Barnstable County HOME Consortium News
Agencies and Therapists Offering Telehealth Support
Yarmouth Draft CDBG
Barnstable County Health & Environment Updates
MRC is Collecting Hand-Made Face Masks
HAC Housing Relief Fund
Unemployment Insurance During Coronavirus Outbreak
CARES Act Updates
MASS 2-1-1
MA COVID-19 Relief Fund
Access this Food Finder
Free Student Meals
Updated Grocery Store Hours
Family Pantry of Cape Cod News
YMCA Cape Cod Childcare for Essential Workers Updates
Council of Churches News
Health Imperatives News
Duffy Health Center News
News from Habitat for Humanity Cape Cod
Message from Attorney General
Homeless Prevention Council News
Independence House News
Non Profits Collaborate on Lower Cape
Contact for Older Adults & People with Disabilities
All Senior Centers Closed
Senior Homes - Downsizing Guide
Samaritans Senior Outreach
CCCC Employment Opportunities
Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention News
Hyannis Recovery Connection Center News
Samaritans of Cape Cod & Islands News
Thrive! News
Nathan's Circle Grief Group Canceled
Submission Guidelines
E-Newsletter Article Submissions
ISSUE: 267

          April 7, 2020 

Welcome to the Barnstable County Department of Human Services' E-Newsletter. This bi-weekly newsletter is designed to provide timely information on health and human service topics of interest for people living and working in Barnstable County.  For additional information visit the Department website at
Barnstable County HOME Consortium Five-Year Consolidated Plan for Program Years 2020-2024

Barnstable County HOME Consortium  Five-Year Consolidated Plan for Program Years 2020-2024 Annual Action Plan for Program Year 2020, and Amended Citizens Participation Plan
The Barnstable County HOME Consortium is preparing a Five-Year Consolidated Plan for Program Years 2020-2024, an Annual Action Plan for Program Year 2020, and an amendment to its Citizen Participation Plan.  These plans outline funding priorities and serve as the strategic and planning documents for Barnstable County's HOME Program, which is funded by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).   The proposed funding allocation from HUD for Program Year 2020 is $462,217.  Virtual Public Hearing:  To be held April 16, 2020 @ 8:30 a.m.  Document Availability:  to be posted April 13, 2020 through May 14, 2020. Please visit the Barnstable County Department of Human Services website to view the Public Hearing Notice in English , Spanish or Portuguese.
Community Agencies and Therapists Offering Telehealth Support 

The Barnstable County Children's Behavioral Health Work Group has developed a list of community agencies offering telehealth support,  HERE .   Please email if you have additional telehealth support that you would like listed, or if you want to update your listing.  This listing will be periodically updated and distributed by Barnstable County.
Yarmouth Draft CDBG Five-Year Consolidated Plan and One Year Action Plan for Public Comment

Yarmouth's Draft Community Development Block Grant CDBG) 5-Year Consolidated Plan (PY2020-2024) and 1-Year Annual Action Plan (PY2020) is available for review and comment.  The CDBG program is funded by US HUD. Comments on these plans are due by May 1, 2020. See Consolidated Plan and 2020 Action Plan  HERE Please see legal ad for more details  HERE.
Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment - COVID-19 Updates

The   Barnstable County Department  of Health and Environment is working consistently to maintain their  website  for COVID-19 updates and information.

Please also find the following links to Town Health Departments
Barnstable Bourne Brewster |  Chatham |   DennisEastham |  Falmouth | Harwich
Donation of Home-Made Face Masks and Face Shield Headbands to Support COVID-19 Emergency Response 

The  Cape Cod Medical Reserve Corps (MRC),  in service to the Barnstable County Incident Command COVID-19 response, wishes to bring to the public's attention the following information for people willing to produce and donate face masks and the headbands that hold plastic face shields. Learn more  HERE. 

Housing Assistance has established the Cape Cod COVID-19 Workforce Housing Relief Fund to provide urgent and ongoing assistance with past due rent or mortgage payments or other housing-related expenses for current, year-round Cape Cod and Island residents who are losing income due to the coronavirus. To apply for support for any Housing Assistance programs, contact an intake counselor at 508-771-5400.  See more information HERE.
Unemployment Insurance During the Coronavirus Outbreak

The Barnstable County Department of Human Services, in service to the Barnstable County Incident Command COVID-19 response, wishes to bring to the public's attention the following information for workers who are out of work or losing hours due to COVID-19. Please go to the Department of Human Services website for more information. 
CARES Act Updates

Access the Federal Nonprofit Application for Charitable Organizations 

See Small Business Administration's (SBA) simplified 
EIDL online application and also clarifies the calculation for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness.  IT ONLY TAKES 10 MINUTES TO APPLY.
Need Assistance? Dial 2-1-1  

If you need assistance finding food, paying for housing bills, accessing free childcare, or other essential services, the United Way can help.  Visit  or dial 2-1-1. The service is accessible 24/7, available in 180 languages and confidential.  
Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund

Launched by Massachusetts Governor Baker and First Lady Lauren Baker, the Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund will help support essential frontline workers and vulnerable populations across the state, including Massachusetts residents and immigrants facing homelessness, food insecurity and loss of critical services as a result of the COVID-19 public health crisis.
The Fund is administered by Eastern Bank providing a safe and reliable way for donations to be made to this Fund, and at no cost to the Fund. In addition to the $10 million already announced by our Charitable Foundation, our Foundation has donated to this fund and Eastern is among the leading organizations and philanthropists that are Founding Donors.   Please help at
Access the Food Finder

The Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB) partners with 500+ hunger-relief agencies, including food pantries, community meal programs and other food assistance providers throughout the nine counties and 190 towns and cities across Eastern Massachusetts. Access the Food Finder HERE.
Free Student Meal Services & Pick-up Sites

Barnstable Schools (Open to ALL Students regardless of residence) |  Cape Cod Tech Regional High SchoolMonomoy Schools   Nauset Schools (Brewster, Eastham, Orleans, Wellfeet)  | Dennis-Yarmouth  (Delivery option available) Mashpee  |

Access this map of s ites serving meals to children and teens during March and April school closures due to Coronavirus pandemic.
Grocery Stores - Updated Service Hours

Grocery Store Updated Services and Hours :  
Family Pantry Hours this Week | April 6, 2020 

Please see d onation, drop-off hours and locations at the

Mobile Pantry Truck Campaign
Our senior population is being hit hard by the pandemic. With your support we can help sustain our neighbors who are vulnerable, isolated and food insecure.   In response to this immediate need, a group of North Chatham Summer residents have pledged to match all donations up to $125,000 to help us purchase and stock a second Mobile Pantry truck.  Please donate  HERE. 
YMCA Cape Cod EXPANDING FREE Childcare for ALL Essential Workers Effective April 1, 2020

Governor Charlie Baker, through the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care ("EEC"), has established a process to fund approved Exempt Emergency Child Care Programs to serve vulnerable children and the children of families who are required to work to maintain the health, safety and welfare of all Commonwealth citizens. Please read details  HERE.
Council of Churches News

The Council of Churches operates as a "front-line" service provider in many areas and offers  remote operations where possible. Please see beloew.
Faith Family Kitchen will continue to provide nutritious dinners on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Please note these revised hours.  At the door, families and other adults will be given a paper bag containing Jeni's homemade soup plus a few supplemental items.  No guest is to enter the Kitchen dining room or use the Kitchen bathrooms during regular service hours.  Faith Family Kitchen is located at Faith Assembly of God, 154 Bearse's Way, Hyannis. 
Hands of Hope Food Pantry will continue distributing a single prepackaged bag of groceries during regular hours of operation, which are Monday and Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 1 p.m.- 3 p.m.   Clients will wait outside the door for a bag that is designed to feed 1, 2, 3 or 4 people.  New clients, please call 508-432-1312 or email first to register. No client should come inside the building during service hours.  The Thrift Store is closed until further notice.  Hands of Hope is located at 49 Route 28, West Harwich. 
A Baby Center will offer "To Go" bags of baby essentials for existing clients on Wednesdays 10 a.m. - noon. This will be a "drive up window" service only; no clients are to enter the building. A Baby Center is located 81 Willow Ave, Hyannis.
Health Imperatives News

Health Imperatives is now delivering most services by telephone. They are able to quickly assess a caller's needs, provide some services directly over the telephone, and link callers to multiple services to provide coordinated and comprehensive assistance.  Please see how to access those services  HERE.
News from Duffy Health Center 
Adjusting Services Under the Threat of COVID-19

"How do you self-isolate somebody at home when they don't have a home or when they live in group housing such as the shelter?" asked Robert Baginski, medical director of Duffy Health Center. "That was one of the first issues that we worried about."
On Monday, March 30th, Dr. Robert Baginski was featured in the cover story of the Cape Cod Times,  along with other local leaders of nonprofits that provide services to those who are experiencing or at risk for homelessness. Duffy Health Center continues to work with the Barnstable County Department of Human Services to arrange housing for the homeless who might need to be quarantined or isolated.
Daniel Rodrigues, Associate Director of Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services, and Melissa Payne, Recovery Support Navigator, were both featured in the Cape Cod Times  
on  Tuesday,  programs and service  continue to provide support to those in recovery or in need of substance use disorder treatment. 

If you or someone you know is in need of treatment for a substance use disorder, please note: Duffy Health Center is accepting patients into our  Medication Assisted Treatment program, Alternative Peer Group for adolescents age 13 to 17 with substance use concerns, and our Moms Do Care program for pregnant and parenting women with a history of opioid use disorder.
News from Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod

Due to Governor Baker's declaration of a Stay at Home Advisory until May 4th, Habitat construction sites will remain closed to all visitors until May 4th, possibly longer.
Please do not drop in to say hello or check on progress. Visiting goes against the stay at home advisory put forth by the state of Massachusetts.
Message from the
Community Engagement Division
Office of Attorney General Maura Healey

See information about a free Civil Rights Webinar being offered on Monday, April 13th at 2:00 PM. A specialist from the Civil Rights Division will be presenting on discrimination when it comes to employment, housing, public accommodations, and other issues brought to fruition as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. You can register for these trainings or share them among your communities using our  Eventbrite  and selecting the respective date
Please join us for any of the following and stay tuned for more topics:
  • Landlord/Tenant Rights and Responsibilities - Tuesday, April 7th 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Unauthorized Practice of Immigration Law (Portuguese) - Thursday, April 9th 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Workers' Rights - Thursday, April 9th 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Civil Rights - Monday, April 13th 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Landlord/Tenant Rights and Responsibilities - Wednesday, April 15th 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Teen Workers' Rights - Thursday, April 16th 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  Note the Consumer Advocacy and Response Division hotline is 671-727-8400.

WE CAN continues to offer legal, career, business and financial empowerment consults by phone or zoom.  People can continue to call WE CAN at 508-430-8111 to schedule or  to reach out to us. 
Massachusetts Housing & Shelter Alliance News

See Massachusetts Housing and Shelter Alliance updates  HERE.
Homeless Prevention Council News

The Homeless Prevention Council (HPC) is here to assist and provide support for our neighbors in need on the Lower and Outer Cape.  They have undertaken the following actions to ensure that their services are not interrupted. Please read more  HERE.
Statement from Independence  House 

While details are still unfolding about this tragedy, Independence House sends our heartfelt condolences to the survivors of this 
victim. During this Covid-19 crisis we are concerned about victims of domestic violence whose lives and safety are at risk. Independence House services are available 
and we urge anyone in a domestic violence situation to reach out to us via our 24-hour hotline at 800-439-6507.

In addition to providing direct support to victims of domestic and sexual violence, Independence House also offers services and support to grieving family members, loved ones, friends, neighbors, peers and associates of a homicide victim.   Visit Independence House at .
7 Lower Cape Based Non-Profits Collaborate to Better Support the Community

Cape Cod Children's Place, The Community Development Partnership, The Family Pantry of Cape Cod, Helping Our Women, Homeless Prevention Council, Lower Cape Outreach Council, and WE CAN have joined together to better serve the unique needs of the Lower and Outer Cape Communities. In this unprecedented time, their collaboration and communication is focused on removing barriers to human service delivery--now more important than ever. A list of free and confidential services provided by these organizations that community members can access is available  HERE .
*All community members are welcome to reach out to the organizations regardless of income or immigration status.
Contacts for Older Adults and People with Disabilities Needing Non-Medical Emergency Assistance

Please see a list of contacts for older adults and people with disabilities needing non-medical emergency assistance HERE.
Senior Centers Closed

Senior Centers on Cape Cod and the Islands closed due to COVID-19 precautions are listed by the Cape Cod Times at the following link COVID-19 Closures.
Senior Homes - A Downsizing Guide

Many seniors look around in their sixties, seventies, or beyond and realize that the home that they live in is too big, full of clutter, expensive to live in, tiring to take care of, or isolated. The solution to these problems is often to downsize by moving to a smaller home...Read more in the  Downsizing Guide .
Samaritans Senior Outreach Program
The Samaritans on Cape Cod and the Islands Senior Outreach Program is open to all older adults living on the Cape or Islands who are experiencing signs of isolation, loneliness, and/or depression and would benefit from a weekly call. Samaritan trained volunteers are matched with seniors on Cape for  weekly telephone chats. Volunteers listen without judgement, with compassion and empathy,  and all calls are confidential. Seniors are typically referred to the program by Elder Services, COA, primary care physicians, friends, family, religious organizations or they may self refer using a simple referral form. For more information, or to refer a senior please contact Karen Ellery Jones 
CCCC Seeks a to Fill the  Coordinator of Student Life and Fitness Position
Cape Cod Community College is seeking to fill a Coordinator of Student Life and Fitness position in the  Division of Enrollment Management and Advising Service,    Full-time, Benefited  MCCC Unit Position.  Please see more information  HERE.
Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention

Hyannis Recovery Connection Center (RCC) 
Virtual Groups

The Hyannis Recovery Connection Center (RCC) has worked to develop groups that can be done over the phone and virtually through the ZOOM app.  Individuals who self identify with a mental health/dual diagnosis are welcome to call up and attend these groups.  Please see the attached list of group along with phone numbers to call and a group ID (no pass code needed)  HERE.
Training & Event Registration Postponed  
Samaritans on Cape Cod & Islands

Due to state and federal advisories about the coronavirus outbreak, the Samaritans on Cape Cod and the Islands has made the decision to postpone upcoming training scheduled for:
  • April 21, 2020 - Elder Suicide Prevention Training for Cape and Islands Communities
  • April 29, 2020 - Helping After A Suicide Loss: Community Dialogue with First Responders
Check back on their website  f or updates.
Thrive! at CIGSYA - LGBTQ and Ally Center of Cape Cod Continue Digital Meetings

Thrive! Wednesday Events have been moved to a digital / online gathering the past few weeks and this format will continue until further notice. The Thrive! building will be closed on Wednesdays . Folks who are ages 22 and under are encouraged to login to join Wednesdays from 4 - 6pm. Additional Saturday meetings have been added. For the link or any questions and additional info please check our Facebook 
Nathan's Circle Grief Group Canceled Until Further Notice
Cape Cod Neighborhood Support Coalition has suspended Nathan's Circle Grief Group for Adults who Have Lost a Love One to Addiction (held at Barnstable Adult Community Center) until further notice.  For any information or for support please call 508-771-4336 and leave a message, someone will return your call. Or you can email
Submission Guidelines

Please submit your request to be included by clicking on the image below.

You may also email your request to  If you choose to email, please follow these submission guidelines.
  • Content Policy - We are prioritizing timely information on the ever-changing landscape of health and human services events and opportunities.
  • Due to the increasing number of submissions to the newsletter, the Department reserves the right to limit the number of times a submission is published.
  • Posting of articles submitted for publication in the Barnstable County Department of Human Services E-Newsletter is at the discretion of the Department.  To request this newsletter in alternate formats, please call 508-375-6628.