Vol. 10, Issue 1, October 4, 2018
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Employers: Be part of Meet your Manufacturing Mentor; Service Providers: Help to create Hamilton's Literacy Plan; Gig economy continues to grow in Canada.
Meet Your Manufacturing Mentor: Help WPH celebrate Manufacturing Month in Hamilton!
Did you know that October 5th is Manufacturing Day across the U.S. and Canada?

The day was first celebrated in the U.S. to raise the profile of manufacturing and to share information with youth about the many opportunities in the sector.

Although Hamilton's economy is increasingly diversifying, and some are proclaiming that "art is the new steel" the manufacturing sector in Hamilton is stabilizing and showing increased opportunities for employment.

Manufacturing decreased in Hamilton between 2006 - 2016, but from 2011- 2016 employment increased by 2,610 people. From entry-level positions, such as process control and machine operators to higher skilled jobs manufacturing is alive and well in Hamilton.

Workforce Planning Hamilton is celebrating Manufacturing Month with an event geared to high school students called "Meet your Manufacturing Mentor."

The event takes place on Tuesday, October 23rd with keynote speaker Jeremy Bout of Edge Factor. Students will meet a variety of mentors from local companies during speed mentoring and learn first hand about their career path, their present job, and what it is really like to work in manufacturing.

Thanks to our partners ArcelorMittal Dofasco, Carmeuse, Felton Brushes, ACS Valves, Fruitland Manufacturing, Canada Bread and John Crane.

If you are an employer and would like to be involved in the event please call Cyndi at 905-521-5777 ext. 14 or by email: [email protected]
Service Providers: Help to create a Literacy Plan for Hamilton by completing a short survey

The Adult Basic Education Association (ABEA) is the regional literacy network in Hamilton.  
ABEA works with the Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) providers to create an annual Literacy Service Plan. 

LBS programs provide academic upgrading to adults to support pathways to further independence, employment or further education.  

In order to plan effectively ABEA consults with their community partners and stakeholders to gather local information on trends, gaps and opportunities.

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. 

Please complete the survey by Friday, October 19, 2018 and share with your teams.

The Literacy Service Plan will be available in April of 2019 and can be accessed from ABEA's website. 
The ‘gig’ economy continues to grow in Canada

From Uber to TaskRabbit to YourMechanic, so-called gig work has been widely seen as ideal for people who want the flexibility and independence that traditional jobs don’t offer.

Yet the evidence is growing that over time, they don’t deliver the financial returns many expect. And they don’t appear to be reshaping the workforce south of the border, though it appears to be a different situation here in Canada.

The gig economy in Canada continues to grow at “a phenomenal rate that shows no signs of slowing,” according to a July report from BMO Wealth Management based on a survey of temporary workers.

The report cited Statistics Canada data estimating that 2.18 million Canadians are taking part in some form of temporary work – a number that has 
risen significantly since the 2008 recession.

Labour Force Information, Hamilton
August 2018
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| [email protected] | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca