A Litany of Renewal
Son of the Living God:
our God of power and might,
of love, grace and mercy; by whose spoken word
the world came into being
and without whose guidance
we are lost;
we stand in awe of you
and in adoration lift our voices to you:
We thank you for the people of Sierra Leone.
Come, Lord Jesus.
Come and make Sierra Leone
a better place for the people there
and for their children.
You have given them a wonderful country
with lovely landscapes, a coast with beautiful beaches,
enough rain and sunshine, green vegetation,
fertile land and mineral resources,
enough to make each family happy.
We pray with them,
“Somehow Lord,
greed, selfishness and corruption overtake us and destroy us;
we confess our manifold sins.”
We lift up our voices to you:
Come, Lord Jesus. Come and make Sierra Leone a better place for the people there and for their children.
After a decade of maiming, killing and destruction
with deadly weapons of war,
a once beautiful country is scarred, disfigured and devastated.
A part of Africa is still groping in darkness.
Teach them to let go of the old
and let you into their lives and daily work.
(© Sahr Kemoore Salia, General Secretary, Council of Churches in Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone)