Colleagues, Fellow Professionals and Friends,

This past April 15 was a memorable date, not because I filed my tax return, but because I met Randy Lewis, retired Walgreens Senior Vice President and author of  No Greatness without Goodness: How a Father's Love Changed a Company and Sparked a Movement .

I have been working my way through Randy's book, reading about how life changed for him with the birth of his s on, Austin, who has autism. Austin not only changed Randy's  world, he became the catalyst for change at Walgreens when the company made a strategic choice to hire workers with disabilities.

One of the things that struck me in the book was the phrase: When the map and the terrain differ, go with the terrain . Randy said, "Early in my career, my coworkers came up with this adage about dealing with choices...It seemed as if our lives had been blown off course and we had crash-landed in unchartered territory. We didn't know what lay ahead. It wasn't what we wanted or expected. But we had to press on." Think about that in your world of banking.

You have a map for successfully running a bank in your community, but then comes new regulations for consumer residential loans or market downturns that affect your commercial loan portfolio. These things aren't in your map.  T he banking terrain has changed. What do you do? 

You press on. Fortunately, some things on the map remain unchanged. North is still north. Sound banking principles are still true. You do your best to comply with new regulations. You keep managing your loan files. You track collateral. You touch base with your borrowers. You reach out to your trusted partners, like ABS, for solutions to help you press on in new terrain. That's why we are here - to help you with technology and consulting solutions to meet the challenges of new terrain.

I hope this edition of 
BankLine  has many items of interest for you. 


James W. Bruce, III
CEO and General Counsel, American Bank Systems SpotlightMarch

Why Choose BankManager® Elite?

Want to eliminate the need for your filing cabinets? Save time? Obtain more detailed easy-to-understand reporting? Upgrade your current system? Then BankManager® Elite is for you!

Still a comprehensive workstation for lenders and customer service representatives as with BankManager® Pro, BankManager® Elite features a new and improved reporting engine, faster deployment across multiple desktops and an easy-to-use favorites button for custom customer lists along with other premium features. 

With BankManager® Elite, documents, loans, accounts and collateral are self-sufficient, with the ability to stand on their own or be indexed to any customer. Collateral is completely user-defined but will come pre-set based on each bank's policy.

With an improved report design for information organization, BankManager® Elite features more detailed reporting for user logging and the ability to customize and save report filters for any report per user. Dashboard reports can quickly and efficiently yield instant information pertaining to user history, account details and exception management.

Featuring unlimited custom user permission groups, permissions can be set to show, hide or block any clickable item on any screen. The new imaging engine introduces more features for editing documents, including the ability to drag and drop documents.

Want to see for yourself? Request a BankManager® Elite demo today by signing up here: 

Jeff Johnson: Project Manager/Installation & Training

Most of us know Jeff Johnson as ABS' project manager for installation and training, but to others, he's a science fiction fantasy author, Suzuki enthusiast and a dad of four. 

An ABS associate for the past four years, Jeff recently led a team that converted the hardware, software and business processes for eight warehouse distribution centers within one year without losing any customers or employees, an experience he calls his greatest industry achievement. 

An Oklahoma City native, Jeff attended college in both California and Texas, where he studied business administration with an emphasis on information systems. During his time in California, Jeff had the opportunity to work with production companies for television shows and movies, where he met the stars of several famous productions including Midway, Nightmare on Elm Street and Outlaws

Check out these recent posts to our Compliance Blog by our very own team of compliance specialists.
Customer Due Diligence for Beneficial Owners
By: Elva Coffry-Sears
Posted May 23, 2016

FinCEN published it's final Customer Due Diligence Requirements for Financial Institutions rule in the Federal Register on May 11, 2016. While the rule is effective July 11, 2016, covered institutions have until May 11, 2018 to comply. 

The new rule requires covered institutions (including banks and vendor brokers or dealers) to expand the Customer Identification Program (CIP0 section of their AML Programs to include written procedures that are reasonable designed to identify and verify beneficial owners of legal entity customers at the time a new account is opened.  [Read More]

New Prepaid Card Guidance
By: Elva Coffey-Sears 
Posted May 13, 2016

The regulatory agencies issued new guidance on March 21, 2016 that may require banks to enhance their Customer Identification Program (CIP) when issuing prepaid cards. The guidance indicates general purpose prepaid cards that can be reloaded by the cardholder or another party on behalf of the cardholder, which will create a formal banking relationship equivalent to opening a traditional deposit, loan or transaction account. 

This will require the issuing bank to perform CIP procedures on any purchasers who have not already been identified as existing customers. This new requirement may also apply in certain circumstances when issuing payroll or government benefit prepaid cards if the cardholder is allowed to reload the card from sources other than an employer or government agency. The guidance also clarifies that certain prepaid cards issued under an arrangement with third party program managers that sell, distribute or market the prepaid cards are subject to CIP requirements.  [Read More]
BankManager HR: Simplify Your Human Resources Department 
By: Benjy Cook
Posted May 10, 2016

A community bank's human resources (HR) department is usually handled by someone in the bank operations area who may not always be educated on the exact HR documents, maintaining employee files can be over-burdensome. 

Need a better system? BankManager HR is an electronic file system specifically designed for the human resources department that streamlines this important function, automatically providing knowledge needed for required HR documents. BankManager HR allows the bank to create an employee file with required documentation for new employees and alerts the HR officer when future documentation is needed. There are three separate files, one with employee information, one with medical information and one with I-9 information. All imaged are PDF files stored inside the database for maximum security.  [Read More]

Schedule Reports in BankManager® Elite
Generating Exception Reports on a regular basis is simple and worry free in BankManager® Elite!  BankManager® Elite allows the user to actually schedule exception reports and all other reports.  This feature allows the user to set up and save the desired report and select a customized schedule by hour, day, week or month.  The scheduling feature offers two report delivery options, including email.  Imagine simply receiving your report via email exactly when you need it, and/or even copying others to receive the report as well!
To find out more about using scheduling Reports in BankManager® Elite, please consult the BankManager® Elite User Guide or contact our ABS Customer Care Team at (405) 607-7000.

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