January 2025 Newsletter

Happy New Year!

A Light on a Hill

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden."

Matthew 5:14

Registration is now open for our 2 Banquets!!

Our first Banquet will take place on February 15th at Shiloah - 116 North 3rd Street, Kremmling, CO 80459. Doors and childcare will open at 12:30!

Our second banquet will take place on February 16th, at Crooked Creek Ranch - 3000 County Road 517, Fraser, CO 80442. Doors and childcare will open at 4:30!

We welcome you to attend one or both, but pre-registration is required for attendance and childcare!

Registration will close on February 5th.

Our guest speaker this year is former abortionist, Dr. John Bruchalski!

Dr. Bruchalski earned his medical degree from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine in 1987 and completed his OB/GYN residency at Eastern Virginia Medical Center and the Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine in Norfolk, Virginia in 1991 and was board certified in 1993. He began his career in obstetrics and gynecology practicing the full range of reproductive medicine. He experienced a profound conversion of heart following a live birth during a late-term abortion procedure and resolved to practice life-affirming medicine that supported women, children, and their families. As he explains it, “I came to see that true health care for women is not about rights, but relationships—not about limits, but about love and mercy.

In 1994, Dr. Bruchalski and his wife, Carolyn, founded Tepeyac OB/GYN in Northern Virginia, a practice that supports fertility counseling, natural family planning, support for abortion-minded and post-abortion patients, and perinatal hospice for families that have received an adverse prenatal diagnosis for their child. As part of the practice of pro-life medicine, Tepeyac OB/GYN provides care to women regardless of ability to pay. To support that part of Tepeyac OB/GYN’s mission, in 2000, Dr. Bruchalski established Divine Mercy Care, a non-profit foundation that raises funds to support charitable care at Tepeyac OB/GYN and seeks to educate and inspire current and future pro-life medical professionals. In its almost 30 years of operation, Tepeyac OB/GYN has delivered more than 10,000 children, with nearly 30 percent of their mothers receiving financial aid from Divine Mercy Care.

Dr. Bruchalski left the exam room in 2022 to become President of Divine Mercy Care, dedicating his time and energy to fostering a renewal in medicine and educating the next generation of pro-life medical providers. Dr. Bruchalski’s memoir entitled Two Patients was published by Ignatius Press in 2022.

He has been recognized for his witness to life-affirming medicine, most recently receiving the Fishers of Men Award from the Guadalupe Radio Network, the Evangelium Vitae Award from the De Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture at Notre Dame University, and the One of Us Award from the Jerome Lejeune Foundation.

Our guest speaker Dr. John Bruchalski

Register for our Kremmling Banquet!
Register for our Fraser Banquet!
To be a sponsor for our banquets, click here!
Teens willing to serve at one or  both banquets, call us here!

PRC's First Festival of Trees!

We had a great time meeting people from our community at our first Festival of Trees event!

Our tree was purchased and donated back to us and we then donated it to a PRC family in need. The $432.30 raised from our tree will be donated back to PRC clients in need.

Director's Corner

Tammy Gildenzoph, PhD

PRC Executive Director

Be a Light

An Inspirational Lighthouse Story by An Anonymous Author

Many years ago there was a little village on a rocky seacoast, where storms often battered and seas were ever treacherous. Many ships were driven onto the rocks by the storms, and the lives of many sailors were lost because of the raging seas.

One day the people decided among themselves that they should establish a lighthouse and life saving station on a little peninsula on the coast, to warn ships away from the rocks and to save the lives of those who were cast into the icy waters. They approached the government and began to secure the necessary funds for their project. Soon they set forth and built a tower, and set a beacon in it; they organized a lookout system; and they bought boats and learned how to man them; and soon they were in business. The business of saving lives!

Soon the effects of what they were doing became known far and wide. Fewer ships went on the rocks; and when such a tragedy did occur, and the alarm was sounded, the people risked their own lives to rescue those who had been cast into the raging, icy waters. Within a few short years, people came from great distance to study their lighthouse, and to use it as a model.

One day someone suggested that, since they all spent so much time at the lighthouse that they should gather there occasionally and enjoy good fellowship. And soon they began to get together (at first infrequently, and then more often) at the lighthouse. In fact, many people began to build their homes near the lighthouse. Then when the lookout sounded the alarm, they were there, ready to go out.

Next, it was decided that if they were going to spend so much time there, they must make the place more comfortable. So arrangements were made to heat the lighthouse. The gray walls were painted a brilliant white. Some of the walls were paneled; rugs were put on the floors to disguise the bare concrete; a fine kitchen was installed with a handsome stove; and generally speaking the lighthouse became a nice place to spend your time waiting for the alarm to be sounded. Everything about the lighthouse was made comfortable and nice. The lighthouse soon became the center of life in the little town that grew up around it.

One night a fierce storm blew in, as storms had blown in for years. Many ships were tossed on the jagged rocks, and the men at the lighthouse spent long hours picking sailors from the bitter cold icy waters and taking them to the lighthouse, where they were fed and provided with dry clothing. This had happened many times over the years, but this time, after the storm subsided and the sailors had all left the lighthouse, there were some men who were angry. It seems the storm had made them leave the comfort of the lighthouse, and go out into the wet, dangerous seas; and they got cold; very cold. The sailors, when they were delivered to the lighthouse, soiled the carpets. The kitchen was a mess, not to mention the stove. After a brief meeting it was first decided that sailors, when they were brought to the lighthouse, should be taken to the basement, not to the nice upper areas.

Some time later, another storm blew in; and about one half of the men went out in the boats, and again picked sailors from the frigid waters. This time the ship, which had broken apart on the rocks, was from another nation; and the men who manned her spoke another language, and even worse were of a different color. After this storm, a few more men joined those who refused to enter the sea. They decided that men like these did not belong in the lighthouse at all; some said they felt that the lighthouses’ job was not supposed to be saving sailors from other lands, because they were so much different. There were those, too, who objected to leaving the comfort of the lighthouse to go out into the storm. These men petitioned the government and they also agreed. So, finally, it was decided that the beacon would be kept lit, but the rescue work would be discontinued.

A small group disagreed, however, and went down the coast, a short distance, and started a new lighthouse. This small group decided that they should establish the biggest life saving station on the little peninsula, and so they did. Every day they warned ships and sometimes attempted to save lives from the icy water. Fame of the new lighthouse grew and the lighthouse back up the bay eventually turned out its beacon. Some people say the beacon can still be seen today in you and I. Oh yes, they also say the small group running the new lighthouse were those once rescued from the raging seas.

We as people all have a choice to make with regards to our rescue work. We can choose to allow our lives to become comfortable and we can find ourselves very content. And often times we may find that we have turned out our beacon of hope for one another. Or perhaps, I hope and pray that we find ourselves lighting and saving the path of others both in our words and deeds.

A Review of 2024!

We are so thankful for you and your support! Because of you in 2024 PRC saw incredible growth and we are so excited to be able to share these results with you!

• 2,382 visits to PRC in total

• 754 clients visited PRC

• 47 babies were born to PRC clients

• 384 material donations were given to PRC

• 464 visitors came to our clothing room

• 275 packs of diapers and wipes were given to families in need

• 222 families received free baby equipment through PRC

• 38 cans of formula were distributed

• 4,031 minutes of lessons were completed through Bright Course

• 12 expectant mothers and their partners attended our free childbirth classes

• 1837.25 hours were spent at PRC by our amazing volunteers

• 79 Ultrasounds were performed

• 47 Full spectrum STI tests with treatment as necessary

• 33 Well-woman exams

• 84 Prenatal care visits

• 28 Postpartum and anxiety management support services

• 32 Sexual Health and Natural Family Planning consultations

• 4 Post Abortion Support consults

• 8 Pregnancy Loss Support consults

• 523 Telehealth and text follow ups

And, we have exciting news for 2025!

We are expanding our women's health clinic!

Starting on January 3rd, we will offer virtual clinic appointments every Friday,

from 9 am - 12 pm with our contracted provider Castle Rock Women's Health.

Virtual appointments will include:

Pregnancy Test

Hormone consultations

Fertility awareness consultations

General women's health questions

Postpartum care

Care for PCOS and Endometriosis

Questions about birth control

Follow up care

Miscarriage Support

We are still offering our in person appointments one Friday and Saturday a month as well!

In person monthly appointments include:


Pregnancy Test

Prenatal care up to 20 weeks -includes STI testing

Postpartum care up to 3 months

Well-woman exams -includes STI testing and pap smears

Hormone testing and consultations

Fertility awareness consultations

Girls sports physicals

Care for PCOS and Endometriosis

Questions about birth control

Upcoming Special Dates


 Sanctity of Human Life Month

Click here to request a speaker from PRC!


10th, 11th, 17th, & 18th

Childbirth Education Class & Baby Shower

Please contact 970-887-3617 to register! Join other expecting couples due the months of January, February, and March for this fun and educational set of classes, concluded by a free baby shower for our class attendees!

Thank you to Grand Foundation for funding these classes so it can be free for all attendees!



Castle Rock Women's Health Clinic

Please contact 720-432-6580 for an appointment! Services provided include prenatal care up to 20 weeks, postpartum care up to 3 months, well-woman exams, hormone testing and consultations, fertility awareness consultations, and girls sports physicals.



Sanctity of Human Life Day

On January 22, 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a presidential proclamation designating the third Sunday of January as National Sanctity of Human Life Day.

We stand for the right to human life, and giving all human life a chance to live. Join us in prayer this day as we continue to fight the battle to protect life!



Banquets Sponsorship and Registration Deadline

Please return your sponsorship form and complete your registration by this date!



PRC Annual Banquets

February 15th Kremmling Banquet at Shiloah



PRC Annual Banquets

February 16th Fraser Banquet at Crooked Creek Ranch

Attend one or both!

Did you know?

On January 13, 1984, President Ronald Regan proclaimed January 22, 1984, as Sanctity of Human Life Day, which was the 11th anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision to legalize abortion as a constitutional right at the federal level.

Ronald Regan stated, “America has given a great gift to the world, a gift that drew upon the accumulated wisdom derived from centuries of experiments in self-government, a gift that has irrevocably changed humanity's future. Our gift is twofold: the declaration, as a cardinal principle of all just law, of the God-given, unalienable rights possessed by every human being; and the example of our determination to secure those rights and to defend them against every challenge through the generations. Our declaration and defense of our rights have made us and kept us free and have sent a tide of hope and inspiration around the globe.

One of those unalienable rights, as the Declaration of Independence affirms so eloquently, is the right to life. In the 15 years since the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, however, America's unborn have been denied their right to life. Among the tragic and unspeakable results in the past decade and a half have been the loss of life of 22 million infants before birth; the pressure and anguish of countless women and girls who are driven to abortion; and a cheapening of our respect for the human person and the sanctity of human life.

We are told that we may not interfere with abortion. We are told that we may not "impose our morality'' on those who wish to allow or participate in the taking of the life of infants before birth; yet no one calls it "imposing morality'' to prohibit the taking of life after people are born. We are told as well that there exists a "right'' to end the lives of unborn children; yet no one can explain how such a right can exist in stark contradiction of each person's fundamental right to life.

That right to life belongs equally to babies in the womb, babies born handicapped, and the elderly or infirm. That we have killed the unborn for 15 years does not nullify this right, nor could any number of killings ever do so. The unalienable right to life is found not only in the Declaration of Independence but also in the Constitution that every President is sworn to preserve, protect, and defend. Both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments guarantee that no person shall be deprived of life without due process of law.

All medical and scientific evidence increasingly affirms that children before birth share all the basic attributes of human personality -- that they in fact are persons. Modern medicine treats unborn children as patients. Yet, as the Supreme Court itself has noted, the decision in Roe v. Wade rested upon an earlier state of medical technology. The law of the land in 1988 should recognize all of the medical evidence.

Our Nation cannot continue down the path of abortion, so radically at odds with our history, our heritage, and our concepts of justice. This sacred legacy, and the well-being and the future of our country, demand that protection of the innocents must be guaranteed and that the personhood of the unborn be declared and defended throughout our land. In legislation introduced at my request in the First Session of the 100th Congress, I have asked the Legislative branch to declare the ``humanity of the unborn child and the compelling interest of the several states to protect the life of each person before birth.'' This duty to declare on so fundamental a matter falls to the Executive as well. By this Proclamation I hereby do so.

Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare the unalienable personhood of every American, from the moment of conception until natural death, and I do proclaim, ordain, and declare that I will take care that the Constitution and laws of the United States are faithfully executed for the protection of America's unborn children. Upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God. I also proclaim Sunday, January 17, 1988, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. I call upon the citizens of this blessed land to gather on that day in their homes and places of worship to give thanks for the gift of life they enjoy and to reaffirm their commitment to the dignity of every human being and the sanctity of every human life.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of January, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twelfth.

Ronald Reagan


A thank you to our grantors!

A special thank you to The Town of Fraser for funding 2 months of our 2024 expanded medical services! What a blessing!

Thank you to The Town of Winter Park for funding our Bright Course educational program for the 2024 year!

Thank you to Grand Foundation for funding one year of free childbirth education classes!

Thank you to El Pomar for funding one month of operational expenses!

Thank you to Adolph Coors Foundation for granting us funds for operational expenses and building repairs!

And last, but certainly not least, thank you to The James J. and Joan A. Gardner Family Foundation for granting us funds for our women's health clinic expansions!

PRC Services

Expanded Medical Services


Our Team

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