, transforming the Pesach experience into a meaningful one. The haggados and lessons within are beautiful, and we thank the moros for instilling in their students a genuine love for Hashem and His mitzvos.
This week our Third Grade enjoyed their third kriah motivational event featuring an in-house Kriah Kash Ice Cream Truck. Students had a chance to spend their hard-earned kriah kash, money they received for practicing their Hebrew reading, on various ice cream toppings, and a selection of ice cream-themed prizes. Kudos to Morah Chasida Lurie, who transformed our multipurpose room into an authentic ice cream truck experience. Also, we offer much appreciation to Morah Malkey Adler, our kriah specialist, who reads with every student individually, a minimum of twice a week, ensuring that the girls have plenty of kriah kash to spend at these fun events.
The Fourth Grade has been learning about the process toward citizenship in conjunction with reading the story A Very Important Day by Maggie Rugg Herold. Our very own Mrs. Liora Rosen shared her experience in becoming an American citizen and made the experience come alive with her vivid descriptions of her journey. The girls learned that it is the right of every citizen to receive a passport so they can travel in and out of the country freely. The girls simulated the immigration process and had much fun learning about the process of becoming a citizen of our great nation. 
5/15 ES STEM Expo
5/17 ES STEM Expo
5/23 Alumnae Shiur with
Mrs. Chanie Hendler
5/30 Memorial Day
  • ES - School Closed
  • MS - Early Dismissal 11:50 AM
  • HS - Early Dismissal 12:05 PM

Save the Date:
5/30 Rabbi Eytan Feiner, Address for Bais Yaakov Parents, 8:00 P.M.
Save The Date:
May 4/ 3 Iyar

In Loving Memory of my Dear Parents
Lola and Irving Lewin A"H

Sponsored in perpetuity by their daughter
Harriet L. Meier M.D. and Family
May 3/ 2 Iyar

In Memory of
Yocheved Leah bas
Avraham Yitzchak Alter A"H

Sponsored by
Anonymous BYMS Staff Member
May 2/ 1 Iyar

L'zchus Refuah Sheleimah
Harav Abraham ben Paloma

Sponsored by
Matt and Rina Walter and Grandchildren
To sponsor a day of Davening & Learning, 
or contact Rabbi Gross at 443-548-7700 ext. 511 or ragross@baisyaakov.net 
for more information.