Meeting The Need for Affection in Believers and Others

Expressing care and closeness through physical touch and through words such as "I love you" or "I care about you." (Romans 16:16. Mark 10:16)

Affection: We know our spouse needs it from us.... We know our kids need it from us... We need it from them too! Everyone needs to feel affectionate care, right?
Who in your world needs your affection - your care and kindness -  today outside of your family? The truth is we all starve for it and really wouldn't thrive very long in this world without it.

Would you be willing to be God's affectionate heart to others, to those in your church? Just as anything else, you need to do it on purpose until it becomes second nature. Would you ask God what YOU can do?

Have you ever been in church or in a public place and observed someone crying? What did you do? What did you want to do? Why didn't you do what you wanted to do?  
It feels strange to comfort a stranger and show them affectionate care, doesn't it?  Can I tell you....that may be exactly the time God showed up and wanted to use your listening ears, your kind words, or your touch to be His light at that very moment. What if you see someone hurting today or tomorrow?  Would you be willing to be used by Jesus to care for another and show proper affection?

THREE SOURCES OF LIGHT - Help Us Experience Affection

Light Source #1:  Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12)
Walking in the Light:  Having a fresh encounter with Jesus.

Psalm 116:1-2   I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen,   I will pray as long as I have breath!

The Lord of the universe bends down to listen --- to me and to you.

This verse and many others in scripture just humble me. It is hard to fathom sometimes the great love The Father has for us, isn't it? Yet He does! He feels.  He cares! ( I Peter 5:7)

If someone affectionately loved and cared for you, wouldn't they take the time to hear you, to listen to your words? This is exactly what scripture says our Father does! Oh the love He has for you, my friend!
Have you ever wondered if The Lord was actually listening to you as you poured your heart out to Him? Sometimes it may feel like we are just speaking words to dead air, but remember during those times what this scripture tells us. He is listening! In fact, He is bending to hear you!

Can you get that word picture in your mind? The God of the universe, Your heavenly Father, bending down to listen to you intently! So humbling, so loving, so affectionate, isn't it? Maybe you see Him as big and towering over you but bending low to listen.  Or perhaps when you are quiet and listening for that "still, small voice", you experience Jesus sitting beside you, kneeling with you, looking and listening to your concerns, your cares, even your celebrations and praises.  

I am encouraged to do that right now.  Will you join Jesus and let Him do for you the one thing He seems to enjoy most.....loving you and meeting you personally?  Remember how tenderly Jesus cared for each hurting person in Scripture.  Don't forget He cares about you and invites you to come to Him.  (Matthew 11:28-30)

Light Source #2: God's Word is a lamp and a light, so walk in the light of frequent experiences of doing His Word.  Psalm 119: 105
Let's do:1 John 4:19-21
We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.

There are so many of our "brothers (sisters)" walking around in our lives. Some we know very well and others total strangers.  In God's eyes we are all the same, in that each person- even that person in the mirror each morning - is 100% needy of God's love and provision 100% of the time".   We know from scripture that "God is love"! We also know that loving God and others comprise the greatest 2 commandments according to Jesus.  You and I need to practice loving others as instruments of God's love.

Would you ask the Lord to show you -  outside your family circle - to whom He would have you reach out? I can't help but think of our neighbors, co-workers, grocery clerks or restaurant servers. These people we bump into regularly, yet we often might not even give them the time of day!  Does it really matter if they are churched or not?  I don't think so - at least in keeping the command to love and care.

Have you ever heard of "Hiya" neighbors? These are your neighbors and that's all you say to them as you go into your house - "Hiya"! So, so sad! God has placed us where we reside on purpose! These "near ones" have a whole life  you know nothing about, and God wants to use you to love them.

What about your co -workers?  You are "IN" their lives everyday but do you know what their hurts are? Their dreams?  My guess is, not really.  

The grocery clerk or restaurant server we can absolutely show them some affectionate care can't we, yet too often we keep our interaction with them cold and dry.

We miss so many opportunities to show God's affection. Let's "Do the Book" and love others because He loved us first.  Love appropriately and begin to look for ways to care.

How might you love, care, and serve practically and appropriately those in your circle?

Try this prayer:  Father, It is so easy for me to be too focused on __________________ (myself, work, schedule, kids..etc).  Help me to lift my head up to see the needs of others in my church or in my neighborhood and simply care - tell them I/we care - and try to be there in times when they are open to being loved.  I leave the timing to you, Father, but I tell you now that I am available.  Amen.

Light Source #3: God's people are sources of light so walk in real fellowship with believers and others: "the light of the world." Matthew 5:14

Would you take a few moments and jot down some names? Names of those outside your family, (church folks, neighbors, co-workers, teachers, people at the gym, coffee shop etc...) that you regularly come in contact with. Would you then pray over those names? Pray for each one by name, if you know their name, and ask God to speak to your heart about each one of them. Then, would you make a plan in your mind to strike up a conversation, ask them how their day was, or bake them cookies and drop them at the front door with a note? Anyway that God may lead you to reach out.

As I finalized this 52 Week Plan today, I realized that our neighbors in our new neighborhood have already shown kindness to us by greetings and coming to meet us.  We want to meet them in their homes, have them to ours, have a cul-de-sac party, and pray for them.  These people are objects of God's love ... ours too.

May I leave a quote here by Mother Teresa? How this convicts and blesses my heart!
Spread love everywhere you go; First of all in your own house.
Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor.... Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.

52 Week Plan Written by Dave Lewis and Linda D'Avanzo

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