

Barkley's Vision:

Every child is a reader, and every child is a book owner.

Barkley's Mission:

Enriching children's love of reading by providing books that they can call their own.




Brenda Polivka


Barkley's Bookshelf

January 2025

Hello, friends! Greetings in the new year! All of us at Barkley’s Bookshelf are excited for 2025

and eagerly anticipate the book joy we will spread to young readers in our community and

beyond. Established programs such as our Book Fairs and Book Bundles will continue, and we

will introduce new programming in the coming months.

Because of your belief in our mission last year was

a time of impact and growth. We served approximately 2,900 children, reaching a larger number of young readers than ever before. Books distributed through Book Fairs increased by 25% and

books distributed via Book Bundles increased by 76%. We reached a milestone of 10,000+ books

distributed since inception in mid-year, and finished out the year with a total of 13,400+ books

distributed since March of 2022!

These landmarks were reached because someone like YOU cared about children’s literacy. Our

supporters encouragement was noted through the increase in virtual book drives and new

volunteers at our events. An increase in monetary donations and grants, up by 40% over the

previous year, demonstrated belief in our work. The end result of this generosity can be viewed through the stories and pictures in this issue of our newsletter which highlight the happiness found in selecting books to keep forever.

Thank you for being a part of our Vision: Every child is a reader, and every child is a book


Yours in reading,



Bang Elementary Book Fair



The book fair at Bang Elementary was a success, marking a significant milestone in our partnership with a Title 1 school. This is our second book fair with Bang Elementary, and the collaboration with the CFISD District Elementary librarian is a testament to our commitment to reaching more of the students we speak of in our mission.

Cy Fair Helping Hands Client Christmas Party Book Fair



Thanks to our volunteers and NCL, inc., Texas Diamonds chapter for volunteering! Barkley's Bookshelf provided enough books so that each child received FIVE books, a bookmark and a sturdy tote bag for storage! This event is always filled with energy and excitement and literature.

Photo credit: Daniel Arizpe

Dear Brenda,

Cy-Fair Helping Hands is so very grateful for your dedication to improving literacy among at-risk children in our community.

Because of you and Barkley's Bookshelf, this year's Client Christmas Party was even more special! The excitement and joy on the faces of the children as they selected books filled the hearts of our families and volunteers with the spirit of the Christmas season!

Gratefully, Pat Hudson

Cy-Fair Helping Hands

Book Bundles

Book Bundles are a way for Barkley's Bookshelf to fulfill our mission when Book Fairs are not an option. New books are provided to these partners as appropriate.

Carrying Hope Houston 2024


Barkley's Bookshelf is proud to partner with Carrying Hope Houston, providing them with Book Bundles for their clients in the foster care system. In 2024, we donated an average of two hundred books per month, as they allocated two books per child, from birth to teenagers. This partnership reflects Barkley's mission, and we are delighted to share it with Carrying Hope Houston.

Book Bundle for California

We are reminded that books can ALWAYS help. Can a book bring comfort? Yes. Can a book bring relaxation? Yes. Can a book provide an escape? Yes. So, we do what we can do. At Barkley’s Bookshelf, distributing free books is our thing, our way to make a difference. In that light, we have donated 100 new books and bookmarks to the Santa Monica Family YMCA Early Learning Center to bring hope to children in this and surrounding communities.

Grant Award

Barkley's Bookshelf is delighted to be the recipient of five grants from Walmart locations in our book distribution area, totaling $4,450.00! These grants will help us restock our inventory and prepare for our first Summer Reading Program!

Book Drives

Virtual book drives sponsored by a group, company, or organization are a fun way to unite and provide much-needed books for our Book Fairs and Book Bundles. Using our curated lists through Amazon and Wal-Mart, the process is easy, and the excitement is contagious.

Book Drive


Barkley's Bookshelf is always seeking invested volunteers who appreciate children, children's literature, and the joy that connects the two. If you want to become a Book Fair volunteer or serve in another capacity, please get in touch with us,,

Your contribution will bring smiles and inspiration to many young minds.


Monetary donations are always needed as Barkley's Bookshelf strives to provide new books for our students' personal libraries. For many of our students, this will be their first opportunity to choose and keep a book. Your donation is not just a gift, it's a commitment to their future. Barkley's provides bookmarks and sturdy tote bags for their new literary treasures. Donate

Facebook Fundraiser

Barkley's Bookshelf is an approved non-profit if you would like to host an online fundraiser through their platform. By hosting a fundraiser, you can directly contribute to our mission of promoting children's literacy and book ownership. Facebook Fundraising

Amazon Wishlist

Click here to support Barkley's Bookshelf with Book Donations.
Visit our *NEW Walmart Registry to support Barkley's Bookshelf with Book Donations

Kendra Scott GIVEBACK Dates Scheduled for 2025

  • February 7th from 4-6

*see flyer below for online code

  • May 4th from 2-4
  • October 19th from 2-4
  • December 20th from 2-4

We are thrilled to partner with

Kendra Scott, Towne Lake Cypress, for more KENDRA SCOTT giveback events. Save these dates for your shopping, as Kendra Scott will donate 20% of sales to Barkley's Bookshelf. Online codes will be available. Watch email and social media for more details about each event. These donations provide funding for books, tote bags, and bookmarks for our book fairs!

Something to think about:


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