Let’s Get Balanced!! With Marie
FINALLY!! A class designed specifically for YOUR patients with visual impairment to improve their quality of life

Adding Balance Training to your weekly regimen, will not only slow down the effects of conditions that result in visual impairment but also improve our quality of life!!

Let’s Get Balanced!! Balance Training by Marie 
Consist of a series of exercises which will improve your patients agility and stability of gait and ability to prevent falls by focusing on the 3 fundamentals of balance: Vision, the Vestibular system and the Sensory system while paying particular attention to lower extremity proprioception I have seen a huge improvement in my clients.

More about the class in this SHORT VIDEO>> https://youtu.be/pxsTgpztkuc


For More Details, Contact Marie at [email protected]

Marie Gilestra-Taylor

Since Marie was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa she has made it her mission to not let it stop her in life. Adding Balance training with a focus on the 3 fundamentals of balance to her weekly regimen, has not only improved her Stability when performing daily tasks but has also been able to help others experience the same.

My Mission:
I am on a mission to partner with doctors who help people with the same vision problems I have, to give back and to share how my life has improved and the methodology that can help so many more people with visual impairment. 

To learn more about Marie and her classes:

Read what some of her clients have to say about the class...
“I have found that my weakness in balance and depth perception I experience due to my vision issues has lessened. The exercises in this class have trained my eyes and my brain to accommodate my feelings of loss and give me greater stability and calmness.” -Beverly
“Loved class this am. I felt like I was back in Vestibular PT. The vestibular work is great and spot on! So much of what you did coincided with the work I had to do after my surgery. Your explanations of why we should do this work is articulate & clear. You have done your homework on presenting interesting and meaningful “exercises”. With me, you are preaching to the choir!!” -Sharon

Marie Gilestra-Taylor
Strong Mind Strong Body, by Marie
"It's About Changing Your Life!"