Volume 3 No. 3

The Bay Mills Community College Charter Schools Office would like to wish everyone a fun-filled Holiday season and best wishes for a Happy New Year! 

The Bay Mills authorized Lansing Charter Academy, founded in 2009, builds its students up through a diverse education coupled with a strong moral focus. Going strong with 542 students, the Academy offers a variety of programs, both inside and outside of school hours. Everything from arts-based classes and after school care contributes to the positive experience provided by Lansing Charter Academy.

Each month, the Academy focuses on a "monthly virtue" and incorporates that virtue into every aspect of their teaching. This tradition emboldens their Moral Focus and gives students the opportunity to be recognized and celebrated for living out these monthly virtues daily. By delving into the importance of wisdom, respect, gratitude, self-control, perseverance, courage, encouragement, compassion and integrity, students learn how to respect both themselves and others. This deep respect translates into contracts that are formed by students and teachers in which detail how they will treat one another.

The Lansing Charter Academy also focuses on academic excellence and personal responsibility, which is presented through a S.T.E.A.M. (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) education. Specials, which are classes outside of core curriculum, amplify the scientific side with technology classes and the arts side with music classes. The Academy believes that learning is a " lifelong process that extends beyond the walls of the classroom", which is why they offer a variety of extracurriculars, including art club, chess club and community services opportunities. Students even have the chance to be a part of the well-known Science Olympiad and participate in the Annual Science Experience. At the Science Experience, children and their parents take part in forensics-based activities and interact with scientists in every field.

The focus of the Lansing Charter Academy centers on building responsibility and accountability in their students, in turn creating excitement for learning. Adding a Moral Focus has kept students on track to respect themselves, their classmates, educators and parents. What makes them different is that they reach higher, build character, expect more and work together. Their principle and leader, Phobie Perkins, strives to: "create and foster an environment of teaching and learning".

Learn more about the Lansing Charter Academy by visiting their website: https://www.nhaschools.com/schools/Lansing-Charter-Academy/en 
Interested in gaining educational experience? Or are you looking to add to your resume? Consider becoming a charter school board member for a public school academy authorized by Bay Mills Community College Charter Schools Office!
At Bay Mills Community College, we support a quality education to urban, minority and/or poor children.
Bay Mills will provide all of our academy boards with pertinent training so that they are able to make choices that are in the best interest of the students that attend their academies .
Our public school academies are always looking for new members that bring a range of skills, experiences and desire to help the Academy students to excel academically, as well as having the goal of advancing the mission of Bay Mills.
Some requirements of the position:
  • Engagement with the goals of the Academy
  • Enthusiasm to be an ambassador for the Academy
  • Willingness to fulfill the obligation of a board member, as well as continue to uphold the standards of being a board member
Board Member Qualifications:
  • Citizen of the United States
  • Resident of the State of Michigan
  • Submit materials requested by the College Charter Schools Office such as:
    • Public School Academy Board Member Appointment Questionnaire
      • Must include authorization to process a background check of the nominee
      • Submit annual disclosure of conflicts of interest
Members of the Board of Directors shall include:
  • At least one parent or guardian of a child attending the school
  • One professional educator; preferably a person with school administrative experience
Members of the Board of Directors shall NOT include:
  • Any member appointed or controlled by another profit or non-profit corporation
  • Academy employees or independent contractors performing services for the Academy
  • Any current or former director, officer, or employee of a management company that contracts with the academy
  • College officials or employees 
All Academy Board members shall serve in their individual capacity, and not as a designee of any other person or entity. If it is found that a person is serving as a representative or designee of another person or entity, they shall be deemed ineligible to serve as a Director of the Academy Board. They shall be removed from office in accordance with provisions found in the Resolution or Schedule 2: Bylaws.
Note that a Director serves at the pleasure of the College Board, and may be removed with or without cause by the College Board at any time.
Working with an Academy is the perfect opportunity to advance your career interests, expand your knowledge on education and help children receive a quality education that will last a lifetime. Apply to become a board member today!

For more information or to receive an application, please contact Megan Ringuette, Bay Mills Community College Charter Schools Office Compliance Coordinator at 906-248-8419 or mringuette@bmcc.edu.
About Bay Mills Community College Charter Schools
Bay Mills Community College began authorizing charter schools in the year 2000 and now authorizes 46 schools serving approximately 22,000 students. Fall 2015: 22,729 and Spring 2016: 22,257
Our Mission: To ensure a quality education for urban, minority, and/or poor children by improving and expanding educational opportunities through innovative oversight methods. To provide academy boards with the necessary support and training so that they may make educated decisions that are in the best interest of the students that attend their academies.