Nominations for Young Lawyer of the Year
and Mentor of the Year now being accepted
Young Lawyer of the Year Nominations
The 2023 Young Lawyer of the Year Award will be presented at the 2023 State Bar Annual Meeting held at the Greenbrier Resort on Sunday, March 26, 2023.
Mail nominations to: The West Virginia State Bar/Young Lawyer Award, 2000 Deitrick Boulevard, Charleston, WV 25311 or submit by email to pickensmj@wvbar.org.
Mentor of the Year Nominations
The 2023 Mentor of the Year Award will be presented at the 2023 State Bar Annual Meeting held at the Greenbrier Resort on Sunday, March 26, 2023. Mail nominations to: The West Virginia State Bar/Mentor of the Year Award, 2000 Deitrick Boulevard, Charleston, WV 25311 or submit by email to pickensmj@wvbar.org.
Nominations must be received by
noon on Friday, February 24, 2023
The Administrative Office of The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia has set the interest rate at 7.00% for judgments and decrees entered during the 2023 calendar year.
Request for Public Comment on Proposed Amendments to
Rule 1.1 Membership of the West Virginia Rules of
Judicial Disciplinary Procedure
On December 19 , 2022, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia approved a 30-day period of public comment on proposed amendments to Rule 1.1 of the Rules of Judicial Disciplinary Procedure, Membership of the Judicial Investigation Commission. All comments must be filed in writing with the Clerk of the Court through File and Serve Express on or before January 18, 2023.
Executive Director Position
The West Virginia Bar Association, through its Executive Council, is seeking an Executive Director.
Letters of interest with a curriculum vitae including professional references and availability are to be sent no later than January 31, 2023, to Sandra M. Chapman, President, WVBA, at smchapman@cclawpllc.com
CLE Rule Spotlight
Reporting Tip
Administrative Rule 6.08(d) outlines the basic approval standards for a CLE course and it states “(t)o be approved, a course shall have significant intellectual or practical content; it shall deal primarily with matter directly related to the practice of law (which includes professional responsibility and office practice); it shall be taught by persons who are qualified by practical or academic experience in the subjects covered and must include the distribution of high quality written materials pertaining to the subjects covered.”
In accordance with the requirements outlined in this rule, the Individual Course Approval Application requires an attorney to attach (1) a detailed, timed agenda (so that credit requests can be calculated and course content can be verified); (2) speaker bios (so that speaker qualifications can be verified) and (3) written course materials for a course. Please make sure that you have all of these attachments before submitting an application for CLE credit. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. If any of the attachments are too large for the application size limitations they can be emailed directly to the Compliance Coordinator at volka@wvbar.org but the CLE course approval application itself must still be submitted via the online member portal.
Unpacking Hidden Prejudice and Understanding Privilege
February 8, 2023
Host: WV State Bar Minority Lawyers Committee
CLE: Credits Pending
Location: In-person at the State Bar Center, Large Lower Level Conference Room, Charleston and via video conference.
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Speaker: Shante Ellis, Director of the YWCA Racial Equity and Inclusion Program.
Registration closes February 3, 2023
Facility Details: Due to limited capacity for live attendance at the State Bar Center, registration is limited to the first 35 registrants.
Attendance via webinar is also limited to the first 500 registrants. There is an increased interest in attending webinars, therefore, you are encouraged to register early to secure a link to attend virtually. All attendees, whether in person or virtual, will receive an email confirming registration. If you do not receive a confirmation of registration, you will not be able to participate in the seminar on the day of presentation.
Note to those attending in person: If you are unable to use the stairs from the first floor to the lower level, please drive down the driveway on the left-side of the Bar Center and enter the building at the bottom of the driveway. Handicap accessible restrooms are available. If you need other assistance, please contact the State Bar 304-553-7220, in advance of the meeting, so arrangements can be made with you.
March 2-5, 2023
Hosts: West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia & Tennessee Lawyers Assistance Programs Location: Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center, Roanoke, Virginia
CLE: 16.80 WV credits in ethics
West Virginia State Bar Annual Meeting
March 26-27, 2023
Host: West Virginia State Bar
Location: The Greenbrier Resort, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Cost: $180 Banquet only, $150 CLE Program only, or $330 Sunday Banquet and Monday CLE program
CLE: Pending
Schedule of Activities:
Sunday, March 26 -
5:30-7:00 p.m. Attorney and Judicial Welcome Reception and sponsor displays.
7:00-9:30 p.m. Annual Banquet and sponsor displays ($180 per person)
Monday, March 27 -
8:00-9:00 a.m. Registration and sponsor displays
9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Continuing Legal Education Program ($150, includes a box lunch)
State Bar Members who are employed as Federal/State Public Defenders, Federal/State Court Law Clerks, and/or with Legal Aid of WV are offered a special discounted rate of $50 for the March 27 Seminar. Click Here to Register as for the Seminar.
Accommodations: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Greenbrier Resort for $199/night for a Traditional Room (plus resort and historic preservation fees and applicable taxes). This rate is good for the nights of Saturday, March 25 – Monday, March 27. Please call reservations at (855) 441-2078. Reservations must be made by Wednesday, February 22, 2023.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hampton Inn, Lewisburg for $119/night. This rate is good for the nights of Saturday, March 25 – Sunday, March 26. Please call (304) 645-7300 and mention the West Virginia State Bar or use group code CHHWVB when booking online. Reservations must be made by Saturday, February 25, 2023.
Save the Date
March 26, 2023
West Virginia State Bar Young Lawyer Section
Bridge the Gap Program
To be held in conjunction with the West Virginia State Bar Annual Meeting
About: Each new lawyer admitted to practice between July 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020 will have thirty-six months after their date of admission to complete the program. All new lawyers admitted on or after January 1, 2021 will have twenty-four months after their date of admission to complete the program.
Host: WV State Bar Young Lawyer Section
Location: The Greenbrier Resort, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Cost: Free
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Registration and Agenda coming soon
Only members admitted after July 1, 2018 or attorneys admitted prior to July 1, 2018, who have not previously completed the Bridge the Gap requirements, may attend the live course and satisfy the mandatory Bridge the Gap requirements.
Save the Date
West Virginia Bar Association Annual Meeting
August 17-19, 2023
(NOTE: This is not the WV State Bar's Annual Meeting)
The West Virginia State Bar
*You are receiving this email because you have elected to receive the Bar-Blast from the WV State Bar. To change you email address or manage your email subscriptions, you must log into the Membership Portal at mywvbar.org. This mailing list is updated weekly.
Using the link below to unsubscribe from the bar blast will stop all important notices regarding membership payment and CLE deadlines, in addition to the weekly bar blast.