The Bayplanner Weekly
September 30, 2019
Find out what's going on at PBUMC
Want to know more?
Would you like more information about our Capital Building Campaign? Visit our website to find all of the documents and presentations, updated regularly.

We look forward to launching a new fellowship group ministry in November! Please sign up today by filling out this important survey! You'll find a link below. If you'd rather fill out a form on paper, you can pick one up on Sunday in the back of the worship space.
Helping in our Community: 2 New Opportunities
Undergarment Collection: Through the end of this week, the Backpack Ministry is collecting undergarments for children of all ages- including adult sizes for both boys and girls. This need was identified by a school social worker. You will find the donation box in the lobby of the Activities Center. Thank you!

Hellen Caro is seeking reading buddies   who are willing to spend approximately 15 minutes per week working one-on-one with a child who needs a little extra help and inspiration! See Sherian Ramsey or call the office to find out more. 
Women's Bible Study
Have you ever tearfully told God  It's not supposed to be this way? "  If you have, then this Monday morning Ladies Bible Study is for you. We meet on Mondays from 9:00am-11:00am in the Activities Center.   

We will study  Lysa TerKeurst’s book, "It's Not Supposed to be this Way" including a study guide and video  to help us find unexpected strength when disappointments leave us shattered. Please call the church office to let us know if you are coming so that we can order the appropriate number of books.
Young Women's Bible Study
Tuesdays, 9:00am, Activities Center
“Everybody wants a revolution, but nobody wants to do the dishes.” Join us for a study of the book “Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life.” Childcare provided- please RSVP by calling the church office. Participants supply their own book.
Love to Stay Marriage Enrichment: If you haven't signed up or attended yet, it's not too late! All are welcome to come on Sundays at 4:45pm. Childcare provided.
Early Morning Men's Group
Mondays, 5:30am, Activities Center

Fellowship - Bible Study
Led by David
Info/Planning Meeting
Costa Rica 2020
PBUMC is excited to send another group to continue our work at the United Methodist Children’s Home in Costa Rica February 8-15, 2020.

Come for an information meeting on either Sunday: October 6 or October 20 at noon.
This week's speaker: Levi Gardner
Menu: Beef Stroganoff, Vegetables, Salad, Roll, Banana Pudding
Children's Worship

Kindergarten-5th Grade

Sundays at 9:00am (during entire 9:00am service)

& 11:00am
(following children's moment
in 11:00am service)
Shifts available for adults of all ages! Your volunteer time enables proceeds to go directly to local and global missions! Call the store to sign up. 850 497 6880
Smiles are contagious! Just a 30 minute commitment per month prior to traditional services. Email to sign up.
Lend a hand to someone going through a hard time by bringing them a meal. Call the church office to sign up! 850 492 2135
Youth Confirmation Class
Beginning in October
Confirmation is an opportunity for any Middle or High School student to build a strong foundation of faith as a young member of the United Methodist Church. We begin with a weekend retreat at Camp Baldwin. If you are interested in finding out more about this opportunity for your student, contact Rae Menard 
Fitness for All Ages
Mondays and Thursdays ($99)

6:45am, 10:30am,
4:30pm (youth/kids),
5:30pm (adults/youth)

Mondays at Noon: Homeschool PE

Adults Join Anytime!
Next youth session begins NEXT WEEK on October 7.

Contact to find out more!
An article from Coach Mike:
Homeschool students can join anytime!
PBUMC Podcast
PBUMC now has a weekly podcast on iTunes featuring Sunday's sermon as well as a monthly interview message from our pastors (coming soon).

You can search for Perdido Bay United Methodist in iTunes podcast section, or find the links on our website under "Who We Are" or by clicking here:
Shop with Purpose!
Did you know you can make your Amazon purchases 
through their charity program, Amazon Smile, with each purchase benefiting the ministries of Perdido Bay United Methodist Church? 
It's easy! To do this, go to   and pick 
Perdido Bay United Methodist Church as your charity of choice! Over $200 has been donated in the last two quarters. Thank you!

Save the Date: Celebration Sunday
Sunday, November 3, 2019 at 11:00am
As part of our 30th year celebration, we will gather under a tent on the church grounds to honor the past, present, and future of PBUMC. More information to come. 
We celebrate you!
Unable to worship with us?
Join us on Facebook for a live service each Sunday at 9am.