We are grateful for your prayers!
Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our worldwide Baptist family and for God's work around the globe. If you pray along with us weekly, you will be able to pray for every part of the world each year!

1 Member Body
Malaysia Baptist Convention
  • 185 Churches
  • 29,771 Members

Pictured is a time of worship from the 2019 Annual Messenger Conference with the theme: "United We Are Strong."
Please join us in thanking God for former BWA Vice President John Kok, a passionate supporter of emerging leaders, who will be a keynote speaker at the upcoming Baptist World Congress in July 2020.

Please join us in prayer for those leading the 60th Malaysia Baptist Youth Camp on December 11-14 and for a fruitful time for the youth who are attending.

1 Member Body
Singapore Baptist Convention
  • 37 Churches
  • 10,000 Members

Singapore Baptists welcomed 2,500 delegates from 64 countries at the last Baptist World Youth Conference in July 2013.
Join us in thanking God for the leadership of Edwin Lam, President of the Asia Pacific Baptist Federation, one of the six regional fellowships of the BWA.
Join us in prayer for opportunities to minister to the many immigrants relocating to Singapore in search of economic stability.
We also join together in prayer this week for the people of Brunei.
Members of the BWA Team enjoyed attending and leading a breakout session at the Baptist General Convention of Texas Annual Meeting in Waco, Texas, USA, last week. It's always encouraging to connect with our Baptist brothers and sisters around the world, including Stephen and Beverly Stookey who will be joining us in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the 22nd Baptist World Congress in July 2020.

It was also a blessing to hear Dr. Meredith Stone, member of the BWA Commission on Christian Ethics, speak at the Texas Baptist Women in Ministry Breakfast in Waco, Texas, this week.
Pray for Elijah Brown and the BWA staff to have a restful and renewing time with family and friends during the Thanksgiving holiday in the USA.
A Prayer from Malaysia

O God of Life,
you have placed us on this earth to usher in Your Kingdom of love and compassion.
Forgive us when our social witness has failed to build bridges of peace and understanding among all peoples.

Let there be growing spaces of understanding, tolerance and harmony among the different ethnic and religious communities.

Grant that Your church in Malaysia will deepen its influence to work for peace, to be prophetic in calling for justice and caring in sustaining a sharing fellowship with all people.

So rule our hearts and prosper our endeavours of good,
to the honor of Your Holy name, Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray.

( © 2014 Council of Churches in Malaysia )