Issue Date: Feb. 26, 2023

Brought to you by Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer through the Center For Nutrition & Wellness, a division of the Upper Perk Chiropractic Center


News and information for people who want to restore and maintain their health and wellness.

CNW Logo with whitespace.png

In This Issue

Featured Article

Be Sure to Breathe When You Read


Pro Argi 9 Blowout Sale

February Open Link Food Drive

Event Info.

Our Next Cleanse Event


Judging success

Office Hours

Nutritional Wellness


9:00 am - 12:00 pm &

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday:

9:00 am-12:00 pm &

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


Closed Friday to Sunday


Is your Smartphone affecting

your cognitive ability?

This newsletter is a labor of love for me, as my editor will affirm. I write it as a means of sharing and teaching what I've learned or experienced as a doctor, advisor, husband, father, and human being. I do it so that you can put this knowledge to use in your quest to live a longer, healthier life.

The very existence of this newsletter relies upon drastic advancements in the way we consume information. No longer must we print and circulate words on paper; we can broadcast them instanteously through the internet. Convenient, quick, and economical, the sharing of knowledge has taken a giant leap forward since the days when I first began writing and teaching.

Yet we must not forget that our bodies still operate in the organic world. We are not robots. We cannot expect our brains to enjoy this change as much as our American culture does. Instead, we must remain mindful of the basic elements needed for true cognitive ability. Today's featured article delves into a study aimed at understanding how reading on a smartphone or tablet versus paper affects our ability to understand.

I can write all I want; you can read all you want; it is worthless without the capacity of the mind to perceive and understand, to grasp ideas, or the ability to know. Reading is nothing without reading comprehension.

We're here for you,

Dr. Pfeiffer


Be Sure to Breathe When You Read

A cognitive study of onscreen reading comprehension.

by Dr. Pfeiffer

Many of us enjoy reading. If you are “old school,” like me, you prefer holding a book or magazine in your hands. But today there is a new way to read. We have moved into the technology era and, with that shift, we have created ways of acquiring all sorts of information on our devices (smartphone tablet, etc.). We read news, emails, eBooks, web pages, and even this blog post on a screen. Indispensable as digital media has become, however, we must be careful to address the negative health implications in order to stay healthy in spite of potential hazards of technological progress.

Click Here to Read More



Announcing a rare opportunity to get Synergy Worldwide’s flagship product at a heavily discounted rate. Ask us how it can enhance nitric oxide production and improve circulation.


SALE PRICE: $45.00

Call to learn more or stop by the office to take advantage of this month’s deal. Offer expires March 31, 2023.


Open Link Food Drive




Learn how you can: 

Shed Pounds

Improve Sleep 

Eliminate Mental Fog and Fatigue

Reduce Inflammation

Spring is a great time to renew your commitment to feeling better.

Sign up now for an educational session to

learn more about how our Full System Detoxification Cleanse 

can be an important investment in your health and wellness. 

Dr. Pfeiffer's Cleanse Preview session is

March 21st, 2023, 7PM

Attendees receive a will receive a discount

on our Spring Cleaning Cleanse Event in April. 

Side effects might include:

Improved Self Image

A Happier You.

Our Spring Cleanse Preview events will be held at 7pm on

March 21st, 2023

Then, plan to join us when the class begins on April 6, 2023.

Call (215) 679-9355) 

or email (

to sign up today.

Nicole Heckler’s story

Here is what Nicole said after completing Dr. Pfeiffer's Cleanse:

I am a 40-year-old woman who has struggled with my weight for nearly my entire life. As a child, I was told to “finish my plate” and always had dessert. Food was used to celebrate and cope. When I first heard about the Cleanse, I was interested and hoped that it would start my next, and hopefully final, weight loss journey. During the first meeting, Dr. Pfeiffer made it clear that the Cleanse was not just about weight loss but returning our bodes to a healthy state and living the way that we were intended to. I wasn’t sure if I could completely change the way I had been eating for decades, but Dr. Pfeiffer and his staff gave me the confidence to give it my best try.

I am not going to lie, the Cleanse was not easy for me; in fact it was hard! During the cleanse, I tried new foods and was reminded how delicious vegetables are. With all the processed foods and sugar I was eating on a regular basis, I lost the taste for natural foods. Once I cut those foods out of my diet, the sweet, delicious taste of vegetables came back; it was like the taste buds had a reboot. During the Cleanse, I did lose weight, but I also gained better sleep, energy, and the confidence to make better choices. 

Nicole Heckler

Have you cleansed with us before? Want to erase a few mistakes since then so you can feel that good again? Register as a repeat cleanser and receive a 10% discount in April.


Workshops and Seminars Location

1543 Layfield Rd., Pennsburg, PA

For questions, registration, etc., contact:



Judge your sucess by the degree that you’re enjoying peace, health and love.”

-H. Jackson Brown


Dr. Pfeiffer never stops

learning. He continues

to study and research the

latest wellness information.

For example, he is currently enrolled in the

Nutrigenomics Certification


Nutrigenomics is the study of how foods affect our genes, and how genetic differences affect the way we respond to food.

Dates: Ongoing



Our entire practice is referral based, and we'd like to say Thank You for your referrals!

M. Cavallaro

J. Rothenberger

B. Eisenhart

J. Haldeman

B. Haldeman

J. Baldinger

J. McKevitt

S. Zeiger

J. Barton

M. Swenk

C Frank

R. Jenkins

L. Calvario

D. Kropp

D. Bauer

K. Burkard

D. Boyles


The informative book, Dr. Pfeiffer’s Guide to a Longer Healthier Life, is available through Amazon or for purchase at the office.

Get a copy for yourself or give one to someone you love.

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Copyright 2022, Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center. All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult with your health care professional before changing any medications or undertaking intense physical activity.

This email has been sent on behalf of your practitioner, Dr. Douglas G Pfeiffer DC | Center for Nutrition and Wellness | 215-679-WELL (9355)