October 14, 2022
Marla Fernandez HD3
My Fellow Americans,
our great nation stands upon the precipice of a new age.
As we look to the future, we must ask ourselves what kind
of America we want to leave behind for our children.
I'm running for Colorado State House Representative because I believe the people
of Colorado deserve better and can do better.
Join me so that our voices can finally be heard.
I come from a proud family of Cuban immigrants.
My grandparents came to this great nation so that their children could live,
free of the Communist regime.
They believed in the American dream, and so do I;
that is why it hurts me to see it being squandered.
Years ago, I left my successful career to do right by my family.
Now I want to do right by yours.
I believe we must fight to uphold our freedoms and our rights,
as laid down by the Constitution.
If you feel as strongly as I do about protecting our great nation
from those who seek to divide us,
then the time to act is now.
Join me, and together we will make our voices heard as we build toward
an America that all Americans will be proud to call home.
Vote for Marla Fernandez for House District 3.
Together with your voice we can make a difference
If you can spare it, please donate $50 or more.
God bless you,
Jack Daus HD4
Jack lives in the Sunnyside neighborhood of North Denver.
He has lived in the area for twenty-five years.
Daus believes Sunnyside is an eclectic part of Denver's history.
Although crime is always a problem in urban areas,
Jack has watched the area improve over the years.
Up until recently, the neighborhood was pretty safe.
But the nationwide movement to defund the police has eroded that safety.
He sees the changes you do, the rising crime, homelessness, and public drug use.
There is a significant rise in taxes with a decline in safety in Denver's neighborhoods.
Jack, like many people fed up with the current state of the United States,
attended his caucus on March 1, 2022.
Jack had never participated in politics before.
But following politics closely in the last few years made
Jack realize it was time do something significant.
Jack stepped up to run as a Republican in his district, Colorado House District 4.
Daus knows the neighborhoods are not the same as they were.
He knows the Colorado Legislature can do something about the environment
the left has created because of their defunding of public safety.
A vote for Jack Daus is a vote for common sense.
Don Howell HD6
I believe it was my honor and privilege to serve my country as a Vietnam Combat Soldier (USMC).
As a Colorado native, I believe it will also be my great honor to serve ALL of the citizens of Colorado,
and more specifically, the constituents of HD6.
Key word here is All!
I do not believe in catering to any one special interest group.
As a thirty-two-year professional educator and concerned parent I believe our K-12
and college educational programs are in serious trouble.
We need to STOP the indoctrination of our students at
both the K-12 and college levels and return to educating them.
Without question, as a professional educator for 32 years,
I have always believed that parents are the first and foremost teachers of their children.
Therefore, they should always have a very strong voice in regard to their child's education.
Simply stated, without their input, I believe any type of educational policies
that promote critical race theory (CRT), gender identity,
or woke type philosophies have no place in our K-12 or college curriculums.
(The difference between indoctrination and education.)
I believe we need to recognize the fact that fentanyl and other dangerous drugs
are not only a border problem, but a Colorado problem.
If the federal government is not going to deal with it, then,
we as Colorado citizens must deal with it the best we can.
Again, ignoring the problem is not a plausible solution.
(Ignorance is not bliss.)
This is why I believe a conservative Colorado State Legislature will be able to
stop the grooming in our schools.
A conservative legislature will be able to look at arrest outcomes,
records of district attorneys, and court rulings
to determine what needs to be done to make our streets safe again.
Tom Cowhick HD9
I have lived in the Washington Park, South High School area all my life.
I am a candidate for a house seat in the state legislature for district nine,
in which I have lived for 37 years.
I am deeply troubled by runaway government on all fronts, local, statewide, and national.
I believe a Republican state legislature will be able to tackle
some of these local and state problems.
Crippling of energy exploration, extraction, and development has taken its toll.
The price of gasoline has forced prices to increase.
Democrats love red tape that hobbles success.
Now businesses are bullied into shaping their policies to earn
flattering environmental, social, governance scores (ESG),
to be given access to governmental services and banking.
If Republicans gain control of the Colorado State Legislature,
we can stop some of these encroaching policies.
We can also address some of the energy concerns, since Colorado
is a producer of both oil and natural gas.
Increase in crime in our state coupled with reduced
law enforcement has touched everyone's family.
Millions of taxpayer dollars in homeless aid, going to dozens of
organizations, does not solve the problem.
The problem is escalating.
This is why the state legislature needs to do a full
accounting of what is spent on homelessness at a state level.
They need to break down the success of each program
and allow citizens to have a voice in how these millions of dollars are spent.
Schools are not teaching our children to read comprehensively,
write coherently, solve math problems, and think critically.
School boards and the teacher's unions are not transparent about curriculums.
Having a conservative legislature will
be the first step in tackling the poor curriculum and wasteful spending by our schools.
Yard Signs
Some of the local house district candidates have yard signs available.
Ballots drop on Tuesday and should be hitting mailboxes by the end of next week.
Denver GOP also has yard signs for the larger races, like Jennifer Qualteri and Heidi Ganahl.
Contact your candidate directly through their websites or reply to this email with your request for yard signs.
Candidates taking contributions have yard signs (HD1, HD2, HD3, HD8, and CD1).
No October Happy Hour
We are canceling our October happy hour.
Candidates are working very hard to win.
Ballots drop in a few days, so we are in the homestretch.
Denver GOP's First Friday Breakfast will be held on November 4 as usual.
Many of these candidates are walking their districts.
Many have email newsletters.
Considering walking, sign-waving, or contributing in other ways to our slate of candidates:
Guillermo Diaz (HD1)
Stephanie Wheeler (HD2)
Marla Fernandez (HD3)
Jack Daus (HD4)
Johnnie Johnson (HD5)
Don Howell (HD6)
Hilleary Waters (HD8)
Dean Flanders (SD32)
Jennifer Qualteri (CD1 She's going to Washington, DC!)
Amy Naes (CU Regent)
Ballot Initiatives
The Executive Committee of the Denver Republican Party has reviewed all of the ballot
questions that appear on the 2022 Denver County ballot.
There was a general consensus on all of the of the questions except for Propositions 124 and 126.
For those questions the recommendations reflect a majority of the committee.
Please refer to the document on our website for further detail:
2022 Ballot Question Positions
Below is a snapshot of the recommendations:
STATE BALLOT ISSUES: Constitutional Amendments (need 55% to pass) |
Amendment D |
New 23rd Judicial District Judges |
No |
Amendment E |
Extend Homestead Exemption to Gold Star Spouses |
Yes |
Amendment F |
Changes to Charitable Gaming Operation |
No |
State Statute Changes (need simple majority) |
Proposition FF |
Healthy School Meals for All |
No |
Proposition GG |
Add Tax Information Table to Petitions and Ballots |
No |
Proposition 121 |
State Income Tax Rate Reduction |
Yes |
Proposition 122 |
Access to Natural Psychedelic Substances |
No |
Proposition 123 |
Dedicate Revenue for Affordable Housing Programs |
No |
Proposition 124 |
Increase Allowable Retail Liquor Store Locations |
No |
Proposition 125 |
Allow Grocery and Convenience Stores to Sell Wine |
Neutral |
Proposition 126 |
Third-party delivery of alcohol |
No |
Referred Question 2I |
Property tax increase for additional library funding |
No |
Referred Question 2J |
To Continue Climate Action sales tax of 0.25% |
No |
Referred Question 2K |
To continue 0.25% Homelessness resolution |
No |
Referred Question 2L |
Charter Amendment to revise election law |
No |
Initiated Ordinance 306 |
Recycling Mandate for multi-family residential, non-residential, construction and mobile food operators. |
No |
Initiated Ordinance 307 |
Ordinance to move sidewalk repair to the City and charge an UNSPECIFIED fee to property owners. |
No |
(Precinct 129 and part of 128 ONLY in Denver; also includes parts of Englewood and Littleton)
Ballot Issue 7A |
Removal of TaBOR Revenue Cap |
No |
Author of San Fransicko @ HD8 Meeting 10/20
Colorado State House District 8 has lined up a timely speaker for our 10/20 meeting!
Michael Shellenberger will talk about drug defelonization, bail and misdemeanor reform,
and the failures of housing first policies among other things.
It is no secret that the City and County of Denver is overrun with homeless.
Homelessness has become one of the biggest issues voters talk about when candidates walk door-to-door.
Shellenberger's research and book are as timely an issue as there has ever been.
Join us to learn from Shellenberger.
Bring your hardest questions for Michael.
Michael's bio: Michael Shellenberger is the best-selling author of San Fransicko and Apocalypse Never.
He is Founder and President of Environmental Progress,
an independent and nonprofit research organization that takes a balanced approach to environment issues.
For example, it exposes wildlife habitat encroachment by things like windmills and solar panels.
He also founded California Peace Coalition,
a nonprofit striving to reduce the amount of drug addiction with three steps:
- Close drug markets
- Psychiatry for all
- Shelter first
Join us in the Liberty Room on October 20,
at 6:30 p.m. of the Independence Institute.
727 East 16th Avenue
Denver, CO 80203
(Please use north entrance.)
There will be a little party business. Please come out to meet Hilleary Waters,
Republican Candidate running for Colorado House District 8
Ballot Clean Up
The following is provided by the Colorado Republican Party Election Integrity Team and the Denver Republican Party.
We need Colorado voters to follow this process for any mail ballots that
arrive for someone who does not reside at an address where they spend time, work, or receive mail.
This process will work for ballots sent to voters who are:
- Deceased
- Adult children who have moved away
- Previous residents who no longer live at an address
- Former residents of a health facility, group home, rehabilitation center
- Former college dormitory residents no longer living at that location
- Any mail ballot that goes to an address where a voter does not currently reside or receive mail
Follow these steps carefully for mail ballots that arrive at your residence or
mailing address ONLY for voters that do not reside there or receive mail there.
Read the entire directions here:
By taking these crucial steps now, fewer ballots will be sent out to incorrect addresses for the 2024 General Election.
Money Isn't Everything
Your contributions are deeply appreciated and make a difference!
Money isn't everything.
Volunteer hours are priceless.
We have some of the smartest, talented people voting Republican.
Unfortunately, because their time is so valuable, they don't get to donate their talents very often.
If you are one of those busy, talented people,
please consider donating money to the Denver Republican Committee.
Little gets accomplished without money.
At the same time, a little bit of money can go a
long way with your current, frugal, Denver GOP board.
We are raising money for text messaging and direct to voicemail calls.
For around ten cents we can reach out to our neighbors around Denver County.
For $10 we can connect with 100 people.
We are targeting Republicans who have stopped participating and unaffiliated voters.
Your donation lets voters know there are Republicans engaged and ready to serve.