Have a Wonderful Break! Warm holiday greetings from the RMS PTSA! Due to Winter Break, Bear Tracks will not be published for the next two weeks. The next edition of Bear Tracks will be released in January. We hope everyone's holidays are filled with warmth, love and a little relaxation as well!
School & LWSD
Ways to Help Support RMS Students
Please help support the RMS InvestEd Fund which helps support students in need. Please visit www.invested.org . Click "Donate" and choose Redmond Middle School. Thank you for your support!

Library Donations and Gifts
Did you know that the RMS library has an ongoing Amazon Wish List? View the RMS Amazon Wish List now. After purchase, a label will be added to the front page acknowledging your donation to the library! If you are traveling to a home country over Winter Break, the library would welcome middle school appropriate books and translated popular fiction to add to our world languages section!
MyStop App for Bus Times
The LWSD MyStop app allows you to view the estimated time of arrival for your student’s bus and can now be used to monitor changes to arrival times during winter weather events. Visit the My Stop App webpage for information on how to download and use the app.  
Winter Break (Repeat)
Winter Break will be from Monday, December 23 thru Friday, January 3. School resumes on Monday, January 6. For a quick view of all school dates, download the 2019-2020 LWSD Calendar .
New Year, New Day for Bear Tracks!
The Bear Tracks team has an exciting change to announce for the New Year, starting in January 2020! Bear Tracks will be published and sent to your inbox on Sundays 2:00 PM instead of Mondays to get news to you earlier! A day quicker to read about upcoming school events, PTSA news and community happenings.

Due to Winter Break, Bear Tracks will not be published for the next two weeks. The next edition of Bear Tracks will be released on Sunday, January 5.
SchoolPool Update: $1,065 Raised for RMS
RMS, we did it! Students returned 213 School Pool trackers for a grand total of $1,065 to be donated to ASB by the City of Redmond! A job well done! Thank you to all the students, staff and families for participating and helping raise so much for RMS and also making daily commutes environmentally friendly! Don't forget, you'll have one more chance to help out in the springtime during May SchoolPool!
Math Club News & Updates
Please view the detailed page for exciting updates on the Math Club competitions! It’s not too late to join the RMS PTSA Math Club! Want to compete in upcoming competitions like Math is Cool, the Knights of Pi Math Tournament, and the LWSD Math Olympiad? Or are you just looking to build stronger math and problem solving skills? Join today!
Staff Holiday Feast (Repeat)
Only three days until we get to show our wonderful RMS Staff how much we appreciate all they do for our kids. RMS PTSA and parents will be hosting a buffet luncheon for the staff on Thursday, December 19. We need volunteers to bring food, set up, serve, and clean up to make this happen! Please SIGN UP to volunteer or bring a dish to share.
Spelling Bee Registration is Open (Repeat)
Don't forget to sign up for the RMS Spelling Bee before it's too late! The Bee is open to all RMS students. Register online now with enrollment fee of $15 (fee waivers are available). For more information including important dates, visit the PTSA Spelling Bee webpage or email spellingbee@rmsptsa.org .
Science Club Weekly Sessions Cancelled (Repeat)
The Science Club weekly sessions have been cancelled on December 10, December 17 and January 7. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The Science Club will try and revive the sessions in 2020 with a different plan provided we get enough volunteers to host the sessions.
Spirit Week December 16-20
This week from December 16-20 is Spirit Week! Let's have some fun in our last week of school before break! View the full details page outlining each spirit day! We can’t wait to see your school spirit this week!
RMS Gift Card Drive Extended
The RMS Gift Card Drive has been extended through Tuesday, December 17! Please consider donating cards in the $20.00 range to local grocery stores to help alleviate financial stress for some of our families. Please turn in donations to the Attendance Office.
Final Call for Geography Bee Entries (Repeat)
RMS will be having its second annual Geography Bee on Saturday, January 25. If you’re interested in signing up or receiving more information please email mohar.chatterjee@outlook.com by December 20.
See Performances from LWSD Musical Groups
Several LWSD school music groups will perform on center stage in RTC this holiday season, including RMS School Choir on December 19 at 12:45 PM. More schools will perform throughout December, see the Redmond Town Center full schedule .
Winter Break Food Box Donation (Repeat)
Don't forget to pledge your donation now for the Food Box Donation Program for Winter Break. Help us gather lots of nutritious food for families who need a little extra help this year. This is our longest break of the year and we are hoping to provide more than one box per family! Your generosity is a true gift!
Parent Education Events
December Brown Bag Presents "LWSD Equity Efforts" December 19, 12:00 PM at LWRC, hosted by LWPTSA. View the full 2019-2020 Brown Bag Schedule . (Repeat)
Bear Tracks weekly is produced by RMS PTSA as a benefit to the Redmond Middle School Community. Bear Tracks is edited by Neeta Check and Rose Mayeda. Please review the communication priorities and submit articles via the online submission form . Articles are due on Thursdays, by 5:00 PM for publication the following Monday.