E-Newsletter . Issue 274 . July 9, 2020

Welcome to the Barnstable County Department of Human Services' E-Newsletter. This bi-weekly newsletter is designed to provide timely information on health and human service topics of interest for people living and working in Barnstable County. For additional information visit the Department website at   www.bchumanservices.net
Baker-Polito Administration Announces Crisis Counseling Assistance Program Call 888-215-4920 for Assistance 
As part of its efforts to support the behavioral health needs of Massachusetts residents during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the availability of a new crisis counseling assistance program. The new program, MassSupport, is funded through a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) made available through the federal disaster declaration. Riverside Community Care is providing the crisis counseling under contract with the Department of Mental Health Anyone in the state can call 888-215-4920 to be connected with local mental health support. Counseling is available in English and Spanish. Learn more  HERE
Census and Seasonality - Playing a Significant Role in Response Rates
Click HERE to see live map of self-response rate in Barnstable County by Census tract.

The deadline for responding to the Census has been extended through October 31, 2020 .  

Please pass along this information and link below to your networks, urging all to respond to the Census.
Request for Proposals-Town of Chatham, FY 2022 Human Services Grant Program

Town of Chatham Human Services Grant Program FY 2022
The Town of Chatham is soliciting funding requests from Human Services agencies serving the residents of Chatham for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022. Human Services Grant Funds will be allocated by the Town to support the overall operations of agencies which provide services to local residents.

Proposal guidelines are available via email to snealy@chatham-ma.gov (preferred) or by calling 508-945-5105.

Sealed proposals clearly marked: “Proposal – Human Services Grant Program” must be received at the Town Manager’s Office, 549 Main Street Chatham, MA 02633 prior to 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 6, 2020.

The Town of Chatham reserves the right to reject any and all proposals if it is deemed in the best interest of the Town.
Town of Falmouth Human Services Department RePosts a Request for Proposals for Fiscal Year 2021
The Fund for Sandwich

In March, at the onset of this terrible pandemic, The Fund for Sandwich, a town fund under the auspices of The Cape Cod Foundation, established a Rapid Response Fund to provide grants to help nonprofit organizations deliver their services - often in new and innovative ways - to residents of our community impacted by COVID-19. 
Housing Assistance is Here for You

We are encouraging everyone who is struggling to afford their housing to contact Housing Assistance to see if they are eligible for any of the many different relief programs available. If you need help, please don't wait to contact us. And please share this information with your clients, neighbors, and members of your congregation, social group or organization.
What's Happening at Cape Abilities!

Cape Abilities was founded more than 50 years ago by people with a purpose to stand up and fight against social injustices and systemic oppression in our society; we carry their mission forward. Every one of us plays an important role in standing up for those who are discriminated against. Cape Abilities stands against the injustices that unrightfully ended the lives of George Floyd, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and the far too many lives that have been wrongfully ended.
Home Buyer Applications are Open for Orleans

Applications available for one new affordable 
Habitat for Humanity 2-bedroom
homes located at 15 Quanset Road in Orleans

Application deadline is Friday, July 24, 2020 .

Detailed information and application available  HERE  
Cape Cod Dispute Resolution Center, Inc. d/b/a Cape Mediation
is now on AmazonSmile

Many of us do more and more of our shopping online. Now you can help Cape Mediation while shopping for groceries, computers, clothing, or just about anything you might want on Amazon!
COVID-19 Test Site Locator


This map provides an easy way to locate a COVID-19 test site near you. All of those experiencing symptoms or those who have been in close contact recently with a COVID positive individual should seek testing.
Human Services own unsung hero Vaira Harik, Deputy Director

A shout out of thanks to everyone who has helped distribute PPE and supplies to child care programs across the state as they officially reopen! Pictured here is Deputy Director for Barnstable County Department of Human Services Vaira Harik, who came with her trailer and her mom to distribute PPE to child care programs re-opening on CapeCod . Vaira has been one of the many unsung heroes in our community working tirelessly throughout the pandemic. On a daily basis Vaira has been providing updates on Barnstable County and State of MA Epi Curves (New Cases, and Deaths), Hospitals' C19-Related Occupancy (BC Only) and we thank her for all her efforts.
SHINE is Here to Assist With Your Needs
New Summer Webinar Schedule from the Office of AG Healey

A notice from the Office of Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey with their updated Community Engagement Division webinar schedule. Their goal is to inform  individuals about their rights and responsibilities when they are faced with certain issues, and make them aware of the different r esources our office has to help. 
Education and Support in Our Communities

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is dedicated to creating a culture that’s smart about mental health. Through innovative educational programs and initiatives, we’re bringing suicide prevention to local communities nationwide.
Suicide Prevention Workshop: Reshaping the Conversation about Aging to Reduce Suicide

You are invited to the Suicide Prevention - (#324) Reshaping the Conversation about Aging to Reduce Suicide scheduled on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Below are the details pertaining to this event.

Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Time:  10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location:  Virtual Zoom Training              
Registration fee: $15.00

Registration Deadline: July 17, 2020 (or when workshop reaches capacity) 

Continuing Education: 2.0

Below click below to learn more information on this workshop and to register. 

Please be advised that you will need to select the appropriate Tab at the top of the page to view each page of the brochure (i.e. Summary, Agenda, Fees & Other, etc.). Click on each tab to view the details pertaining to this event.   
ASGCC Virtual Community Overdose Prevention and Narcan Training

ASGCC will be resuming our bi-weekly Community OEND Training via zoom! 
These trainings are for anyone in the community who may benefit from learning about overdose prevention and overdose response. We will cover 40 minutes of information reviewing the definition of an overdose, risk factors that put someone at higher risk of experiencing an overdose, how to respond, and how to use narcan. The session will end with time for questions as well as information on how to access narcan.
Boston University School of Social Work Professional Education Programs - 'Using Technology to Meet the Needs of Isolated Older Adults'

July Calendar, News & Event Flyers

The Cape Cod Family Resource Center will be offering our programming online for families. All classes, support groups, or family programming will require registration. Please feel welcome to contact us after reviewing the July calendar and Cape Cod Toy Library flyer for any further questions, or registration for our programs. We can be reached at 508-815-5100.  
Annoucement: A Day of Words, Wit, and Wisdom 2020

It is with great disappointment that we
announce that A Day of Words, Wit and

Wisdom (W3) 2020 has been canceled.
W3 has been WE CAN’s signature event and primary fundraiser for the past 15 years. We all look forward to this day because of the inspiration, humor, generosity, and emotion that is shared by all who attend.
It was extremely difficult to make this decision, which was based on the public health recommendations of social distancing, restrictions of gathering sizes, and the continuing impact of COVID-19 in our region. After careful consideration, we realized that cancellation was our only responsible option. We are grateful to the 2020 sponsors and attendees who have continued to generously support WE CAN this year.
NAMI Basics, a free 6-week course for parents and family caregivers of children and adolescents with emotional or behavioral issues

Calmer Choice Free Mindful Awareness Online Practice Groups

Looking for more support in your mindful awareness practice? Check out these  FREE  offerings from Calmer Choice! 
Transgender Social Support Group

Group is open to trans, non-binary, questioning, or other gender diverse identified people ages 18+. You do not need to be a Fenway Health patient to join, and the group is free to attend.

Group via Zoom (5:30-7:00 pm) meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month - contact Ann at aburke@fenwayhealth.org for more information and the Zoom link
NEW 2015-2018 CDC Caregiving Infographics - Develop a Care Plan - Caregiving Podcast - COVID-19 Guidance
CDC has released  NEW 2015–2018 Caregivng Infographics  using 2015–2018  BRFSS   data. The Caregiving infographics highlight characteristics of caregivers and the caregiving situation. The National Infographic includes data from 44 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. Infographics are also available by state and race/ethnicity- African-American American Indian/Alaska Native , and  Hispanic  adults. 

There are several NEW 2015-2018 Caregiving infographic groups that are featured in this release. The new groups include:  Asian, Hawaiian , or Pacific Islander adults Women Men , and  Veterans.

Developing and maintaining a care plan will help you balance both your life and that of the person to whom you are providing care. A care plan is a form that summarizes a person’s health conditions and current treatments for their care. The plan should include information about:

• Health conditions • Medications • Healthcare providers • Emergency contacts • Caregiver resources


Caregivers  provide crucial support for their care recipient and the health care system  but may be compromising their own health. The podcast  provides subject matter expert insight on caregiving and discusses informal, unpaid caregiving which is becoming a common part of family life in the United States.

Barnstable County COVID-19 Recovery Resources

COVID-19 can be difficult for all of us but especially for those in recovery. This might be exacerbated by people unable to attend their normal support group meetings or other recovery supports. Please click on button below to find local and nationwide resources related to substance use disorder and mental health. You can also call the MA Substance Use Helpline anytime at 800-327-5050.
Telehealth & Suicide Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Community Agencies and Therapists Offering Telehealth Support

The Barnstable County Children's Behavioral Health Work Group has developed a list of community agencies offering telehealth support  HERE .

Please email   barbaradominic612@gmail.com   if you have additional telehealth support that you would like listed, or if you want to update your listing. This listing will be periodically updated and distributed by Barnstable County.
Helpful Utility Links During COVID-19

Social Isolation for Family Members in Close Quarters

Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment: COVID-19 Updates

Links To Each Cape Cod Town's Health Department

URGENT message from the AG's Office

Free Grocery Delivery Service Launches for Barnstable County Seniors and Residents at Higher Risk
The Cape Cod Medical Reserve Corps’ Delivery Service​ will help people who should stay home receive groceries and critical household goods.
Food Access & Resources During COVID-19

Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Parents

A Conversation on Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health During COVID-19
Talking To Children About COVID-19

Housing Assistance Established Cape Cod COVID-19
Workforce Housing Relief Fund

Housing Assistance has established the Cape Cod COVID-19 Workforce Housing Relief Fund to provide urgent and ongoing assistance with past due rent or mortgage payments or other housing-related expenses for current, year-round Cape Cod and Island residents who are losing income due to the coronavirus. To apply for support for any Housing Assistance programs, contact an intake counselor at  hac@haconcapecod.org  
 508-771-5400. See more information  HERE
CARES Act & UI COVID Materials for Providers & YYA Experiencing Homelessness

The Massachusetts Appleseed Center for Law and Justice has released informational pamphlets on the  CARES Act   and  Applying for Unemployment Benefits to assist Youth and Young Adults navigate systems for critical resources during the Coronavirus pandemic. Access to these resources play an important role in maintaining housing stability for our region’s young persons facing financial hardship due to loss of employment. Additional resources for Unaccompanied Youth and Young Adults age 24 and under that are homeless or at-risk of homelessness can be accessed through the Program Manager at 
Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund
Launched by Massachusetts Governor Baker and First Lady Lauren Baker, the  Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund  will help support essential frontline workers and vulnerable populations across the state, including Massachusetts residents and immigrants facing homelessness, food insecurity and loss of critical services as a result of the COVID-19 public health crisis. The Fund is administered by Eastern Bank providing a safe and reliable way for donations to be made to this Fund, and at no cost to the Fund. In addition to the $10 million already announced by our Charitable Foundation, our Foundation has donated to this fund and Eastern is among the leading organizations and philanthropists that are Founding Donors.  Please help at  https://www.macovid19relieffund.org /
Health Imperatives Extends In-Person Visits During COVID-19 Transition
Health Imperatives, like other health and human service providers and the state, is making plans to resume in-person services carefully in accordance with state guidelines to ensure staff and client safety.
Hyannis, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket Sexual and Reproductive Health/Family Planning clinics are continuing to see clients through tele-visits and making in-person appointments for urgent concerns. Starting June 15th, we will be scheduling in-person appointments for routine and preventive care while continuing to offer tele-visits when appropriate.

Patients will notice some changes when they come for appointments, including face masks, clear acrylic shields to provide a barrier, and social distancing requirements. In order to ensure social distancing, only patients will be allowed into the office, and all patients will be required to wear a face mask. Call (508) 771-8010 for more information or to make an appointment.

Cape Cod WIC nutrition assistance is easier to get than ever before since it is being provided by telephone at least through June. We serve Hyannis and surrounding towns, including Yarmouth, Dennis, Falmouth, and more, as well as Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Call (508) 747-4933 for more information or to make an appointment. We wish everyone a safe and happy transition to summer!
Homeless Prevention News

The Homeless Prevention Council (HPC) is providing support for our neighbors in need on the Lower and Outer Cape. We have undertaken the following actions to ensure that services are not interrupted. Please read more  HERE
Independence House News

Independence House continues to assist those in the community that seek help for domestic and sexual violence matters during the Covid-19 crisis.  Remote services range in all areas including one-on-one counseling with active and new clients by phone and video, group video counseling, assistance with court applications remotely in order to obtain emergency 209A Restraining Orders or 258E Harassment Orders, and legal assistance and representation by a staff attorney. Their confidential emergency domestic and sexual violence shelter remains in full operation as well a 24-hour hotline at 800-439-6507.  Full details about the Independence House Covid 19 response can be found at  www.independencehouse.org .
In an effort to make the submission process as easy as possible, submissions will only be accepted using our online submission form. Submission buttons will be located at the bottom of every newsletter and on the homepage of our website. If you have questions regarding the newsletter, please email HUMANSERVICES@BARNSTABLECOUNTY.ORG Thank you!
Please submit your news to be included by clicking on image above.
  • Content Policy - We are prioritizing timely information on the ever-changing landscape of health and human services events and opportunities.

  • Due to the increasing number of submissions to the newsletter, the Department reserves the right to limit the number of times a submission is published.

  • Posting of articles submitted for publication in the Barnstable County Department of Human Services E-Newsletter is at the discretion of the Department. To request this newsletter in alternate formats, please call 508-375-6628.
Barnstable County Department of Human Services
P.O. Box 427, 3195 Main Street, Barnstable, MA 02630
EMAIL | 508-375-6628