Monthly Mindset Journal Newsletter℠
August Issue- 2020
Nurses Notes
Love who you are becoming!
By Marie Corbin, RN, MSNc-R-DMTc
When I was a young girl knowing how to love myself was tough like it is for most young people struggling to learn how to self-love. However, for me it was most difficult because I was a teenage mother at 15 years old. I had to quickly put myself and my concerns on the back burner and protect myself and my young son from the threats we faced living in a domestic abuse situation early on. Although I myself came from a very complicated past as a child, I still had hopes, dreams, and goals I knew I could accomplish. But seeing those dreams come to fruition would be an uphill battle, calling for a lot of courage and perseverance on my part. If I were giving my 15-year-old self some future advice now, it would be “hold on tight to your dreams girl; you will have a bumpy ride but you will inspire many later in your life if you can just hold on."
To share a small part of my story, I was a teenage mother of color, a victim of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, and a constant target of bigotry and hate professionally and personally.
I have seen countless deaths when practicing nursing and experienced my own personal loss of loved ones.
I’ll tell you more of my story as we continue to get o know each other later but the point is,
I know what is it like to pull myself up from my girly bootstraps and push through.
My message is simple today, no matter the issues you face in the life always keep imagining, keep dreaming, keep hoping, and never let despair win. Love who are in any given situation, love who you are no matter who or what is whispering in your ear or headspace.
Love who you are. The more you love yourself, the easier life becomes because in the end it’s the self-love you hold for yourself that exceeds any love anyone else can give outside of the love of God and it is always love that prevails.
Take Care in caring for you…
Social Services Corner
Can wearing masks really contain Coronavirus?
By Robert Forkosh, MSWc,
Tulane University New Orleans
I live in New York, where it seems the COVID-19 peak has passed, at least for now. This raises the question of why NY was able to reduce its numbers of infected while other states around the country are currently seeing massive increases.
In my work as a social worker intern for a nursing home during April and May - the peak of the crisis in NY - I think I can offer my opinion on why that could have been.
Nursing home residents are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, due to their age, prior health conditions and being in an enclosed space. After the governor of NY announced that family and friends could no longer visit nursing home residents, panic spread.
The nursing home residents were furious they could no longer see loved ones, while the families and friends of residents worried about nursing home residents stuck in isolation – social, physical and even mental. Yet despite the angry phone calls from family members and complaints by the nursing home residents, everyone followed the rules because they understood that despite it being personally painful, it was necessary to stop this virus.
We can see around the country, wearing a mask has become a political issue, with Trump supporters constantly saying people do not need to wear masks and that they should be optional. Yet wearing a mask is nothing compared to living in isolation as a 90-year-old, which nursing home residents accepted as necessary.
We as a society must remember we are all responsible to each other. While coronavirus restrictions are painful, they are also critical. Together, but only by following the rules, Americans will beat this virus.
It will be the willingness of ordinary Americans to follow the rules, not politicians or scientists, which will ultimately defeat this virus. If we accept the annoyances that comes with following the guidelines, and keep on our masks and stay socially distant, this virus will be defeated.
iHeal℠ -Featured Story by our Community Members
by Frances Moore
Deadly! The Coronavirus has control over everyone, all human beings. It has stripped us bare, raw, vulnerable. It dictates who it wants to attack. Brown, Yellow or Blue people are all paying a price;
tall, short, large, skinny people are all paying a price.
The Coronavirus is saying to human kind "I don’t like how you disrespect one another therefore I am putting you in time out and I will not open the door until you have learned to make an amends for the part you have played in Slavery. Until you make an amends for the part you have played in Global Warming, until you make amends for the part you have played in disrespecting Women, especially Black women"!
The Coronavirus is saying to us by keeping you in time out, the air is getting cleaner, the sounds the birds make is sweeter, and the animals are saying hallelujah I can breathe!
In my opinion, two systems define us, our family system and our societal system they both play a role in how we show up in this world. Many times those systems abuse us, leaves us incomplete. So to get healthy, we have to seek counseling, or a spiritual way such as a 12 step program.
The Coronavirus virus is saying, look at me, I am choosing not to judge. I do not compare. I do not discriminate. If I had a choice of how I was brought to this earth,
I would have been an orange hibiscus flower. A Beautiful, orange flower that people wear in their hair at Fiesta time here in SB.
Until you make amends to my request COVID-19 say's, I will not open the door and let you out of time out.
So, Let's look beyond skin color and hear a persons heart, how does it to make you feel to see people respecting and valuing each other feels good right?
Photo Images Credit -Marie Corbin & Pinterest Boards
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Community Shuls Congregation of Montecito and Santa Barbara, 211.0rg,
Dignity Health, AARP, Embermills, Minsterial Alliances,
& Project Heal of SBC
Office (805) 280-3168
"We are practing social distancing and have limited office hours"