News from Jude Bijou and Attitude Reconstruction™ 

Joy, Love, and Peace for 2023

April 2023

Build Self-Esteem


Interesting Articles and Videos

Combating Self-Criticalness

2 More Strategies to Honor Yourself

Battling the Chatter


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I wish you a Great Day !

I am pleased to announce the reprinting (and slightly edited version) of Attitude Reconstruction. 

It includes a revised "action" chapter, full Blueprints on the inside front and back cover, and little futzes here and there. Available, signed, sealed, and delivered for only $15.00 (includes tax.)


To buy yours at this price, contact me


Bored sometimes? Try clicking on this link to the "Archives" and select any topic you're interested in.

Kind words

Just wanted to say that I ALWAYS look forward to receiving your emails. They’re the perfect blend of humor and just enough important information! As a therapist, I’m super saturated with too much stuff coming at me constantly from every direction that it’s overwhelming, in keeping with the theme.

What a joy to read your latest newsletter! As, Frank Herbert said in the book Dune, “fear is the mind killer.” I so enjoy the practical words of wisdom you share as well as the articles and videos that help me laugh at myself, in many similar situations.

  I’ll bet the hills and wild flowers will be such a blanket of beauty and joy this year! Enjoy it all!

It is amazing how even at our mature age, there is always room to learn and better one’s life.

Hello friends,

It's green out there after so much rain. The poppies are popping, the weeds are big, and the trees, flowers, and shrubs are smiling. It's good to finally be experiencing spring.

Here at Spirit Mountain is doesn't look like its benefited from the winter, but it's happy nevertheless. This land is one of two new national monuments. This one is in Nevada.

Before I get to the topic of the month, check out the articles and videos below.

A Few Articles

What a good idea to combat isolation, a non-threatening get-together.

What Finns think about being the most happy country for six years straight.

More details about Spirit Mountain becoming a national monument.

A labor of love for a 93 year old gal. Buckingham Palace made of wool! Amazing.

An interesting study showing the shifting priorities during Covid19.

The national average size of apartments depending on where you live.

New gross American snack food.

A Few Videos

What a plant sounds like when it's cut or dehydrated.

Painting the Eiffel Tower.

The joy of letting loose.

A baby sorting out its emotions. Smart parents. Smart baby.

Joni Mitchell singing The Circle Game with friends for the Gershwin Prize Concert.

Cute and funny owls.

Click here to visit the Attitude Reconstruction website (and take the new free survey).

Turn Being Self-Critical Into Thinking Well of Yourself


     Being self-critical is epidemic in our society and mostly all around the world. It's almost a pastime to beat ourselves up over real and imagined imperfections. We became unwitting devotees watching our parents and teachers direct their anger towards us with their negative judgments and demeaning labels instead of dealing with their own emotions in appropriate ways. Being receptive little beings, we took on those unkind messages and learned to call ourselves stupid, unlovable, or unworthy. Today we know the words by heart and speak them inside (or out loud) without even thinking.


     We rarely feel satisfied with ourselves, trying to measure up against an invisible standard or believing if we had or did something else - got married, earned more money, looked more beautiful, had more time - we'd finally be happy and feel worthy.


     As we have experienced, none of these strategies work. Our mistake: we are identified with our actions and qualities rather than our essence. To stop being self-critical and show yourself more love, you must learn that you are whole, complete, and worthy, no matter what. You must realize your self-esteem exists from the first day of your life until the day you die and doesn't change according to circumstances.


     According to Attitude Reconstruction the solution to our faulty thinking - such as never feeling "enough" - is to express the underlying sadness, ongoing anger, and incapacitating fear physically and naturally, and rewire our crummy thinking. A self-critical attitude is a triple shot because it is associated with the emotions of sadness, anger, and fear.

SADNESS -- Your focus is on yourself in a less than honoring way.

ANGER -- You are not accepting yourself unconditionally, have such high expectations, and are judging yourself negatively.

FEAR -- You're distorting reality and have lost perspective.


How to Successfully Eliminate Being Self-Critical

      To change deeply rooted destructive thoughts, you first must determine what your old messages are. Write them down or say them aloud. Then select a couple of the contradictory Truths below, or make up your own. Write your chosen truths down.

  • I'm doing the best I can.
  • I love myself unconditionally.
  • I'm not perfect, but I'm good enough.
  • There is nothing wrong with me.
  • I am whole and complete.  

 Relentlessly repeat your new thoughts, especially whenever you're judging yourself and especially when you're crying and feeling down. Interrupt the "yes, buts" and other discounting thoughts that surface. Continue to repeat your new truths over and over. 100,000 reps should do it! Imagine how many times you have told yourself the opposite. It's a battle worth fighting. 

Two More Ways to Combat Being Self-Critical


 1.    Another way to raise your self-esteem is to shower yourself mercilessly with kindness in the form of self-appreciations. Throughout the day, interrupt yourself whenever you have a negative thought about yourself and an action you took, and substitute something positive and true.


·     I did the best I could at the time.

·     Good for me. I gave it a try.


2.     An additional approach to increasing your self-perception is to shower yourself with self-appreciations or positive thoughts about yourself, as an exercise, at a predetermined time, like before bed or first thing in the morning. To do this, name a specific positive trait, talent, or quality and look at yourself from this new perspective. It’s a lovely exercise to write down one, two or three self-appreciations each day, and at the end of a week, read the list out loud with enthusiasm, conviction, and a smile. You’ll be steadily building your self-esteem.


     See how wonderful you feel when you focus on your good and fill the black hole of unworthiness yourself. Emphasizing your positive qualities and contradicting that internal critic will give you an unshakable positive view of yourself no matter what.

Further information about how to overcome being self-critical, self-deprecating, self-loathing, and demanding perfection


         There is additional information I'd like to share about a "self-critical" attitude and how to overcome it, but it would make this newsletter ridiculously long if I included it all. The following tidbits are from my book, Attitude Reconstruction. It's in Part 3, where I summarize how to work with 33 of our most common "bad" attitudes. click here. 

Battling the Chatter

Julie came in for a tune-up. It had been just over a year since I last saw her. After hearing all her glowing news, I asked, "What brings you here today?" She looked down and said, "I feel really bad about myself. I constantly compare myself to everyone. I've worked on this before, but that little voice has crept back into my head."

"Let's put your old thoughts out on the table," I said. "I'll write them down."

After a moment of silence, Julie laughed and said, "I'm lazy. I'm weak. I’m stupid. I’m pathetic. I lack discipline and don't follow through with commitments. Come to think of it, there's not much that's good about me."

"Who do you sound like?" I asked.

After a pause, Julie said, "I'm being as critical of myself as my stepmother was of me, I hated how she continually put me down. Come to think of it, I’d never talk to one of my kids like that so it's probably not such a good idea to talk like that to myself. Ah! Now I'm remembering my old truth: I love myself unconditionally. Julie was smiling. "Wow, I feel better already."

             Julie had dusted off a truth that most of us could use, especially when our self-deprecating commentary begins to play: "I love myself unconditionally."

Thanks for all your kind words and appreciations of the newsletter. They mean a lot!

Happy Spring.

Best always,
