Central Strike Votes Being Held in September and October
Members were advised in CB eNewsletters sent in August that ETFO would be holding central strike votes in September and through October. Central strike votes will take place at member information meetings from September 18 until October 17, where a confidential bargaining update will be provided and the reasons for taking central strike votes will be discussed.
If it has not already done so, your ETFO local will be sending you more information very shortly about the date, time and location of your central strike vote meeting. As ETFO receives information about confirmed strike vote dates/times/locations, the information will be posted on a Strike Vote Calendar located on ETFO’s Collective Bargaining website (etfocb.ca).
General information about the central strike vote, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are also posted on the CB website.
ETFO’s Application for Conciliation
On August 29, ETFO members were advised in a CB eNewsletter that, given the unacceptably slow pace of bargaining, especially with respect to Teacher/Occasional Central Table, ETFO would be applying for conciliation with the Minister of Labour.
ETFO’s application will allow the Minister of Labour to appoint a conciliation officer who will attempt to assist parties in reaching tentative agreements, but has no authority in the decision-making process (i.e., the conciliator cannot force the parties to accept an agreement).
We anticipate that the Minister of Labour will appoint a conciliator shortly.
‘Frequently Asked Questions’ about the conciliation process have been posted on ETFOs’ Collective Bargaining website.
Bargaining on September 6
Filing for conciliation does not preclude ETFO from meeting with the government/school board teams without the conciliation officer. As a result, ETFO proceeded with its scheduled central bargaining date on September 6.
The day was divided between ETFO’s two central tables; we engaged in Education Worker bargaining in the morning and Teacher/Occasional Teacher bargaining in the afternoon.
As members have been advised, bargaining has been stalled at both tables (Teacher/Occasional Teacher, Education Worker) for several months. However, ETFO’s announcement of strike votes and filing for conciliation seems to have focussed the attention of government bargaining representatives because during our September 6 bargaining date we saw reinvigorated progress at the Education Worker Central Table, and the first sign of any positive movement at the Teacher/Occasional Teacher Central Table during this bargaining round.
ETFO Central Bargaining Bulletin #9, which will include more detailed information about recent bargaining progress, will be distributed to members later this week through local communication channels.
Additional Central Bargaining Dates Scheduled
Six additional central bargaining dates have been scheduled for September and October:
- September 19, 21, 22
- October 6, 20, 27
Questions About Bargaining, Strike Votes or Conciliation?
Do you have a question about bargaining, strike votes, conciliation, etc., but aren’t sure where to get an answer? Contact us!
Click here to access the Contact Us option on ETFO’s Collective Bargaining website. We’ll respond to your question within 48 hours.