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Barn Moving - Summer of 2023

Dear Ricardo and Beth,

Two brothers owned farms on either side of US27 near Lexington, Kentucky. When one farm sold, they made arrangements to move a barn to the other farm. Our welcome back to Kentucky in August included seeing the barn all loaded up and ready cross the road. The process wasn't easy, they had to load the barn onto a truck, move telephone wires, build up the road, stop traffic, etc., etc.

You may ask, what does barn moving in Kentucky have to do with the Gomezes ministry in Latin America? Well, there have been so many changes in our family lately that it feels like we've been moving a barn. We spent a nice summer together. During that our vacation in June, Juliana told us that she really wasn't happy at her university and had decided to transfer to a college in Kentucky. So, suddenly we found ourselves packing up both kids and moving them to Kentucky. Jonathan began his senior year last week and Juliana applied for, was accepted and received 100% financial aid to attend a community college that is connected with UK. Jonathan continues to live with his unle and family, Juliana is living with her grandparents. It feels like our barn has just been moved from Colombia to Kentucky! We are excited about the opportunities this provides for both kids, and invite you to pray with us for their adaptation into healthy adulthood (and our adaptation to empty nesting).


In ministry we have experienced a lot of change (some of it of barn moving proportions) and much growth. We invite you to watch a report on that in this video created for the Free Methodist General Conference that we attended in July. Just click on the picture below!

Moving Summer Meetings




Ricardo was in Venezuela in July for not-one-but-two annual meetings. During that time he ordained 4 people and received 16 conference ministerial candidates. He visited the medical clinics, the school and even had time to play goalie with a group from the soccer club that reaches 500 kids with the message of the Gospel!

The growth of the church in Venezuela is exciting, representing nearly half of the new believers through the Community Church Planting movement. Established church membership is also growing substantially!

Pray that God will continue to bring restoration in a country with such great need!

In July we participated in the General Conference of the FMC. Pastor John Jairo Leal was invited to preach from the main stage the first night. He and translator Pastor, Missionary and Mission District Leader Thad Roller set the tone for "igniting a Spirit-fueled movement" (the theme of the conference) and perfectly demonstrated the Latin American commitment to collaboration & teamwork!

It was a great week connection and change! The biggest change was the bishops. We are grateful for Bishop Linda Adams' service to the area but also look forward to forging a new relationship with Bishop-Elect Kaye Kolde. Please pray for that transition of leadership.

In August Ricardo was back home in Medellin where the Colombian annual meeting was hosted.

He said, "it was a great, great annual meeting and a great celebration of the diversity of Colombia." In fact he called it a beautiful tapestry of different ethnicities, young and old, women and men. He had the pleasure of ordaining two women there.

They also commissioned Pastor Anthony and Lizeth Owens to begin FM work in Panamá. This ministry will be overseen by the Colombian Mission District. It is an exciting change! Please pray that God will open doors for this couple as they expand the FMC into a new country.

The Barn Moving Team

Not only does moving a barn require a lot of process, it also requires a team...a team of farmers, professional movers, road builders, electrical line technicians, police to stop traffic, foundation builders, etc. We've learned that moving kids into adulthood also requires a team...a team of family members, friends, pastors, teachers, employers, praying people, etc.

The Mission of God is like that! Jesus commissioned us to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). It is a big task with lots of moving parts...but He never called us to do it alone! He calls a team of people from all walks of life, each with a different role to play. He has specifically called us to serve Latin America, to serve alongside a great team of people (some of whom are pictured below) who are multiplying committed disciples and He has called you to participate in that...some of you are praying, some of you are giving, some of you are coming alongside in different ways. Thank you for giving to the Lord!

It takes a long time to move a barn, which might explain the legnth of this newsletter. However, I don't want to leave you hungry for a richer experience of what God is doing in Latin America. If you don't have time now, set aside 40 minutes to an hour and come back to watch Pastor John Jairo Leal's sermon at GC23 by clicking on the button below. (The sermon begins at 18:35.)

What God is doing Latin America is exciting..and you are an important part of it because we are all His witnesses! For all of this and so much more, we give God the glory and we are confident that He who began a good work in all of us, will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).

God bless you and thank you for your partnership in ministry,

Ricardo, Beth, Juliana & Jonathan Gómez

Watch the GC23 Service Here
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