Tuesday, April 16

Join us for sign waving!  

When: Tuesday, April 16 before and after school 7:10 A.M and 4:10 P.M.
Where: Roundabout at 116th Street and 162nd Avenue (near Greystone community)

LWSD has a Capital Projects Levy on the April 23rd ballot. 
This levy will fund additional classrooms and gym space at specific schools, add security cameras to schools, and secured entrances to district high schools.

Raise a sign to show your support for Lake Washington kids! Bring your kids and wear RED!

Washington State PTA Recognizes Norman Rockwell Elementary with Bronze Membership Growth Award!

Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA has recently been recognized by Washington State PTA as a Bronze Membership Growth Award recipient! PTAs are presented with this award for enrolling members equaling at least one member more than their previous year's total membership. That means our PTA is growing! 

Thank you to everyone who has become a member so far this year: YOU are the reason our PTA achieved this award! 

If you haven't yet signed up for a 2018-2019 PTA membership, please consider joining today! By doing so, you are demonstrating your support for our PTA and all it does for Norman Rockwell.  
Begins Tuesday, April 16
Volunteers Needed

Spring Running Club resumes this week, beginning Tuesday, April 16th during lunch recess! All grades are welcome to come out and walk, jog or run during lunch time recess. Earn your first chain and toe token, the next milestone, or finally finish the marathon punch card! 

Running Club events are every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch time, until the end of May. Of course, weather permitting!!!

Parents, we need you!!! This program cannot exist without you. Please consider volunteering for this popular program. 

Please volunteer hereCome volunteer for a half hour, or stay the whole time...we can accommodate your schedule!

Any questions? Please contact Christine Cottom.

The after school programs below are still open for registration!

When registering your child(ren), please remember that a  fter school programs are made possible at Rockwell due to PTA sponsorship. Our PTA insurance policy states that in order to run our programs at least one PTA member (in addition to the instructor(s)), approved by the school district to volunteer, must be present in each class to witness any potential accidents that may occur. Each parent will be required to volunteer for AT LEAST one class (per child) per session for each class enrolled in.

Each volunteer must be cleared by the Lake Washington school district in order to volunteer in any after-school program. You can fill out an online volunteer application here  . It generally takes two weeks for approval. Please make sure you give yourself time to be cleared before you are scheduled to volunteer!

It is the PTA's responsibility to ensure that each of our members adhere to these policies in order to protect our students, our PTA and our After School Programs.

Before you pay for classes be sure to sign up to volunteer using the provided Sign-Up Genius link for each class. Thank you!


Trendy Crafts: Room to Bloom (registration open until 4/21!)

Grades: K to 5  
Mondays, 4/15/19 - 6/3/19 - No class 5/27 
3:25pm - 4:30pm  
Price per student: $125.00  

Let your creativity bloom this spring and create new projects each week! This session Trendy Crafts is going all out with glass trinket trays, pom-pom canvas and, a very sweet Mother's Day surprise!! 

Click  here to register (price will be pro rated if you register after the session begins on 4/15)


Jedi Master Engineering with LEGO® Materials 

Grades: 2 to 5  
Tuesdays 4/23/19 - 6/4/19  (note new start date!)
3:35pm - 5:05pm  
Price: $126.00  

The Force Awakens in this advanced engineering course for young Jedi! Discover key engineering concepts such as gear trains, worm drives, pneumatics, and eccentric motion. Build projects from LEGO® Materials such as X-Wings, AT-AT walkers, Pod Racers, Star Destroyers, Cloud Cities, Settlements, Fortresses, and other complex machines and structures from a galaxy far, far away. 

Click  here to register.


Chess for Life 

Grades: K to 5  
Fridays, 4/19/19 - 6/7/19  
3:30pm - 4:30pm  
Price per student: $129  

Learn the foundations of Chess, the classic game of strategy, in a fun, positive, and hands-on class. The class is tailored for a range of abilities, both those new to the game as well as the more experienced student looking to expand their skills and learn new strategies. 

Click  here to register.

Due Thursday, April 18

Thank you to all of you who participated in Math Challenge #12. Congratulations to the following winners: Andrey K, Sai Sahit N, Amanda W, Maxim K, Peter K, Sofia H, Riccardo M, Elliot K, Antonio B, Sahana S, Chiho O, Shaurya J.

Math Challenge #13 is now available here. For this challenge, 12 qualified submissions will be randomly selected for a prize. Please feel free to try more questions than the minimum required for your grade level in order to qualify. Grab some friends and family and work on the challenge together!

The due date for Math Challenge #13 is Thursday, April 18th (by 3:20 pm).

Let the challenge begin!


Deadline to order is April 19

The yearbook is always a fantastic memoire of how much your child has grown and experienced throughout the school year. 

The yearbook team wants to do their part to make sure all parents are aware that if they do not order a copy, their student will not receive one

The deadline to order is Friday April 19th

Orders may be placed online at Lifetouch:  ID code: 4886519. For cash or check orders, or if you have questions, please email . For scholarships, please email Mrs. Bauer.  

Thank you!



Please support the Norman Rockwell Ecology Run

Every spring, the fifth grade classes get to attend "Outdoor Education", a three-day camp, where the students receive lessons in exploring ecosystems, understanding natural resources, and improving outdoor skills. The cost of this camp to our families can be a burden, so we hold this annual fundraiser to offset some of the expense. It is a one-day fun run to raise money for every fifth grader, and whatever is raised is divided evenly by the number of students to reduce the cost for every family.
  • The funds raised by ALL students will help 5th graders go to camp this year, where they learn about our northwest ecology!
  • The primary (K-2) class that raises the most money will win an extra 20 minute recess
  • The intermediate (3-5) class that raises the most money will win an extra 20 minute recess
  • The kindergarten through fourth grade class that raises the most money overall will earn a PIZZA PARTY!
  • Students will collect flat pledges prior to running laps at the Ecology Run. 
    • Students who raise $25 or more will receive an Ecology Run Spirit wristband
    • Students who raise $50 or more will receive the wristband and a 2016 Ecology Run T-shirt
    • Students who raise $100 or more will receive the wristband, the T-shirt, extra recess and a treat
  • All donations are eligible for corporate matching - if your company participates in a matching program, please consider matching your gift.
    • Simply note: "ASB-Outdoor Education" to designate the payment to the correct account.
The donations are all flat donations - they are not based on the number of laps that are run. We encourage every child at Rockwell to participate if possible - because eventually every child will become a fifth grader and receive these benefits for their own Outdoor Ed camp experience. In the past we have raised over $10,000 - which is an amazing help to offset the cost of the trip!
The fifth grade teachers will be outside during the afternoon on  Friday, April 19th   to facilitate the run. All pledges need to be received by Friday, April 19th. Our currently pledge total is $1571.06.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Weinmeister   or Mrs. Conklin .
Thank you so much for supporting our students and participating in the Ecology Run!
The Fifth Grade Team
Saturday, April 20
2:00pm and 6:00pm - Redmond Performing Arts Center
(at Redmond High School)

Come and support 35 of your 4th and 5th grade Rockwell friends as student cast members in a tale as old as time!  Tickets on sale now.  Hurry before the last petal falls!

Tickets are $7 and can be purchased  online , through kid mail, or at the door on performance day.  All tickets purchased in advance will be picked up at Will Call on performance day.  

Questions about tickets?  Contact .  

You can also recognize cast members for their performances! Star grams are available for presale. Each star gram is  $1 and a chocolate bar, rose candy, or flower can be added for $1 each.  Star grams will be given to cast members after the 2nd show.  For pre-sale information, please contact Susan Reiger, Star Grams Chair.

Enjoy the show!!
How to Talk to Your Child About Sexual Health
Tuesday, April 23
LWSD Resource Center

Lake Washington School District is excited to partner with the King County Public Health Department in hosting an informational parent event: How to Talk to Your Child About Sexual Health. 

Our presenter is Becky Reitzes, Health Educator and Family Planning for King County Public Health. This event will be held at the Resource Center Board Room on Tuesday, April 23 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. This informative evening will provide strategies and tips for parents to help them engage in age-appropriate conversations with their children about a topic that can be considered difficult to discuss.
Nominations for the 2019-2020 Rockwell PTA Board of Directors

We are proud to announce our proposal of officers for next year's Board. Elections will take place during our April 25 th General Membership Meeting scheduled for 7pm in the Rockwell library. There are OPEN positions that need filled by self-nominations prior to or at the scheduled meeting. Please contact for additional information.  

All nominees must be a PTA member for at least 15 days prior to the election. Please join here TODAY to be considered eligible. We value the dedication, time and pride of our members and thank the following people for volunteering to be on the Board of Directors:

For the office of President: OPEN
For the office of President Elect: Elaine Bentzinger
For the office of Secretary: Melissa Chisholm
For the office of Treasurer: OPEN
For the office of VP of Communications: Elizabeth Rosemond
For the office of VP of Academic Enrichment (Co-Chairs): Van Dao and OPEN    
For the office of VP of Events: OPEN
For the office of VP Fundraising: Pornpat "Juju" Ratanaprateeppor
For the office of VP School Services: Janel Brockman
For the office of VP Volunteering: Gretchen Knapp
For the office of Funds Allocation Co-Directors: Stacy Hatch and Sheila Gruber
For the office of Legislative Advocate: Mohamed El Hassouni
For the office of Membership: Karen Hernan   

The nominating committee has confirmed that all nominees have been a member of a PTA for at least 15 days prior to the election scheduled for Thursday, April 25th and meet other requirements as stated in the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws. Please join us to elect, welcome and celebrate the new Board.

Respectfully submitted by the 2018-2019 Nominating Committee,  

Belinda Zeitouni
Pornpat "Juju" Ratanaprateepporn
Ned Kandzor
Thursday, April 25 @ 7pm
Rockwell Library

PTA General Membership Announcement!
When: Thursday April 25th, 2019
Time: 7pm
Location: Rockwell Library
Agenda includes: Presentation from Principal Clark, Voting in the 2019-2020 PTA Board of Directors, Voting on the 2019-2020 Budget
Your Voice Matters! Be There and Be Heard!

See dates below

This year's SBA (State Assessments in English Language Arts, Math, and Science) will take place on the following days:
Grade 3 - May 14-16 (ELA) and May 29-30 (Math)
Grade 4 - May 7-9 (ELA) and May 21-22 (Math)
Grade 5 - May 7-9 (ELA), May 21-22 (Math), May 23 (Science)
Please note these dates on your calendars and avoid making appointments or planning family trips on those days. 

Also, there is nothing additional you need to do to prepare for these assessments at home, as teachers will guide students in preparations and practice sessions prior to the assessments. The assessments are one way to measure the growth students have made in their studies this academic year.
Thursday, May 23

Hello Beagles,

Rockwell Library needs your used books!

We are preparing for this annual book sale to benefit the Rockwell library. We are looking for donations of gently used books. Clean out your shelves/garages, under the bed!- and bring them to the Rockwell Office before May 23rd. 

For questions, please contact me. Thank you!

Shelly Gordon
Library Specialist


Is your family looking for a fun gardening project? Do you want to help keep Rockwell looking amazing?

Every year for Community Serve Day, our wonderful volunteers spruce up all of our planter boxes including minor repairs plus fresh soil and flowers just before school starts! Unfortunately, we have not been great about maintaining them.  We need your help to get them back into shape and keep them looking fresh, so we're looking for families to "adopt" a Beagle Box.

Responsibilities include:
  • Light trimming weeding, and pruning of existing foliage
  • Watering
  • Replacing soil (minimal) and flowers as needed (small budget is provided)
  •  Anything else that strikes your fancy!
This could be a very satisfying way for your whole family to get their hands dirty :)

Sounds fun, right? Are you interested?? Please reach out to Elaine Bentzinger to sign up to adopt a Beagle Box for the remainder of the school year.  


Wondering what your child is currently learning and what they need to know as they transition into the next grade?  PTA will feature one grade level every couple of weeks to ensure parents know and also offer a couple of ideas to support learning at home.


A Sample of What Your Child Will Be Working on in 2nd Grade:

  • Paying close attention to details, including illustrations and graphics, in stories and books to answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions
  • Determining the lesson or moral of stories, fables, and folktales
  • Using text features (e.g., captions, bold print, indexes) to locate key facts or information efficiently
  • Writing an opinion about a book he or she has read, using important details from the materials to support that opinion
  • Retelling key information or ideas from media or books read aloud
  • Understanding what the digits mean in three-digit numbers (place value)
  • Using understanding of place value to add and subtract three-digit numbers (e.g., 811 - 367); adding and subtracting two-digit numbers quickly and accurately (e.g., 77 - 28)
  • Measuring and estimating length in standard units
  • Solving addition and subtraction word problems involving length (e.g., "The pen is 2 cm longer than the pencil. If the pencil is 7 cm long, how long is the pen?")
  • Building, drawing, and analyzing 2-D and 3-D shapes to develop foundations for area, volume, and geometry in later grades
At home support:   
  • Encourage your child to read to younger siblings, cousins, or other children you know. Click here t o find recommendations of books for your child to read.
  • Have your child write a thank you note or letter to family members or friends.
  • When saving for a purchase, compare the cost of the item to the amount of money you have; then ask your child to determine how much more money he or she needs to buy the item.
  • When measuring your child's height, ask how many inches he or she has grown since the very first measurement.
  • Play "draw the shape." For example, ask your child to draw a hexagon with one side longer than the others, or ask him or her to shade in a quarter of a rectangle.
Click on this link to review the full guide created by National PTA. 

The Rockwell PTA is pleased to offer the Seymore Hear More scholarship to any students who need financial assistance to acquire glasses or hearing aids. If you would like more information, please  contact Mrs Bauer at  or   425-936-2670 .

Is your student missing any jackets, hats, lunchboxes, water bottles, etc.?
Our lost and found is overflowing with numerous items. 

Lost and found is located just inside the front entrance of the school. 

Please check in the office for watches, earrings, and house keys, as we have several unclaimed items.

Community Serve Day is returning to Norman Rockwell for its third year, and is scheduled for August 25, 2019 from 9am-1pm.  

Be a part of transforming Rockwell in preparation for the new school year.  In just four hours, your time and talents will make an impact in the lives of Norman Rockwell teachers and kids for an entire year.  Show your Rockwell Spirit!  Invite your friends and family.  

Register today @  


Rockwell is a flourishing community of diversity. In order to maintain our inclusive community and assist families with emerging proficiency in English, PTA and Rockwell have established two programs to  facilitate two-way communication.

PTA provides translators through our FACE (Family and Community Engagement) committee at school events, meetings and by translating forms into several languages. You can also select your preferred language on our PTA website by using the "select language" button.

Rockwell utilizes a phone service to eliminate communication barriers- the service offers more than 240 spoken languages and American Sign LanguageStop by the office to find out more or use the service for meetings, registration or any other need.

Tell your neighbors & friends

If you live in Lake Washington School District (LWSD) and your child will be five years old on or before August 31, 2019, now is the time to register them for Kindergarten! 

Registration takes place at your neighborhood school during regular school hours through the beginning of the 2019-20 school year.

While registration will continue throughout the school year and summer, parents are highly encouraged to register students as soon as possible. Doing so helps ensure class sizes are balanced and adequate staff are hired in time for the new school year. 

Visit the  Kindergarten Information webpage  for more information.
Volunteer at Rockwell!

Share your talents, gain experience and inspire a child. 

If you're planning to volunteer in the classroom, library or during an after school program, you must be approved by the district.

LWSD recently updated the volunteer application; you can find it here. Your volunteer status will expire after 2 years, at which time you will receive a notice to renew.

Thank you for volunteering!

Places to earn: 
Click here for all the easy ways that your shopping can benefit Rockwell!

View the flyers approved by LWSD and targeted to Rockwell from local organizations...sports tryouts, after school classes, and community events. 
The best way to stay informed!

Join PTA to access all the directory information.

Volunteer Application:  
It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today! Do it now and be ready to volunteer when school begins!
Rockwell PTA Facebook Page: 
Stay connected and updated on  Rockwell PTA, school, and community info. 
Stop by and Like Us! Don't miss any posts...after liking us, make sure to hover over the Liked Button to turn on notifications.

Have you moved schools and want to unsubscribe?  Scroll to the VERY bottom of this email for the "SafeUnsubscribe" link.  If you want to subscribe to Redmond Middle School, check here.
Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents .  Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories.  Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics. 

Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and may be submitted to the Peach Jar E-flyer system.  The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.

Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle.  The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday.  The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.
Contact the Bugle staff or submit articles at
Elizabeth Rosemond
Beagle Bugle Editor
Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA
Norman Rockwell Elementary - Redmond, WA