The RMS PTSA and the school are planning a 'CAREERS OF THE FUTURE EXPO' for all 8th grade RMS students. The purpose of the event is to make students more aware of how their current curriculum connects with their future lives.
Date: June 7th
Venue: Redmond Middle School
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:20 pm
Students will have an opportunity to learn about the exciting opportunities and support available in their community. They will get to interact with vendors and experts from various fields and learn how to prepare themselves for these different careers. Click here for the flyer.
Volunteers Needed for End Of Year Event
We need some parent volunteers to help with the final celebration of the year! If you have time on Tuesday, June 19th then please consider helping out with Field Day. You can
sign up here.
National Trails Day Event
Please join us for the City of Redmond's National Trails Day Work Party on
Saturday, June 2nd from
9:00 -12:00 pm. This year's NTD Work Party will focus on the Ashford Trail located south of Hartman Park on Education Hill, behind the soccer fields at Hartman Park. Friends and family are all invited. Participants 18 years and younger will need to sign a waiver upon arrival at the event. Wear comfortable and durable shoes and clothing. Work gloves, tools and snacks will be provided. Please go
here for more information.
Bear Tracks Weekly is RMS PTSA's electronic newsletter, sent each Monday to RMS families and staff via e-mail. You DO NOT need to be a PTSA member to subscribe to Bear Tracks, it is FREE to all families and staff in the Redmond Middle School community.
Submissions from the school and community should be sent to by 5pm on Thursday for publication the following Monday.
Bear Tracks weekly newsletter is edited by Sara Buckley.