Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our global Baptist family and for God's work around the world. If you pray along with us weekly, you will pray for every country in the world each year!

Do you have a personal prayer request today? Your global Baptist family stands ready to intercede for you as well. Click the button below to share a prayer need.

3 BWA Member Bodies

Myanmar Baptist Convention
  • 5,319 Churches
  • 1,710,441 Members
Self Supporting Kayin Baptist Mission Society
  • 97 Churches
  • 14,478 Members
Zomi Baptist Convention of Myanmar
  • 190 Churches
  • 15,777 Members
After a military coup in February, the people of Myanmar continue to face incredible hardship – including the burning of homes and churches in Chin State just weeks ago.
We give thanks for the resources to send BWAid emergency grants to Myanmar Baptists responding to COVID-19 and for the faithful ministry of these leaders during this challenging time. 

We pray for Baptists in Myanmar as they continue to live out their faith in the face of violence and unrest. Join us in prayer specifically for Pastor Song, his family, and his release after he was unjustly arrested a few weeks ago and sentenced to seven years in prison without a trial.
Stand Together with the People of Myanmar
If you would like more information on ways you can support our Baptist family in Myanmar at this critical time, visit our website to browse a variety of resources.

5 BWA Member Bodies

12th District of Church of Christ in Thailand
  • 130 Churches
  • 10,615 Members
Kawthoolei Karen Baptist Churches
  • 96 Churches
  • 14,230 Members
Thailand Baptist Convention
  • 180 Churches
  • 23,000 Members
Thailand Karen Baptist Convention
  • 219 Churches
  • 41,566 Members
Thailand Lahu Baptist Convention
  • 95 Churches
  • 9,078 Members
Pictured here are members of Kawthoolei Karen Baptist Churches. This is one of our newest member bodies based in Mae Sot, Thailand. Find out more in the press release welcoming this new group to the global Baptist family.
We give thanks for the opportunity to partner with the Thailand Lahu Baptist Convention to translate health education resources into the Lahu language in response to COVID-19. 
It is estimated that over 425,000 people in Thailand are living in slavery, and approximately three million migrant workers have been forced into labor or sex trafficking. Join us in prayer for Baptist leaders as they seek to be voices of hope and instruments of change in the face of this injustice.
If you are looking for a meaningful Christmas gift, would you consider supporting the projects outlined in our linked Christmas Gift Guide?

Whether giving together as a family project, church group initiative, or in honor of a friend or loved one, your gift will have kingdom impact. 
A Prayer from Myanmar

Give us this day our daily bread.
All good gifts of the earth come from your generous hands, God.
Yet, this abundance is not shared equally among us.
While some are satisfied, others are starving.
Women often become the victims of exploitation 
because they are desperate to feed and care for their children.
If only we would be mindful that each and every one of us must pray:
Give us this day our daily bread.

(World Day of Prayer Committee of Myanmar © 1989 World Day of Prayer International Committee.)