E-Newsletter Volume 10, Issue 8 / August 2020
BLRPC receives EDA Grant for COVID-19 Recovery Assistance
The Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission recently received an EDA CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant that will be used over the next two years to assist communities and businesses within the region that have experienced economic injury due to COVID-19. To address coronavirus recovery, BLRPC will conduct outreach activities, provide technical assistance, and develop a number of recovery plans for businesses and/or municipalities throughout the region. Technical assistance will include identifying economic development grant-eligible projects and providing guidance in preparing and submitting EDA and other state and federal agency applications. Please contact Sydney Swan for more information.   
Economic Development Administration (EDA) Funds Available for COVID Assistance
All communities within the Bay-Lake region are eligible to apply for EDA funding under the CARES Act for projects that “prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, … including for necessary expenses for responding to economic injury as a result of coronavirus.”

EDA will accept grant applications for a wide variety of projects that will advance economic development in areas negatively impacted by COVID-19. Funding is extremely competitive and applicants should move ahead quickly.

Communities looking to secure EDA funding should first contact Sydney Swan, EDA’s regional liaison, with project details in order to determine project eligibility. Questions about EDA or COVID-19 related funding opportunities may also be directed to Sydney Swan.

For more information about EDA funding, please click here.
2019 Annual Report Released
We are pleased to announce the official release of Bay-Lake RPC’s 2019 Annual Report. The annual report highlights work that was completed and ongoing throughout the 2019 fiscal year and provides an overview on the Commission’s continuing programs.

Click here to view the 2019 Annual Report.
Niagara Escarpment Resource Network
The Bay-Lake region serves as a prime spot for viewing the Niagara Escarpment, also known as The Ledge! Along with providing breathtaking views, this prominent rock ridge is a globally unique feature showing the history, culture, and ecology to this area.

The Niagara Escarpment Resource Network (NERN) is an established group that promotes awareness and education about the Niagara Escarpment. NERN’s website (wiledge.org) just recently went live and is a one-stop-shop for all things related to the Escarpment! Visit the website to learn more about this natural feature found within our region and to discover future tours and events.
City of Manitowoc Bicycle and Pedestrian Public Survey
The purpose of this public survey is to identify the types of users that will be utilizing the bicycle network and also to determine what types of bicycle facilities are preferred by the public. The survey will remain open until 8/15. 
Please click the icon to the right to participate. For more information about the plan, please visit the project page.  
Sheboygan MPO Update
The Commission recently approved major amendments to the transit capital component of the Sheboygan Metropolitan Planning Area Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): Calendar Years 2020 – 2023, along with one minor amendment to the street and highway project component of the 2020 – 2023 TIP. A 30 day public comment period and public hearing were held for the major amendments. The Sheboygan MPO Technical and Policy Advisory Committees recommended approval of these amendments at their special joint meeting on July 30, 2020, and the Commission approved the amendments at a meeting of its Executive Committee on July 31, 2020. These amendments will soon be submitted to WisDOT and USDOT, and will be posted to the Commission website.

The Commission released the draft 2020 Public Participation Plan Update for the Sheboygan MPO for a 45 day public comment period that is running from July 6, 2020, through August 21, 2020. Notice of this public comment period was posted in the Sheboygan Press and on the Commission website, and the draft plan was made available for review at five local public review locations and on the Commission website. The notice was also publicized on Facebook and Twitter. Final action on this plan is expected in September. The draft plan can be found at: https://baylakerpc.org/sheboygan-mpo/about/sheboygan-mpo-public-participation-plan.

Commission staff continues to work with Shoreline Metro to develop the transit operator’s first Public Transit Agency Safety Plan (PTASP). Commission staff has met with Shoreline Metro staff on several occasions (via teleconference) to work on developing this plan. The PTASP is nearly complete, with the exception of three appendices. Approval of the PTASP by the Sheboygan Transit Commission will likely occur in September.

The review committee for the Shoreline Metro TDP Review Committee has been meeting monthly. Most recent work has involved Chapters 9 (Alternatives Analysis) and 10 (Recommended Plan) of the TDP. A boarding and alighting analysis will also be completed for the TDP.

Commission staff recently completed Shoreline Metro’s draft 2020 Transit Asset Management (TAM) Plan, including TAM targets. The Commission’s new transportation planner, Chris Garcia, has done most of the work on this plan. Approval of the TAM Plan by the Sheboygan Transit Commission is also expected to occur in September.

Commission staff recently started work on developing the 2021 – 2024 TIP. Commission staff has also developed inventory chapters for Sheboygan County’s 2020 update to its Coordinated Public Transit – Human Service Transportation Plan, and has discussed setting up a stakeholder meeting or other means to gain stakeholder feedback with Sheboygan County Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) staff.

For more information regarding these activities or to sign up for the official Sheboygan MPO newsletter, please contact Jeff Agee-Aguayo.
Sheboygan MPO Update
We Value Your Opinion!
Want to help make an impact in our region? Below are links to the open public input and surveys that are currently available.

Upcoming Events & Meetings
Available Grant Opportunities
(Accepting Applications)
Do you want to know more about planning services or grants available?
The staff of the Bay-Lake RPC are happy to speak to your boards/councils, committees, organization, or community groups about what is happening in our region. We are also available to assist communities and counties with meeting facilitation. 

Please contact us at (920) 448-2820 or [email protected].