Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our global Baptist family and for God's work around the world. If you pray along with us weekly, you will pray for every country in the world each year!

Do you have a personal prayer request today? Your global Baptist family stands ready to intercede for you as well. Click the button below to share a prayer need.

3 BWA Member Bodies
Bangladesh Baptist Church Fellowship
  • 535 Churches
  • 54,500 Members

Bangladesh Baptist Church Sangha
  • 387 Churches
  • 26,093 Members

Garo Baptist Convention, Bangladesh
  • 159 Churches
  • 13,300 Members

Pictured are images from the 100-year anniversary celebration of the Bangladesh Baptist Church Fellowship attended by General Secretary Elijah Brown in 2019.
Join us in giving thanks for the 100+ years of impact Baptists have had in Bangladesh.

Join us in praying for God's provision for those living in poverty before the pandemic who are now enduring even more difficult circumstances.


1 BWA Member Body
Nepal Baptist Church Council
  • 246 Churches
  • 20,971 Members

General Secretary Emeritus Denton Lotz and his son Carsten traveled to Nepal in 2018 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Nepal Baptist Church Council.
Join us in thanking God for fruitful church planting initiatives in Nepal with more than 15 new churches added since 2018.
A variant of COVID-19 is spreading at a rapid pace, leaving Nepal with a higher per capita mortality rate than neighboring India. Join us in prayer for protection from further spread and for healing for those battling the virus.
Join us also in prayer for the people of Bhutan. Pray for effective missional efforts within this country in which Christianity is not a recognized religion. 
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a devastating impact across the globe with healthcare infrastructures on the brink of collapse in both India and Brazil. On a recent Baptist World Aid (BWAid) coordination call, it was reported that more than 50 pastors have passed away among our member bodies in India in the last month alone. Working in collaboration with Asia Pacific Baptist Aid (APBAid), the BWA is offering financial support and care for the pastors' families in addition to pledging funds to two Baptist hospitals in northeast India. We are simultaneously pursuing partnerships in Brazil to provide assistance where most needed. Please continue to pray for an end to this pandemic and give as you feel led to support our continued response at this crucial time.
As part of our Global Impact Initiative, we invite you to join us this month for the Go Movement, a united effort to mobilize and equip every believer to witness and reach the world together. We invite you to write down the names of five people who need Jesus, invest time in prayer, and then look for opportunities to share the Gospel with them. Imagine how the world would change if we each reach one for Christ! To access Global Impact Month resources or to sign up to participate, visit
Prayer from the Sunrise Office

O compassionate Lord,
I would prefer power over the storm,
a secure home,
a life protected from the winds.

But help me to live with storms,
shelter with friends,
see my plans broken
but not my life:
rebuilt again and again from the earth.

(Bangladesh. Dear Life, J. Morley, J. Ward and H. Wild, eds © Christian Aid 1998. Used with permission)