Spiritually Open, Intentionally Inclusive since 1958
510 N Leroux
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
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- This Sunday at Beacon -
Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Path #3 - Walking the Path, Ritual and "The Half That Makes Us Whole"
Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker

How are we made whole? The "1/2" in this sermon stands as a symbol of our incomplete natures, and the need for our human bodies to be made whole in relation to something beyond the physical. This may be something deep and meaningful, or something rational or something mystical involving a ritual or practice. This morning, on the edge of the contemplative period of Lent, we'll explore and take inspiration from the five objects (stones, incense, drums, religious symbols, and bread) that have helped pilgrims and seekers find their "other ½" for millennia. Drummer Jonathan White will punctuate the service with drumming and song.

~ Monthly Touchstone Theme: Generosity ~ 
Spotlight this Week!

Flagstaff Folk Project featuring Avtar Kalsa
Friday, February 21st - 7:00 pm @  Beacon

Avtar Kalsa, a long-time Flagstaff musician and resident, and FFP
favorite, has returned from the California coast.

Avtar's musical influences include Bob Dylan, Bonnie Raitt, Jackson
Browne, John Hartford, Nanci Griffith, Stephen Stills, Sarah McLachlan,
Steve Earle, and Ramblin' Jack Elliot, to name just a few. We're sure
that you will enjoy Avtar's return performance at the Folk Project.
~ Community Connections ~
Beacon Stewardship Events
Save the Dates

Beacon is launching our annual stewardship pledge campaign again soon.  Stewardship and fundraising supports everything that a faith community does and calls us into deeper connection with each other. Stewardship is more than just planning our congregation's annual finances and budget.  It is rooted in our faith principles and inspires our generous support of Unitarian Universalism, as well as our commitment to Beacon as our congregational home and the place where we seek our vision of a welcoming and loving community.  Be sure to mark your calendars.  Sign up electronically below, on a paper sign-up sheet found at social hour or in the Beacon office, or you can email office@beaconuu.com.
  • Leap Day Family Breakfast on Saturday, February 29th - 9:00 am  ~sign up here~
  • Wine Tasting party on Saturday, March 7th  - 7:00 pm  ~sign up here~
  • High Tea on Sunday, March 22nd - 3:00pm  ~sign up here~
  • Celebration Potluck on Sunday, April 5th after the service  ~sign up here~
Members should plan to participate in the event of their choice to share their 20/20 Visions with the Beacon community and to complete their annual pledge forms. For more information you can check the Beacon calendar, the UUA Congregational Stewardship Q&A, the UUA Fair Share Giving Guidelines, and the Beacon Stewardship website.

Dennis Spurlin
Stewardship Co-chair
Rev. Robin's Bird's Eye-View
"What the Cluck?"

Just this past week, as I was surfing around for sermon fodder on the topic of "why people go to church and why they stay away," I stumbled on an article entitled, "People Flock To The Church of the Confused Chicken." (extra points for the "flock" pun! ) When I opened the link and saw the accompanying photo, a prolonged giggle fit ensued.

But this is serious business, folks. According to the article, "A congregation in Florida is crying fowl (ugh) after pictures of its chapel made the Internet rounds this week for an unholy reason: the building looks like a chicken. The "Chicken Church" - also known as The Church by the Sea in Madeira Beach and not to be confused with Church's Chicken (touché) - went viral when a photographer noticed that, from just the right angle, the structure's round windows look like eyes and its roofing tiles resemble wings and a beak. Tourists, reportedly by the hundreds, now line up to take pictures of the visage.

Dee Dee Parker, a longtime member of the church, told the Daily Mail that the Holy Cluck is "funny" and she welcomes the newfound popularity. But church employees interviewed disagree. "We're not fond of it being called the "Confused Chicken Church,'" said one. "It's attracting people to us for all the wrong reasons. I don't think they're attracted to come in and worship, I think they're making fun of it." She said that the chapel, built in 1944, "was not designed to look like a clucker or that the congregation wants to give the community "the bird." (OMG - stop!)

Another website called "Roadside America" noted that the Chapel was "an easy stop and snap" and directed pilgrims to also notice the large crucifix sculpture on the exterior wall. Apparently, Jesus appears to have leaned down and pulled one of his arms off its nail to help a white dove take flight. "Don't miss that," he says (tongue firmly planted in cheek).
Surely, we would not want visitors to Flagstaff (or locals, for that matter) to congregate outside of Beacon UU and make fun of it, or find it satirical. Don't we want folks to be attracted to us for the right reasons, too, and have them do more than take Instagram selfies of "that church where the free-thinking different drummers hang out?"
What brings you to this place of worship and why do you stay away? What can you and will you tell others about Beacon UU that will help them be less "confused" about us Unitarian Universalists, and would entice them to join in for worship, faith development, social action, fun and yes, good old-fashioned chicken dinners? We can't grow the flock without some proud clucking. That's my Bird's-Eye View.
Community Events

Religious and Scientific Perspectives on the Environment
Thursday, February 13th at 6:00 pm
Granite Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation
882 Sunset, Prescott

Rev. Patty Willis and Dr. Stefan Sommer will present the current issues being brought by Climate Change and our spiritual and human responsibilities in the face of this global crisis.  Sponsored by the Northern Arizona Climate Change Alliance.

The full invitation and flier for the event is available here.
Songs to Open Our Hearts
~Flagstaff Threshold Choir~
Monday, February 17th at 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Episcopal Church of the Epiphany
423 N. Beaver St. Flagstaff

The Flagstaff Threshold Choir which performed at last Sunday's service will be performing again just down the road from Beacon.  In case you missed it, the Threshold Choir is one of 200 worldwide that perform a cappella music of primarily women's voices.

  Click here for full event flyer
Rivers of Change, Prophecy and Possibilities
Biennial Conference of the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology

March 13-14, 2020
Tamaya Resort, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico

Book Discussion Group
The Christian Gospel for Americans - David Griffin
Tuesday, March 17th - 6:00 pm @ Beacon

Opportunity to read and discuss a new book by David Ray Griffin, author and Professor of Religion and Theology.

Discussion group to be lead by Marcus Ford, retired NAU Professor of Philosophy and recent presenter at Beacon UU.

In  The Christian Gospel for Americans (2019), David Griffin considers the question, "is it possible to be a Christian in the 21 century and, if so, what does this entail for citizens of the US?"   Answering these two questions forces one to consider a good deal of modern science, on the one hand, and a good deal of history--both the history of first century, when Jesus lived, and the last couple of centuries of American history.  How should Christians understand other religions, how should they understand American foreign policy, and how should they engage in issues involving human-caused climate change and species extinction?

David Griffin is one of the most innovative and bold thinkers of our time.  This book will give you plenty to think about.  It might even make you reconsider what you thought you knew for sure. 

Anyone interested in reading and discussing this provocative exploration of Christian belief and ideology, please join in. Contact Mark James at ndjames@aol.com with questions.

The group of interested participants will meet for six gatherings starting in mid-March, tentatively on Tuesdays, at an agreed upon time determined at the first meeting.
 Social Justice Allies (SJA) 
Activate at Beacon for Progressive Candidates
Sunday, March 15th at 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm 

Social Justice Allies and Rev. Robin will host a presentation (and share the UU The Vote  toolkit) along with representatives of other local groups invested in the Elections of 2020. We will also be joined that morning by Janine Gelsinger, Executive Director of UUJAZ, who will be preaching.  The intention for the event "Activate for Progressive Candidates in 2020" is that it bring together Beacon UU, Indivisible, Swing Left, LWV, Together We Will (Northern AZ), Vote Forward, and other like-minded groups to merge our resources and energy in this crucial election year. If you are a member of one of the groups mentioned or wish to be part of this effort, please be in touch with me at minister@beaconuu.com

Religious Exploration

February 16th, 2020 ~ "The Sneetches"
We'll talk about inequality and judging others. We'll write a poem together about fairness, Watch the 12 minute Sneetches video and Make Self Portraits! 

February 23rd, 2020 ~ "The Lorax"
We'll explore why we need to protect the Earth. We'll work together to make Truffula Trees Mural and join in a "How I Can Help the Earth" Activity 


Religious Exploration for Middle Schoolers - Building Bridges

Join us as we explore and learn about the world religions and then visit different houses of worship in the Flagstaff area.

February 16th, 2020 - Building Bridges meets at 10:00 AM.

Real World Sexuality Education for Young People 

OWL is a widely acclaimed lifespan sexuality education curriculum, developed jointly by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)  and the United Church of Christ (UCC). OWL provides accurate, developmentally appropriate information for all ages about a range of topics, including relationships, gender identity, sexual orientation, sexual health, and cultural influences on sexuality. The course does not adopt a specific religious perspective Classes are facilitated by dedicated Beacon UU members who have received training and certification through the UUA.  You can learn more about our program at Beacon here: https://www.beaconuu.com/our-whole-lives-owl/ and read all about OWL on the UUA website,    www.uua.org/re/owl .

All 7 th and 8 th graders in Flagstaff are invited to participate in the program. Regular attendance is expected. Because of the nature of the program materials, a parent orientation is a requirement for ALL participants.

Attendance at one Parent Orientation is  REQUIRED 
  • Sunday, February 23, 12 noon - 2 PM., OR
  • Tuesday, March 3, 6:00-8:00 PM 
Our OWL program for 7 th and 8 th graders will be held from 1:00 - 5:30 PM on 
  • Saturday March 7 th
  • Saturday March 28 th
  • Saturday April 4 th
  • Saturday April 18 th  
  • (Saturday April 25 th - make-up date if needed)
All meetings will be held at Beacon UU Congregation, 510 N. Leroux St., Flagstaff, Az 86001

Requested sliding scale donation for the 7 th /8 th grade class materials
    $75-$125 (Beacon members), $100-$150 (non-members)

Questions or additional information? Contact OWLFlagstaff@gmail.com

~ Volunteering for Beacon's Religious Exploration Program ~

The RE program for children ages 0 to 12 is up and running for the new year.  We have a few very dedicated volunteers already signed up to assist us in the classroom on Sunday mornings. We could still use a few more to complete our schedule through May, 2020.  The only requirement is that you show up and offer to supervise as a responsible adult in the room. Very little teaching is required of you as we have a regular teacher in the classroom to lead the lesson.  You may be asked to hold or read to a child or help them with a task.  

If you haven't already done so, you will be asked to give information to us so that we can do a simple background check on you.  Otherwise,  all you need to do is pick a date or two and, if you don't mind, fill out our volunteer form which you can download from a link here and return it to Rev. Robin, Linda Ochi, or Kay Johnson.  Or send us an email regarding your willingness to help out.  Thank You.
Chalice Circles
Sunday, February 23 11:30am - 1:00pm
Tuesday, February  25 7:00pm - 8:00pm

All are welcome!   The theme for February is Generosity. This month's Touchstones journal link can be found here.

Touchstones Chalice Circles are designed to meet our needs for belonging (intimacy) and meaning (ultimacy) by building friendships and providing opportunities to ponder life's questions, small and large, with others who share the common values of our UU Principles.  All are welcome.

Chalice Circle continues to meet on the 4th Sunday & Tuesday of each month. Discussion examines subjects as provided in the monthly journal of Unitarian Universalism,  Touchstones.  
To meet the needs of the congregation, we have made attendance open. 

For further information contact Char Tarashanti or Lynda L. Dorweiler at  ChaliceCircles@Beaconuu.com
UUA General Assembly
 Providence, RI. June 24-28, 2020

Rooted, Inspired & Ready! 
We are in touch with our theological roots, we are engaged in transforming our faith and we are fired up to take action in the wider world.  Featuring Naomi Klein, 2020 Ware Lecturer.

Early Bird registration by Feb 29. We have funds designated to help send Beacon congregants to GA! Speak to Rev. Robin.  For more information visit  https://www.uua.org/ga.

Pacific Western District Assembly
San Luis Obispo, CA. April 24-26, 2020. 
"The Climate of Justice"

We have funds to help defray the cost of registrations for both Assemblies. Contact Rev. Robin,  minister@beaconuu.com

Joys and Concerns
February 9, 2020

Rich  and Raz C. shared the joy of returning from an RV trip to Mexico and Southern AZ where they met up with several Beacon members who extend their greetings.

Anne W. shared the sorrow of her cousin who committed suicide this past week.

Mark J. shared the joy that his friend from Pittsburgh was able to visit and come to Beacon.

Katie shared the joy that her son who has been through tough times is doing much better now thanks to profession help.

Suzi H. shared the joy of narrowly missing a serious vehicular accident last week.

Nancy P. shared the joy of hearing Rev. Robin's sermon last Sunday which helped her a lot the past week.
"Let us remember that everyone is fighting their own private battle. We don't always know what it is, but because we're human we know it to be true. May we be kind, compassionate, flexible and forgiving with one another." - Rev. Robin

Everyday Ways to Support Beacon UU 

1.  When you go to  Fry's  grocery store, use the Beacon phone number ( 928 779 4492 ) as the Alternate ID when it asks for it at the beginning of checkout, and you will get shopping discounts for Fry's members, as well as donating a percentage of your expenditure to Beacon. You can also sign up for an individual account if you prefer that, or want to take advantage of the gasoline discounts. You have to pick Beacon as your beneficiary when you set up your own account.

2.  If you shop on Amazon, please use "Amazon Smile"  and choose Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation (do not abbreviate UU) as your recipient. We will receive a 0.5%  for every purchase and that can add up!  Remember that you have to start each shopping session at  smile.amazon.com  for us to receive the donation. 

3. Another online fundraiser is   igive.comOnce again, create your own account with a user name and password, then select settings, my cause, and type in Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation (do not abbreviate UU) . Then you can order from any of the hundreds of organizations listed under igive.  There are also coupons listed online you can use when ordering from some organizations.

4.  Basha's has a special debit card that you can charge up before shopping, and a portion of  what goes through the debit card gets donated to Beacon because that card is tied to Beacon.  Ask Anne Wittke for further information.

Have other ideas for our income incubator? leave them on a card in the bin in the lobby, or send them to Rev. Robin. 
      Febr uary Share the Plate Partner
Beacon's community partner for February is Sun Sounds of Flagstaff. Sun Sounds of Flagstaff is a not-for-profit organization that provides audio access information to people who cannot read print because of a restricting disability, making creative use of technology and talent to ensure that every disabled person has the opportunity to access the current and local information necessary to a self-directed, productive life. The Flagstaff affiliate has about 400 listeners. Congregational members can nominate an organization to be a community partner.  Please pick up a form from the CAC folder in the Beacon administrative office or contact a member of the committee and provide supporting documentation for your nomination. Members of CAC are Joanne Parkes, Susan Patrick, Steven Patrick, and Lynda L. Dorweiler.  
Contact:  Office@beaconuu.com
Our Caring Connections

Confidential Pastoral care is available to all members and friends, new and longstanding. Our Caring Circle works with our minister to offer support, practical assistance, and companionship. Please let us know (through our team, staff, musical or affinity groups) of needs for a listening ear and caring connections. Contact Rev. Robin or Dorothy Rissel at  dorothy.rissel@gmail.com
Volunteer Opportunity

The Flagstaff Area National Monuments are recruiting Volunteers-In-Parks (VIPs) to help  support a number of activities at Walnut Canyon National Monument during our busy spring break season. Volunteer activities include helping young visitors become Junior Rangers, helping to manage overflow parking, and serving as Ro ving Rangers on the trails. 

Dates : Our immediate need is March 7th - April 26th. However, once you have been trained VIPs can volunteer year-round.

Hours: Our times of greatest need are typically during the middle of the day - especially Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. We are hoping to find volunteers that can commit to durations of 2-4 hours.

Training: We will provide on-site training to volunteers. These volunteer training sessions will be set up at the convenience of the volunteer, and potentially in small groups depending on the number of interested participants.

Interested parties should contact the Walnut Canyon
lead park ranger Ryan Carpenter at 
(928) 526-3367  or at  ryan_p_carpenter@nps.gov .
Ryan is in the office Tuesday - Saturday.

~ This Week at Beacon  ~

Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, February 13, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Worship, RE & Child Care
Sunday, February 16, 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am

CLC Meeting
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Flagstaff Folk Project
Friday, February 21, 2020
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
OWL Parents Orientation
Sunday, February 23, 2020
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Chalice Circle
Sunday, February 23, 2020
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
If you would like to submit a calendar event, send an email to  office@beaconuu.com . With all requests, please indicate the following: proposed start and end time of the event, the space/room preferred, and a rough group size. On the occasion of a cancellation or rescheduling of an event, please let the office know in a timely fashion to ensure that your event is correctly represented in the newsletter and order of service. Thank you!
Beacon Office Hours & Contacts  ~
Office Phone (928) 779-4492

Rev. Robin Zucker

Mon: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wed: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thurs: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Or by appointment:
978-505-7245 - talk and text (confidential line) 
Get to know Rev. Robin at  www.uurobinzucker.com
Director of RE 

Our engaging programs for all ages continue while  we search for a new Religious Exploration Director.

Rev. Robin can answer your RE questions.
  Office Manager,
Ben Jefferies
Mon: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Wed: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Thurs: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm


~ Unitarian Universalist Seven Principles  ~

Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a "living tradition" of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from  sources  as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience.  Learn more at beaconuu.com!

Website Updates ~
Dear Members and Friends,
Public users of the Beacon website see only the public facing information.  There are many pages of additional information available to those who have registered and are assigned the role of "Member" or "Friend" by the webmaster.  To get started click register.   

Be sure to record your username and password somewhere safe. If you are listed in the Beacon directory send an email to webmaster@beaconuu.com to set your role for access to information about what the leadership is up to, minutes of meetings, decisions of the Board, projects planned by the Core Leadership Council, as well as contact information for members and committee chairs. Your Beacon website is the place to go for copies of the bylaws, policies, and other documents that establish the business of Beacon.

~ Beacon Google Group  ~

If  you are not on Beacon's exclusive Google group, you are missing out on an important communications link within our congregation. It is useful for spreading information about something going on in Flagstaff, informing others of social action activities, offering an item for sale or to give away, sharing enthusiasm about a book or movie, requesting information or recommendations -- and more! It's simple to sign up! Email our Office Manager, at  office@beaconuu.com or Visit:  https://groups.google.com/d/forum/uuflag
Newsletter submissions must be submitted by Wednesday at 4:00 pm to office@beaconuu.com  in order to be included in the newsletter.