Special Edition 4/12/20
Due to the LWSD school closure, Bear Tracks will not be published on its regular Sundays until April 19. Any urgent and important news will be communicated in Special Editions as needed.
School & LWSD
RMS Video Message to Students
RMS Teachers and Staff have put together a video message for students to let them know how much they miss them!

At-Home Spirit Week April 13-17
Join RMS to show school spirit this upcoming week from home! View the full details page outlining each spirit day!

We can’t wait to see your school spirit this week! Take a photo of yourself participating from home and then upload your photos here so we can share them out with you later. You can include family members, pets, and RMS gear or colors in the photo. Your name will be automatically recorded, so students must be logged into their LWSD OneDrive account to upload.

  • Monday, April 13 - Pajamas
  • Tuesday, April 14 - Crazy Socks
  • Wednesday, April 15 - Fun Hats
  • Thursday, April 16 - Family Twin
  • Friday, April 17 - Costume Day
Please visit the RMS PTSA COVID-19 Resources website for dynamic content with additional links and resources.
Bear Tracks weekly is produced by RMS PTSA as a benefit to the Redmond Middle School Community. Bear Tracks is edited by Neeta Check and Rose Mayeda. Please review the communication priorities and submit articles via the online submission form . Articles are due on Thursdays, by 5:00 PM for publication the following Sunday.