Jodi's Office Hours: M or T: 1 - 3 and W: 1 - 5, Th: 1 - 6
Schedule is subject to change, please call or email if you need to be sure to catch me. See bottom of this weekly news to see other staff hours and more details.
September Worship Services
September 4
Rev. Kevin Lawson
"The task of the religious community is to unveil the bonds that bind each to all." -Rev. Mark Morrison Reed. How do we create, sustain and renew covenant? Why?
September 11, Held at Bushmaster Park
"You Gotta Do When the Spirit Says Do!"
Rev. Kevin Lawson
Come one, come all, our annual in-gathering picnic, celebration and renewal of community. Picnic and Service at the Community Ramada at Bushmaster Park. See below for directions and info.
September 18
"It's Not Easy Being Green"
Perhaps more than a song from Kermit the Frog, years ago, what is the spiritual component to reduce, reuse, recycle? Renewal from a spiritual and ecological perspective.
September 25
"Renewal - like it or not"
Sam Piper, Worship Associate
Renewal, the cycle of life, the things we have to do again and again. The merry go round of life. Must we embrace it? Anyone beside me getting dizzy? An exploration.
September's Share the Plate is Flagstaff Shelter Services
Since 2006, Flagstaff Shelter Services (FSS) has provided critical shelter, food, and access to resources to those most likely to die on the streets each night. Regardless of faith, mental health, or sobriety, FSS serves any adult experiencing homelessness. FSS's entire strategy is positioned around providing personal and behavioral crisis response for people in need. Undesignated contributions to September's
Sunday service offerings, above $300, which goes to Beacon's operational budget gets presented to the Center.
Nominate your favorite Non-Profit Group or Agency
If you want to nominate a non-profit project or agency for Beacon to support-one whose values are consistent with Beacon's-fill out a nomination form. They are attached to the small bulletin board in the foyer.
For more information, contact Community Action Committee (CAC) chairs
Katy Grant, katygrantaz@gmail.com and Eric Burns emburns34@hotmail.com
Minister's Musings
Welcome to September, many of us will be taking a shift for the "Water Thingy" at the fair this weekend.
What other events, help you to mark the passing of the months, the seasons? This month's spiritual theme is renewal; we will be exploring how we are together in community. We will be celebrating and renewing the joy of community with the annual in-gathering picnic at Bushman Park. On September 18, I will be exploring renewal from a spiritual and ecological lens. Rounding out the month, Worship Associate Sam Piper, is going to present on the roundabout nature of renewal, or stop I'm dizzy. It looks to be a great month ahead for services, and I know I am looking forward to having the choir back with us beginning this month. See you on Sunday.
Some thoughts on Renewal -
For the coming month, I will try to post a quote or a passage for another voice and perhaps a new thought or direction to help us all in deepening with our theme for the month.
"Community cannot for long feed on itself; it can only flourish with the coming of others
from beyond, their unknown and undiscovered brothers." - Howard Thurman
The Task of the Religious Community
"The central task of the religious community is to unveil the bonds that bind each to all.
There is a connectedness, a relationship discovered amid the particulars of our own lives
and the lives of others. Once felt, it inspires us to act for justice.
It is the church that assures us that we are not struggling for justice on our own, but as
members of a larger community. The religious community is essential, for alone our vision
is too narrow to see all that must be seen, and our strength too limited to do all that must
be done. Together, our vision widens and our strength is renewed."
- Mark Morrison Reed
In fellowship,
Rev. Kevin
Children's Religious Exploration Happenings!
Religious Exploration for the 2016-2017 year begins on September 11, 2016. This year we will be kicking off our exciting new year at our annual picnic to be held at Bushmaster Park!
We will be located at the community ramada located by the second entrance to the park, which is conveniently located next to the bathrooms and playground.
Children are invited to come and fellowship with each other. Bring a friend!
Registrations will be offered on-site.
Dear Parents, Members and Friends,
Welcome to September! Bus rides, early mornings, new clothes, and new adventures are all hallmarks of this wonderful time of year. Beacon's Religious Exploration program is pleased to introduce the theme for
Learning and Living the Unitarian Universalist Way.
This month we will be learning about the when Unitarian Universalism began, famous Unitarian Universalist, and what it means to a "UU" kid.
The highlighted UU Principles for September is the 4th Principle (Green): That all would have a vote about the things that concern them.
Since we are returning to classrooms the schedule for each class is as follows:
Grades K-2: Introduction to Unitarian Universalism
Grades 3-5: What does it mean to be a Unitarian Universalist?
Grades 6-8: Creating Covenants
Grades 9-12 Famous Unitarian Universalist, Social Justice, The Arts, and Beyond
Special Guest Presenter: Bill Owen will be doing an outdoor presentation on September 25 for grades 6-12. He will be demonstrating early survival techniques and using a flint to light our chalice. We will be going back in time to find out about 18th and 19th century Unitarian Universalists!
For the month of September, volunteers are needed for the following:
-Snacks: Bringing in offerings for a specific class or group (can be as easy as a few apples and bananas).
-Reading Stories: We need good story readers for grades K-2.
-Lead Explorer/Assistant Explorer (Grades 6-8): 9/18/2016.
If you are interested in volunteering please email
Details about Fall Religious Exploration for Children!
Our Fall program begins on
Sunday, September 11, 2016.
The online registration form can be found here:
Greetings Beacon Parents of Religious Exploration,
As your new Director of Religious Exploration, I am very excited about all the wonderful things in store for Religious Exploration this year at Beacon Unitarian Universalist! In addition to starting a new year, Beacon will be welcoming its settled minister, Rev. Kevin Lawson, into the congregation. Together, Rev. Lawson and I are excited to offer an interactive, structured, holistic program designed around helping develop the personal and spiritual identities of our youngest minds.
This year we will feature five development structures for
Religious Exploration:
Infant-PreK (Childcare and Nursery)
Grades K-2
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-8
High School
Lead Teacher: Tessa Reagan
Childcare Provider: Julianna Zangari
Parental Involvement
is a vital element in building a fun, spiritually cohesive, engaging Religious Exploration Program. Additionally, volunteering in the Religious Exploration program is not only rewarding but provides an excellent opportunity to establish a strong, multi-generational faith community.
ne of the first changes to the Religious Exploration program of
This year, parents will be able to register their child(ren) online in the convenience of their own home or office. The Registration Form takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and is required for all Beacon Members and their children.
Our Fall program begins on Sunday, September 11, 2016.
The online registration form can be found here:
click below
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am happy to be of service to the families of Beacon Unitarian Universalist.
Sakenya McDonald
Director of Religious Exploration
Beacon's County Fair Bottled Water Sale
(aka The "Water Thing")
By the Numbers
2 - 5
Dates in Sept., Fri. - Mon., for the Coconino County
10 - 10
County Fair hours of operation Fri., Sat., Sun.
10 - 4
County Fair hours of operation Mon. (Labor Day)
# of hours the Beacon Water Thing will be staffed by volunteers
Number of shifts Beacon volunteers have committed to fill
Hours: length of each shift
Number of Beacon volunteers, each working a 3-hour shift
Number of Beacon kids-included in the 43-working a 3-
hour shift
Number of Flagstaff community organizations that have benefited or may benefit from proceeds from this project
Number of Beacon organizers of this fabulous project: Bruce Celiz-Hagen, Rich Clark and Eric Burns
%: Moral support by Beacon members and friends!
If you go to the County Fair this weekend
be sure to stop by the Beacon Water Thing booth!
The BCFWSPC (Beacon County Fair Water Sale Planning Committee) :-) : Bruce Celiz-Hagen, Rich Clark, Eric Burns and Katy Grant
10 am at Bushmaster Park
"Make new friends and keep the old."
That familiar Girl Scout song applies to Beacon's Homecoming Picnic coming up at Bushmaster Park. Former members and friends have been invited to join us for a potluck bash so we can introduce Rev. Kevin and tell them what Beacon is up to this year! They are our guests, so please bring a bit more food than usual, and folding chairs if you can. Sakenya has activities for the kids, young and old. Don't miss this fun annual event!
Directions to Bushmaster Park Community Ramada
This is the new Ramada that is in the far east part of the park. Take E Lockett Rd. Simply turn south on N Thomas Dr. and the southwest corner of the John Q Thomas Elementary School. The road now goes directly to a parking lot near the ramada.
Caution: Google and online maps do not yet depict this new addition to Bushmaster Park.
Here is a map, that Dennis Spurlin constructed for you!
Circle Suppers at Beacon... Sign up Now!
Break bread with a few other Beaconites
"A Beacon tradition for 30 years"
How it works:
- Any member or friend of Beacon signs up (with your partner and family, if you wish) during the sign-up period (which ends Sep 11). You are signing up to participate in 3-4 potluck Suppers (or brunches or whatever) during the summer. Each Supper is held in the home of one member of the Circle; nobody hosts more than 1 Supper.
- Paul Beier (paul.beier@gmail.com) assembles participants into "Circles" of about 6-8 persons, notifies all participants of the Circle to which they have been assigned, and recruits one person to be the Ringleader of each Circle.
- The Ringleader of each Circle works with Circle to set the date for the first Supper at the Ringleader's home.
- At each Supper, the Circle agrees on the date (about a month later) and the host for the next Supper.
- Continue for until everyone has had the opportunity to host the Circle (hopefully before the next Circles begin).
- Is your home too small to host 6-8 people? No problem! We can work it out...
What to do:
If you can't remember if you already signed up for Circle Suppers, just sign up again - I will find the duplicates.
- Name
- Email
- Phone (gotta have it!)
- Names of other adults who will attend Suppers with you
- Names and ages of kids who will attend suppers with you
- Are you willing to have babies (kids <36 months) old in your Circle? Yes/No
- Are you willing to have kids > 3 years old in your Circle? Yes/No
- Any other information, such as: "only Sunday brunches" or "house too small for me to host" or "please put in circle with Barack.
Sanctuary Art
Our next art display will be exciting new paintings by member Marty Manning. Marty has had a long career as an award winning watercolor artist. However, recently she has mastered a new experimental media in Alcohol Inks. These paintings have a spontaneous abstraction and intensity that is unlike her previous work.
Showing with Marty is her student Robbie Sadler. Robbie has worked in a number of painting media and fallen in love with these inks.
This display will up for September and October.
The Art Committee
ALERT: The venue for the NAIC Candidate Accountability Session
has been changed:
Flagstaff Federated Community Church, 400 W. Aspen St.
The date-Mon., Sept. 12-remains the same
Concerned about Gun Violence, Education and Immigration?
Northern Arizona Interfaith Council (NAIC) invites you to attend its Candidate Accountability Session Monday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 at Federated Community Church, 400 W. Aspen St. We have confirmation of participation from all City Council candidates, Mayoral Candidates and some candidates for State Senate and House positions.
...Here's the unique structure for this event:
- All candidates will receive NAIC's questions in advance.
- Candidates not be present will have the opportunity to send written responses, which will be read to the audience.
- Speakers will be held to clear time restrictions.
- In addition to their responses to specific questions about gun violence, education and immigration, each candidate will be asked for a commitment to continue to engage with NAIC representatives on these issues following the election.
It is crucial that all candidates see by our presence at this event that the combined constituencies represented in NAIC are a collective influence to be reckoned with! If you haven't already done so, please contact Sue Strobel (928- 699-1966 or
) or Roz Clark (928-380-6502 or clarkrr@q.com) to sign up.
Saturday, September 24
10:00 am - 3:00pm
*9:30 gathering/coffee/tea
event to begin promptly at 10:00
Help Rev. Kevin's ministry get off to a Great Start! Please makes plans to join Rev. Kevin and the Board of Trustees, along with the Core Leadership Council who invite all who wish to attend the special "Start Up" workshop offered by our new primary contact with the Pacific Western Region, Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh.
This special event is a best practice that many other UU congregations have found supportive to help provide for successful ministry and congregational relationship foundation. As President Carol, has adopted, this is something akin to a marriage and melding of two entities. What are your expectations of ministry, and what our my expectations of congregational life? How do we best begin the work of blending and building strong community?
Please make plans to attend the workshop, a light salad luncheon will be provided, but RSVP is needed to plan food accordingly.
Please RSVP to Jodi (
) no later than Tuesday September 20, please write RSVP TO START UP WORKSHOP IN SUBJECT LINE. See you there!
Come join us for the "Surf's Up!"
Beacon Auction Fundraiser
December 3, 2016 at 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Aspen Valley Golf Club, 1855 N. Continental Dr.
Theme: "Surf's Up!"
Co-chairs: Julie Lancaster and Sandy Womack
Donation deadline:
Nov. 21, so mark your calendar and please start submitting now!
: Admission, childcare,
hors d'oeuvres,
desserts, door prizes,
An opportunity to support your community!
Examples of donations: hosted dinners; certificates to restaurants, hair salons, experiences like
guided hikes, yoga,
rock climbing, yard work, ice skating, yurts, skiing, timeshares,
etc.; and more!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Upcoming Meetings and Events Calendar
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