Wed, Dec 20th, 2023

Salat Timings - Dec 23 - Dec 29

  • Fajr: 6:20 AM
  • Zuhr & Asr : 1:30 PM
  • Maghrib: 4:55 PM
  • Isha: 7:00 PM
Salat Cal 23

Friday Sermon Dec 15th, 2023

Friday Sermon delivered at Masjid Mubarak, Islamabad, Tilford, UK

‘Life of the Holy Prophet(sa) – Commencement of the Battle of Uhud & Prayers for Palestine’

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta`awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) said that he had been mentioning incidents from the life of the Holy Prophet(sa) pertaining to the Battle of Uhud.

The Military Prowess of the Holy Prophet(sa)

His Holiness(aba) said that when the Muslims reached Uhud, the mountain was to their rear in order to keep them protected from being attacked from behind. However, there was also a hill from where the enemy could have attacked. Hence, the Holy Prophet(sa) stationed 50 archers on that hill. Furthermore, the Holy Prophet(sa) instructed them not to leave their station under any circumstances, until they received direct orders from the Holy Prophet(sa). No matter if the Muslims were losing the battle, or were victorious, they were not to leave their appointed station unless expressly commanded so by the Holy Prophet(sa).

His Holiness(aba) quoted various historians, who lauded the military prowess of the Holy Prophet(sa) and how this strategy was extremely astute in protecting the Muslim on all fronts. His Holiness quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad(ra) who writes:

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Leave off all Businesses for Jumma

O ye who believe, when the call is made for Prayer on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off all business. That is the better for you, did you but know. (62:10)

Kindly see below two letters that members can use to "leave off all business" for Jumua prayers. 

Letter 1: (Word file). Parent's letter to seek an excuse for their child from school

Letter 2 (pdf). Jamaat letter for adult members to seek time off from work

With sincere prayers for a revolutionary awakening in our Jamaat towards attending Jumua prayers.


Faheem Younus Qureshi

Serving National Tarbiyat Department

School Excuse Letter
Work Excuse Letter

Youth Questions

Answering faith-based questions

Respected all: Assalamu Alaikum

With the help of a team of missionaries, we have launched a national system for answering faith based questions. 

Our youth can send questions to [email protected] and they will inshallah receive a written answer. 


Faheem Younus Qureshi

Serving National Tarbiyat Dept. 


Tarbiyat Resources

Special session with Maulana Zaheer Khan Sahib

Sat Dec 23rd-Baitur Rahman

Humbly requesting all Maryland Jamaat members to attend this very special program on,

  • WHEN: Sat, Dec 23rd, 2023
  • WHERE: Baitur Rahman
  • TIME: After Zuhr (1:30 PM)

Special permission was sought from Huzoor e Aqdas (aba) for this program. It is crucial that we have good attendance and do justice to this special opportunity to hear from someone so close to Beloved Huzoor (aba).



Waqf e Jadid Year ending

Respected members of the Maryland Jamaat,

Waqf-e-Jadid year ends on Dec 31st.

Our goal is to have everyone participate in this blessed scheme. If you have already paid we sincerely Thank you and if you haven't we humbly ask you to give us an opportunity to be thankful to you as well.

Please include your family members in this blessed scheme as well.

You can pay using the online link below.

May Allah accept your sacrifices and reward you abundantly.


Muhammad Aslam

Sec. Waqf e jadid

Pay online

New Year - Sleepover & Tahajjud

Sunday Dec 31, 2023

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

As has been our tradition, we will Inshallah have Ijtamai Tahajjud and end of year sleepover at Baitur Rahman.

Tahajjud: 5:20 AM

Fajr: 6:20 AM

Breakfast will be served

Please see below the detailed program shared by Secretary Sahib Tarbiyat.

West Coast Jalsa Salana

Dec 22-24, 2023

Respected Members of Jama'at Ahmadiyya U.S.A.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

By the grace of Allah, the 36th West Coast Jalsa U.S.A. will be held at Bait-ul-Hameed Mosque, Chino, CA, from Friday, December 22 to Sunday, December 24. Every member of Jama'at U.S.A. is encouraged to travel for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala and participate in this blessed Jalsa.

If you have not registered for Jalsa Salana West Coast, please click the button below to register.

You will find more information on the West Coast Jalsa U.S.A. Website.

[email protected]

Please pray for the success of Jalsa.


Requesting Prayers

Mukhtar Ahmad Malhi

General Secretary USA Jamaat

More Info

Meet & Greet event

West Coast Jalsa Salana

Dear Respected Members,

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatahu.

The Rishta Nata USA Department has been hosting "Meet and Greet" sessions in various locations throughout the country, under the guidance of Hazrat Ameer ul Momineen Ayyadahullaho Ta’ala binasrihil Aziz. The purpose is to introduce marriageable candidates to one another in a private setting.

Our next event will take place Insha’Allah at Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino, California on the occasion of the 36th West Coast Jalsa Salana USA on December 22-24, 2023. 

Jalsa Salan Qadian

Live Broadcast of Concluding Session - Dec 31, 2023

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

With thanks to Ghaalib Khan Sahib, Serving as Head of M.T.A. International U.S.A. Studios, we have received confirmation from Markaz that the concluding session of Jalsa Salana Qadian 2023 will be broadcast live on MTA International on Sunday December 31, 2023. The concluding address will be delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (May Allah be his Helper) from London, with live scenes broadcast from Qadian.

The live MTA broadcast will commence on Sunday December 31, 2023 at approximately 5:30am Eastern (4:30am Central and 2:30am Pacific).

The broadcast will be repeated on MTA throughout the day and also uploaded online for the convenience of viewers.


Requesting Prayers

Mukhtar Ahmad Malhi

General Secretary USA Jamaat

2024 Waqf e Nau Career Expo

Jan 20-21, 2024

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

The Waqf-e-Nau USA department is excited to announce our 2nd Annual Career Expo to be held on Saturday, January 20th & Sunday, 21st, 2024, Inshallah. It will be a hybrid event with in-person attendance at Masjid Masroor, South Virginia & Online over Zoom.

We have decided to open this Expo for non-Waqifeen-e-Nau as well this year. Fathers/Boys to attend in-person on January 20th & attend online on January 21st while Mother/Girls to attend online on January 20th & in-person on Sunday, January 21st.  

There are 43 sessions which introduce 36 different careers/expertise from 50+presenters in the two-day event. These careers are chosen from the guidance of Huzur-e-Anwar (aba), given at various times and compiled by the International Waqf-e-Nau Department. 

Respected Ameer Sahib USA will inshallah preside over the closing session on January 20th, 2024 and Respected Sadr Sahiba Lajna Imaillah USA on January 21st, 2024. 

Please share the attached flyer and information with your membership. 

More info & Registration:


Registration is highly recommended!  


Mirza Harris Ahmad

Serving as National Waqf-e-Nau Secretary

USA Jama'at

Visit us at 

Voices for Peace Reaches Capitol Hill, Washington D.C.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious Ever Merciful

Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatohu. 

Please find an MTA Report aired on MTA International on the December 4, 2023 “Voices for Peace” event organized by the National Umur-e-Kharijiyya Department at U.S. Capitol Hill:



Amjad Mahmood Khan

Serving National Umur-e-Kharijiyya Department

'Voices for Peace' Reaches Capitol Hill, Washington D.C.

Lazmi Chandajaat Budget Submissions FY 2024-25

Respected All

Assalamo Alaikum

We are initiating the individual budget collection process for the next fiscal year 2024-25 (July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2025). These budgets collected are for the obligatory donation heads (Chanda Aam, Wasiyat and Jalsa Salana) prescribed by Hazrat Aqdas Masih Maud علیہ السلام The members can submit their budget form using the following link:

For the members who are unable to submit online, they can complete the attached paper form and submit it to the local Finance Secretary. 

One important thing to clarify, is that when we ask students or housewives to submit the budget form, it is not that we are asking them to submit a budget amount. We are simply ensuring that we have the updated information on our end. They are simply required to state that they are non earning, and put zero as the amount. These are the rules and regulations of Jama'at, that assessment should be done of every eligible member at the time of budget drive. 

With a humble request of prayers. 



Talha Chaudhry

Finance Secretary

USA Jama'at

OnlineBudget submission
Budget form


Huzoor (aba) was asked about women visiting graveyards for funerals and standing behind men or sitting in their cars during the burial. Huzoor explained this in his letter dated 9 June 2018 as follows:


“From various Ahadith, we learn that the Holy Prophet (sa) had generally advised women against visiting graveyards along with funeral processions, but this was not strictly forbidden. If, for some specific reason, a woman was seen at a funeral, the Holy Prophet (sa) would ignore it.

“In the pre-Islamic era, excessive mourning over the deceased was a common practice and it was mostly done by women. Islam forbade excessive lamentation and at the same time, women were generally forbidden to go to the graveyard with the deceased...

Funeral & Burial Process
Read more



Purdah must be strictly observed with separate seating areas for men and women.

Money should NOT be wasted on:

1. Expensive and fancy bridal dresses for the purpose of showing off or to impress others.

2. Expensive wedding invitations, excessive decoration of the house, stage, the bride’s seating.

3. A large variety of foods.

4. Money should not be wasted on the rental of expensive cars or limousines.



Department of

Umur e Amaa

Please share this form with your members to be used members enter into a financial agreement, eg. an Ahmadi loans another Ahmadi money. The Holy Qur'an instructs us to write it down even if both are believers. Leaving financial matters undocumented can result in confusion later on. Such agreements are private, between individuals, and, therefore, are not on Jama'at letterhead.


Bilal Rana

Dept Umur Amma

Financial Agreement Template



Department of Publications

Please think of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Ahmadis in Pakistan who have been deprived of Jama'at publications, al-Fazl and all. Al-Fazl cannot be printed in Pakistan. The Pakistani government has blocked online access to our publications. We, in the US, have the great opportunity to receive al-Fazl and read it freely. Please encourage members to show their gratitude for this opportunity by subscribing to al-Fazl at 

Muslim Sunrise

Maryland Amla

National Event Cal 23

Tahir Academy