PTA and Rockwell Elementary have worked on improving measurables towards the designation, School of Excellence. 

Thank you for answering the following questions; your input is crucial to our overall growth and will be utilized  to measure our progress this year.

Please submit your online responses or paper forms by May 17th.  


We love our Rockwell Teachers! Teacher Appreciation Week is also the week of SBA testing for many students. The following schedule hopefully allows you to celebrate your teacher and keep a quiet classroom on testing dates:

Monday, May 6: Bring a card for your teacher day

Tuesday, May 7: Mexican themed luncheon for teachers (see sign up below for contributions of time, talent and food)

Wednesday, May 8: School supplies for classrooms day ( communicate with your room parent to find out your teacher's needs)

Thursday, May 9: Bring a flower for your teacher day ( Room parents will provide a bouquet divided and a vase so each student can give one flower at the start of the day). And p icnic themed luncheon for teachers (see sign up below for contributions of time, talent and food)

Friday, May 10: Morning coffee cart for teachers and classroom teacher gifts if chosen by the classroom families

Sign up  here for luncheons.



In honor of "Bike to School" month, the Redmond SchoolPool is promoting a special "Bike to School" day this Wednesday morning, May 8th. Look for a special guest from the city as well as the Beagle to greet you as students and parents arrive to the school.  Look for volunteers handing out wrist bands to our Walkers, Carpoolers and Bus Riders.  We also have an extra special item to hand to our Bikers that day.  Please remind your bikers of the rules and remember, any biker under 10 must be accompanied by an adult biker.  Let's all Walk and Roll together!
Thank you to all of our students and families supporting the Redmond SchoolPool. Together we will reduce traffic congestion, raise money for our school and promote healthy habits.

Belinda Zeitouni
JuJu Ratanaprateepporn
Rockwell Parents and PTA Fundraising VPs

See dates below

This year's SBA (State Assessments in English Language Arts, Math, and Science) will take place on the following days:
Grade 3 - May 14-16 (ELA) and May 29-30 (Math)
Grade 4 - May 7-9 (ELA) and May 21-22 (Math)
Grade 5 - May 7-9 (ELA), May 21-22 (Math), May 23 (Science)
Please note these dates on your calendars and avoid making appointments or planning family trips on those days. 

Also, there is nothing additional you need to do to prepare for these assessments at home, as teachers will guide students in preparations and practice sessions prior to the assessments. The assessments are one way to measure the growth students have made in their studies this academic year.
It is often the passion and commitment of a dedicated few who make the difference! Please help us recognize our exceptional PTA Volunteers, Rockwell Teachers, and Staff.
Nomination Forms were sent home, via kid mail, before Spring Break! The Awards Committee is asking ALL Rockwell parents and staff to help out by sending in their award nominations forms. 

The nomination DEADLINE is Friday, May 10, 2019.
Submissions can be made to the Rockwell Office by sending nomination form (in a sealed envelope addressed to "Rockwell PTA Nomination Committee") via Kid MAIL or by emailing your nominations directly to the PTA Nominations Committee at
Download a form here if you don't have one!
Adelina Popescu
VP Volunteer Services

Sign up to help at the Ice Cream Social  here !

Sign up to help at the Used Book Sale here!

The Rockwell library still needs your gently used books for our annual Used Book Sale! Bring your books to the library by May 23. For questions, please contact Shelly Gordon. THANK YOU!

Parents of fifth graders must be reminded that to enter the sixth grade, they must show proof of one dose of the Tdap vaccine (to help prevent pertussis/whooping cough). 

The deadline to turn it in is June 1, 2019, unless your child has a summer birthday. Children with summer birthdays just need to have a completed form on file by the first day of school. If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse.

Spring Running Club is off to great start! We've had an average of 250 participants, including teachers. Several Rockwell students have completed their first marathon punch card, with dozens more reaching various milestones along the way. Kindergarten students are now participating both Tuesdays and Thursdays, and are excited to achieve their treasured toe tokens as well. 

Volunteers are still wanted and needed! The Rockwell Running Club cannot exist without you! If you are a stay at home parent and Washington State approved, please consider assisting on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch time recess for your child. Watching these kids is such a joy, the fun is contagious! 

Please volunteer  here Come volunteer for a half hour, or stay the whole time...we can accommodate your schedule!

Any questions? Please contact Christine Cottom.
Registration now open!

The Lake Washington School District offers a variety of Summer Programs to enable families to engage in rigorous and meaningful summer learning opportunities.  

Core Academic Summer School opportunities are available at the elementary, middle and high school levels. A variety of enrichment and core academic courses are offered. Core Academic Summer Programs will run from July 8-August 2, 2019 in ten or twenty-day sessions. 

Elementary programs will be held at Rockwell Elementary School and middle and high school programs will be held at Redmond High School. Limited transportation ad scholarships are available. 

Click here to learn more.  Classes will fill up fast, so register right away!


Is your family looking for a fun gardening project? Do you want to help keep Rockwell looking amazing?

Every year for Community Serve Day, our wonderful volunteers spruce up all of our planter boxes including minor repairs plus fresh soil and flowers just before school starts! Unfortunately, we have not been great about maintaining them.  We need your help to get them back into shape and keep them looking fresh, so we're looking for families to "adopt" a Beagle Box.

Responsibilities include:
  • Light trimming weeding, and pruning of existing foliage
  • Watering
  • Replacing soil (minimal) and flowers as needed (small budget is provided)
  •  Anything else that strikes your fancy!
This could be a very satisfying way for your whole family to get their hands dirty :)

Sounds fun, right? Are you interested?? Please reach out to Elaine Bentzinger to sign up to adopt a Beagle Box for the remainder of the school year.  


Wondering what your child is currently learning and what they need to know as they transition into the next grade?  PTA will feature one grade level every couple of weeks to ensure parents know and also offer a couple of ideas to support learning at home.


A Sample of What Your Child Will Be Working on in 3rd Grade:
  • Reading stories aloud fluently, without pausing to figure out what each word means
  • Distinguishing the literal and nonliteral meanings of words, such as something's fishy and cold shoulder
  • Comparing the most important points and key details presented in two books on the same topic
  • Writing opinions that group related information and develop topics with facts and details
  • Writing stories that establish a situation and include details and clear sequences of events that describe the actions, thoughts, and feelings of characters
  • Solving word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • Beginning to multiply numbers with more than one digit (e.g., multiplying 9 × 80)
  • Understanding fractions and relating them to the familiar system of whole numbers (e.g., recognizing that 3 "over" 1 and 3 are the same number)
  • Finding areas of shapes, and relating area to multiplication (e.g., why is the number of square feet for a 9-foot by 7-foot room given by the product 9 × 7?)

How to help your child at home:   


  • Make reading for fun a part of your child's daily routine. Set aside quiet time, with no phones, computers, or other distractions, when your child can read for pleasure, books such as Amos & Boris by William Steig or The Fire Cat by Esther Averill. To find more books for your child to read,
  • Encourage your child to find a picture from a newspaper or magazine, cut it out, paste it on paper, and write a story about it.
  • Start a family vocabulary box or jar. Have everyone write down new words they discover, add them to the box, and use the words in conversation.  
  • Notice those everyday occasions when you find yourself using your times tables - such as to determine how many days there are in four weeks. Ask your child for the answer.
  • Involve your child when you notice yourself using division to "work backward" in the times tables - such as determining how many candies each child will get if 36 candies are shared equally among nine children at a party, or determining how many six-inch lengths can be cut from a string 18 inches long.
Click on this link to review the full guide created by National PTA. 

Do you like working with kids? Do you have a passion for food?
Are you interested in earning extra money while the kids are at school?
LWSD Sodexo Nutrition Services is currently looking for a Food Server to
work 3 hours a day to help serve students at Rockwell Elementary. The
great news is that you will only work while students are in school. Starting pay is dependent upon experience.

If interested, please call Nutrition Services at (425) 936-1385 or

email us at
Please reference: Food Service Worker @ Rockwell Elementary
Sodexo is an EEO/AA/Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran Employer

The Rockwell PTA is pleased to offer the Seymore Hear More scholarship to any students who need financial assistance to acquire glasses or hearing aids. If you would like more information, please  contact Mrs Bauer at  or   425-936-2670 .

Is your student missing any jackets, hats, lunchboxes, water bottles, etc.?
Our lost and found is overflowing with numerous items. 

Lost and found is located just inside the front entrance of the school. 

Please check in the office for watches, earrings, and house keys, as we have several unclaimed items.

Community Serve Day is returning to Norman Rockwell for its third year, and is scheduled for August 25, 2019 from 9am-1pm.  

Be a part of transforming Rockwell in preparation for the new school year.  In just four hours, your time and talents will make an impact in the lives of Norman Rockwell teachers and kids for an entire year.  Show your Rockwell Spirit!  Invite your friends and family.  

Register today @  


Rockwell is a flourishing community of diversity. In order to maintain our inclusive community and assist families with emerging proficiency in English, PTA and Rockwell have established two programs to  facilitate two-way communication.

PTA provides translators through our FACE (Family and Community Engagement) committee at school events, meetings and by translating forms into several languages. You can also select your preferred language on our PTA website by using the "select language" button.

Rockwell utilizes a phone service to eliminate communication barriers- the service offers more than 240 spoken languages and American Sign LanguageStop by the office to find out more or use the service for meetings, registration or any other need.

Tell your neighbors & friends

If you live in Lake Washington School District (LWSD) and your child will be five years old on or before August 31, 2019, now is the time to register them for Kindergarten! 

Registration takes place at your neighborhood school during regular school hours through the beginning of the 2019-20 school year.

While registration will continue throughout the school year and summer, parents are highly encouraged to register students as soon as possible. Doing so helps ensure class sizes are balanced and adequate staff are hired in time for the new school year. 

Visit the  Kindergarten Information webpage  for more information.
Volunteer at Rockwell!

Share your talents, gain experience and inspire a child. 

If you're planning to volunteer in the classroom, library or during an after school program, you must be approved by the district.

LWSD recently updated the volunteer application; you can find it here. Your volunteer status will expire after 2 years, at which time you will receive a notice to renew.

Thank you for volunteering!

Places to earn: 
Click here for all the easy ways that your shopping can benefit Rockwell!

View the flyers approved by LWSD and targeted to Rockwell from local organizations...sports tryouts, after school classes, and community events. 
The best way to stay informed!

Join PTA to access all the directory information.

Volunteer Application:  
It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today! Do it now and be ready to volunteer when school begins!
Rockwell PTA Facebook Page: 
Stay connected and updated on  Rockwell PTA, school, and community info. 
Stop by and Like Us! Don't miss any posts...after liking us, make sure to hover over the Liked Button to turn on notifications.

Have you moved schools and want to unsubscribe?  Scroll to the VERY bottom of this email for the "SafeUnsubscribe" link.  If you want to subscribe to Redmond Middle School, check here.
Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents .  Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories.  Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics. 

Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and may be submitted to the Peach Jar E-flyer system.  The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.

Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle.  The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday.  The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.
Contact the Bugle staff or submit articles at
Elizabeth Rosemond
Beagle Bugle Editor
Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA
Norman Rockwell Elementary - Redmond, WA