A Prayer for Justice
Hear, O God, the cries of your oppressed people.
It is a fight between good and evil,
between justice and injustice.
Lord, make your light shine upon us,
and guide us by your Spirit,
for we are cast down, but not defeated,
afflicted, but not in despair.
This is not a fight against flesh and blood,
but against principalities,
against powers,
against the hosts of evil in heavenly places.
Come, Lord, free us from the yoke of oppression
that has been laid upon us!
It is as if we were in a dark tunnel,
but we know that in your light we shall see light.
Do not leave us in the hands of our enemies,
who have joined against us,
all those who selfishly seek their own good
and act violently, trampling over their neighbours,
so as to reach their goals.
They thus hate justice,
they wish to devour us, destroy us,
day and night they are plotting evil.
Why do you tarry, Lord, in making your power felt?
They put their trust in money,
in influence, in bribery…
But we, Lord, put our trust in you,
our salvation comes from you.
May those who desire evil for us
be confounded and put to shame.
(Mendelson Dávila Amaya, Nicaragua)