Thursday, October 10
7pm - Rockwell Gym

Please join us on Thursday, October 10th from 7-9pm for the first General Membership Meeting of the school year.  We have a full agenda planned:
  • Mr. Clark will share a report on the start of the new school year and will discuss inclusion, Unity Week, and work as a school team around bullying awareness.
  • We will present the PTA Standing Rules and Policies for approval.
  • We will discuss funding status and make recommendations for program and event funding based on the ABC contributions.
  • Make your voice heard as we vote on approving the PTA Budget
  • Listen to Leanne Kabat, a local mom, author, and CEO of MamaCon as she presents "Lead Your Family from Chaos to Connection Using the 5 Season Strategy."  The 5 Seasons framework helps us understand the stages of connection and disconnection with our kids, and ways we can transform our family by communicating in a positive, meaningful way.  
Hope to see you there!
PTA President
Week of 10/14
See schedule below
Please be reminded of dismissal times during conference week:
  • Monday 10/14 - 11:50am 
  • Tuesday 10/15 - 11:50am 
  • Wednesday 10/16 - 1:50pm (regular Wednesday schedule)
  • Thursday 10/17 - 11:50am 
  • Friday 10/18 - NO SCHOOL

Wow! Walk to School Day was a huge success.  Let's keep the magic alive and keep Walking and Rolling through the rest of October! 

Students remember to fill out all your walk, bike, carpool, or bus trips on your SchoolPool calendar. If you misplace your calendar, you can print a new one here .
Email the Redmond SchoolPool staff at if you have any questions!

Rockwell PTA/Fundraising VP

October 7-17

It's that time of year. Fall Book Fair is coming!

We are super excited to be hosting this annual, most loved library fundraiser. The library will be hosting Scholastic Book Fair from October 7 th -October 17 th . The theme this year is Arctic Adventure!

More information will be coming home soon with students, along with the Scholastic New Books Flyer.

In the meantime, you can check out our home page at Scholastic Book Fairs online. The homepage includes information on Book Fair open hours and online sales. 

NEW PAYMENT OPTION THIS YEAR : Scholastic has a new payment feature called Ewallet. Parents can sign up for a student account, deposit funds for students to use during book fair sales, and student accounts are accessed directly from the cash registers at the fair.  No more sending kids to school with cash! Sign up for this on our Scholastic Home Page:

Interested in volunteering? Check out opportunities to volunteer here
Questions? Feel free to contact Shelly Gordon, Librarian.  


What an awesome opening week of Running Club! Despite the threat of rain the weather held up, the sun appeared and warmed up over 275 participants each day! 

We're still looking for volunteers for this popular program. If you are a stay at home parent and interested in assisting our students,  please click here to sign up! 

Any questions, please contact Christine Cottom, Rockwell P.E. Specialist. 
October 21-25

Thank you to those who have already downloaded the new app and started scanning their receipts! Please also continue to cut out and save your physical Box Top coupons - just make sure they aren't expired and that the 4 digit code and expiration date is legible. We will have a class contest to see which grade can collect the most Box Tops for a prize! We will be collecting them October 21 st  through October 25 th.


"Look Within"  

The Reflections Program is a National PTA and Washington State PTA cultural arts competition which was started in 1969 and is the largest arts in education program of its kind in the United States. The purpose of the program is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works, created around a specific theme. A student may submit an entry in any of the following six arts categories, or as a   special artist (an option for students with disabilities who receive services under IDEA or Section 504):

Visual Arts ( Please note that the LWPTSA is unable to accept 3D art for 2019-2020)

Participation Rules and Student Entry Forms available on the Rockwell PTA Website  (hard copies are available in the Rockwell Main Office - please take only what you need). 

  • Deadline for Entries:   Friday, 10/25 @ 1:30pm, Rockwell Main Office 
  • Rockwell Art Show: Thursday, 11/7 from 5:30-7:30pm, Rockwell Library 
  • District Art Show: Friday, 1/10 from 4-8pm, Lake Washington Resource Center

Please let us know if you have any questions!


Hello Rockwell families and community members! 

Is your family looking for a fun gardening project? Do you want to help keep Rockwell looking amazing?

Every year for Community Serve Day, our wonderful volunteers spruce up all of our planter boxes including minor repairs plus fresh soil and flowers just before school starts. We need your help in maintaining them and keeping them looking fresh, so we're looking for families to "adopt" a Beagle Box.  Commitment is roughly 3 months.

Responsibilities include:
  • Light trimming weeding, and pruning of existing foliage
  • Watering
  • Replacing soil (minimal) and flowers as needed (small budget is provided)
  • Anything else that strikes your fancy!
This could be a very satisfying way for your whole family to get their hands dirty:)

Sounds fun, right? If interested, please contact Elaine Bentzinger

The school has an ongoing need for help during lunch time (serving students and clean up). The time commitment is from 11:40 to 1pm.

If you are willing and able to help, please click here to pick a time slot (or several). 

Thank you in advance!


October is both Disability Awareness Month and Bullying Prevention Month. At Rockwell, we will be promoting these themes by continuing our work with students on inclusion and empathy. Our approach is a positive one, teaching students the behaviors we want them to exhibit instead of just focusing on behaviors we want to extinguish. Teachers often use a technique in their classrooms called "narrating the positive" which means pointing out what others are doing well instead of misbehavior.  In this month's Home School Connection newsletter, you will find an article about how to use this strategy at home to promote desired behavior.
Other good reads in this month's newsletter include:
  • Information about how making mistakes are actually good for our children; mistakes help them grow and learn.
  • Suggestions for setting up a successful homework routine at home.
  • Tip for how to get more included with your child's education by partnering with the classroom teacher.
You can find these articles and more in October's newsletter  here.
Take care,

Hello, Rockwell Families!

If you haven't already, please send in your PTA membership forms online or by paper form/kid mail.  PTA membership is required to participate in many PTA activities from being a room parent to chaperoning after school enrichment activities.  Only PTA members can handle money in volunteer activities that collect money like the ice cream social or musical concessions . 

For some families, if money is an issue, our PTA has many scholarships available for membership.  Please contact the school counselor to utilize these funds.

Karen Hernan
Membership chair

This statewide essay contest explores the important and varied influencers in the lives and education of children - from the children's perspective. Every day children are exposed to a variety of people and each one has an opportunity to influence the path a child decides to take. Whether it is someone that sparks an interest in a new topic, helps them work through a problem, shapes the kind of person they want to become by modeling behavior, simply listens to them, or any number of other actions, this is the platform for students to share their appreciation. 

The application deadline is March 1.

You can learn more about the contest here.


If you didn't order your yearbook when you completed your First Day Packet online, you can do so by going to LifeTouch and using Yearbook ID # 4886520.

Also, if you've ever made or wanted to make a photo book online, you can help with yearbook layout! Please email Abigail Welborn for more information. 
Volunteer at Rockwell!

Share your talents, gain experience and inspire a child. 

If you're planning to volunteer in the classroom, library or during an after school program, you must be approved by the district.

LWSD recently updated the volunteer application; you can find it here. Your volunteer status will expire after 2 years, at which time you will receive a notice to renew.

Thank you for volunteering!

Places to earn: 
Click here for all the easy ways that your shopping can benefit Rockwell!

View the flyers approved by LWSD and targeted to Rockwell from local organizations...sports tryouts, after school classes, and community events. 
The best way to stay informed!

Join PTA to access all the directory information.

Volunteer Application:  
It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today! Do it now and be ready to volunteer when school begins!
Rockwell PTA Facebook Page: 
Stay connected and updated on  Rockwell PTA, school, and community info. 
Stop by and Like Us! Don't miss any posts...after liking us, make sure to hover over the Liked Button to turn on notifications.

Have you moved schools and want to unsubscribe?  Scroll to the VERY bottom of this email for the "SafeUnsubscribe" link.  If you want to subscribe to Redmond Middle School, check here.
Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents .  Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories.  Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics. 

Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and may be submitted to the Peach Jar E-flyer system.  The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.

Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle.  The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday.  The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.
Contact the Bugle staff or submit articles at
Elizabeth Rosemond
Beagle Bugle Editor
Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA
Norman Rockwell Elementary - Redmond, WA