So now what?
That’s what Baldwin County Democrats are asking county and state leaders.
The answer is clear and simple.
Going into 2025, Baldwin County Democrats will be laser-focused on getting names on as many municipal ballots as possible, raising money to support them and recruiting volunteers to take their message to the voters.
Rest assured the wheels are turning. County chairs across Alabama already are banding together for this mission. Workshops on fielding and training candidates are on the January calendar. Baldwin County volunteers right now are making lists of municipal races, logging election dates and filing deadlines.
Our political focus going into 2025 will switch to local issues and local races. Shomari Figures was out ahead of that on his winning campaign. His focus on local Alabama issues like healthcare and rural hospital closings, jobs, childcare and local economy is what lifted him to victory, he said on MSNBC’s The Weekend right after his election.
“The focus on local culture, local history, local knowledge of what’s happening in your community” and not “playing into national issues” is the tactic that is taking him to Congress, he said.
We’re looking for school board members who will champion real history and science, library board members who will fight against right-wing censorship, mayors and city council members who will steward our environment in the face of unchecked development. We’re seeking out young people ready to take the reins to grow Baldwin County Democrats and usher us into the future.
As we focus on day-to-day issues that rule people’s lives, we will not abandon our commitment to supporting the dignity, health and civil rights of all genders in the face of Conservatives emboldened in their attempts to erode our freedoms.
Our pregnant wives and daughters can bleed out in a hospital parking lot - if they can find one in the midst of rampant Alabama hospital closings. That's real and it's happening right here right now.
Our LGBTQ+ neighbors are actively scapegoated at GOP town halls, fearing now more than ever for their loves and livelihoods. That's real and it's happening right here right now.
Schools are erasing Black history form curriculums and businesses are tossing Diversity, Equity and inclusion policies into the circular file. That's real and it's happening right here right now.
We’re going to need an influx of cash to fund our local candidates. State and national Democratic organizations are not going to send us any money, so we’re going to have to rely on our own resources. This is not a result of the historic dysfunction of the Alabama Democratic party (BTW, we have a plan for that) but is the typical relationship between counties, states and the national party across the country. So funding our candidates for success is on us. Fortunately, we have lots of resources here in Baldwin County.
Going forward, we can see each name on a ballot as a win, no matter how the votes tally up in the end. Each time a voter sees a Dem in a local race, they know they have a choice. That's the first step on the long road to reversing the red grip on Alabama politics.