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Summer is waning. Classes have resumed and new graduates are entering the workforce. Good etiquette skills will put you  a step above the competition. Good etiquette skills last a lifetime.

Good etiquette guides our behavior. Our workforce is more diverse and global than ever before. Today's employers want more than technical skills. They want employees that can fit it. Invest in yourself. Prepare for success. 
Two Dining Styles --- Which One?
There are two styles of dining. American, sometimes called zig-zag, and Continental sometimes called European. There is no right or wrong style of dining to use. The only caveat is to consistently use one during a meal, and use your utensils correctly.

Dining American
American Style/ Zig-Zag
The American style of dining is used most often by Americans. This method involves holding the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right hand to cut food. After cutting food, the knife is placed at the top of the plate, blade facing inward, the fork is then switched to the right hand and used to pick up food. The fork tines will be facing upward.
Continental Style/ European
The Continental style of dining began during the late 1850's. The European upper class who used to use the zig-zag style of dining stopped shifting their knives and forks. Thus began the Continental style of dining. When dining Continental style your fork remains in your left hand and your knife remains in your right hand. There is no switching back and forth after you have cut your food.  Food is eaten off the fork with the fork tines facing down.
Dining Continental
The Continental style of dining is thought to be more graceful and expedient. Whichever style you choose, be sure that you use it consistently throughout the meal and that you are holding your utensils correctly.
There are many nuances involved in dining etiquette.  Using your utensils correctly, knowing where to place your silverware when you are pausing between bites, and knowing where to place your silverware when you have finished dining are significant details. These seemingly insignificant details are hallmarks of good dining etiquette. Learning dining skills is a lifetime investment with immeasurable returns.

Upcoming Events

Five Star School of Etiquette Dining Seminars Two Classes This Fall

Thursday September 17, 2015 at 1:30 PM EDT -and- Tuesday October 20, 2015 at 6:30 PM EDT

Ever wondered what all those forks are for? What to do with your napkin? Learn all the details of eating with style at a formal dining setting. Let me prepare you for that business dinner, evening impressing clients or your upcoming wedding banquet. Sign up for one of these upcoming Dining seminars on September 17 or October 20.

Meriwether's of Southfield

Soft Skills vs Hard Skills
Skills to Success
Hard skills will get you that interview. Employers seek those candidate who have the expertise for the position. Your soft skills however, will get you the position. The interview will be your opportunity to showcase those soft skills that employers value.  Business leaders and HR personnel know that soft skills, bring as much if not more intrinsic value to the workplace. 
Soft Skills
  • Communications skills
  • Teamwork
  • Adaptability
  • Honesty
  • Trustworthiness
  • Time management skills
  • Social skills
  • Dependability
  • Open to feedback
  • Initiative
Hard Skills
  • Specific knowledge and abilities
  • Web design
  • Nursing
  • Electrical
  • Engineering
  • Physician
  • Mathematics
  • Legal
  • Finance
  • Writing
DIY Napkin Folding
Lotus Flower Napkin Folding
Lotus Flower Napkin Folding
The napkin is the most important tool on the dining table. It keeps us presentable. Using creative folds can add interest and variety to your dining table. Never wrap silverware in a napkin. The napkin should be easily accessible. YouTube offers a number of easy to follow tutorials on napkin folding. Enjoy!

Tip of the Month

In networking and social events your name tag should be worn high on your right shoulder.  This allows your name to be in the line of vision during handshakes.
School Etiquette - Start this Fall Correctly
Back to School
Parents, your children should learn respect for themselves, others, honesty and trust in the home.  Learning and practicing the magic words is the beginning. Even toddlers can be taught to say thank you, please and I'm sorry.

When your child attends school, whether they are an elementary student, or college student, certain rules of etiquette always apply. 

School life is preparation for the real world. Diverse, global communities call for an acknowledgement and respect of other cultures and practices.

There are a few guidelines that all students should follow for good school etiquette.
  1. Their appearance
    Teach your child to be aware of their personal appearance. Clean clothes and proper hygiene shows respect for themselves and others.
  2. Be on time
    When your child is late to class they disrupt the instructor and other students. This shows a lack of respect.  Time management is a soft skill that must be developed.
  3. Pay attention to the teachers
    Your child should be expected to give the instructor their full attention. Distracting behaviors should be discouraged.
  4. Be respectful to teachers and support staff 
    Children should understand that every staff person provides a service to their school. There is no rank for respect. They should be taught to acknowledge everyone, from the custodian to the cafeteria aide.
  5. Do what you are told, immediately.
    Teachers don't have time for children to debate requests. Impress on your child the importance of following directions, for their safety and others.
  6. Do not talk back.
    Free speech may exist in your home. It is not unusual for classrooms to have twenty-five to thirty students. Teach your child that talking back is not considerate of the teacher or fellow students.
  7. Don't bully  
    Bullying can have devastating effects on a child. Teach your child that bullying for any reason is unacceptable. Also help them understand that being silent, supports bullying.
  8. Tell the truth
    Show your children that the truth is always the best option. Never punish your child for truthfulness.
New classrooms and teachers can be challenging for students and parents.  Following the basic tenets of etiquette: respect, kindness, consideration, inclusion and service will help facilitate a productive school year for everyone.  Good parenting should always include etiquette awareness.  Etiquette provides skills for a lifetime.

Our etiquette classes can help you improve your workplace etiquette, guide your children in learning good manners, and help you refresh your etiquette skills for formal events. We can also customize a program to your unique needs.


Wisetta  Dolsey
Call to book an appointment - 248-238-1993

Five Star School of Etiquette
 [email protected]  |  http://www.MichiganManners.com


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