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2019-2020 School Year
Curriculum Night/Open House:
Our annual parent Open House will be Tuesday, September 24. A general welcome for all parents begins in the gymnasium at 6:30 pm. First period class is scheduled to start at 6:45 pm; time will be provided to visit all of your student’s RMS classes. A detailed invitation will be emailed the early part of September.   

Dropping off?
Please help us with our traffic. If you are picking up/dropping off your student, please form one lane and pull all the way to front of the line before letting your student out of the car. This way we can ensure all are safe and maximize our parking lot space.
Need some support?  Please complete the following to see if you qualify for Free/Reduced Lunches:
  1. Download the application in English or Spanish via the following link:  OR:
  2. Have the school send home a paper application with your child. To have a paper application sent home with you child, email with your child’s name.
  3. Have your child drop off the completed application in the Student Services office at RMS so that it can be sent in to the district office.
  4. Send in the completed form no later than October 12th for processing.
Attendance/Health Reminder
If you know you are picking up a student during the school day, please call the RMS Safe Arrival Line, (425) 936-2441 and leave a message – stating your student’s name, the reason for leaving and the time. Please note that all students must be signed out at the front desk by a parent or guardian.
Please also update your child’s immunization record with our nurse. Most importantly will be to update the date of your student’s Tdap shot. You can drop off this information at the Student Services office at RMS.
Thank You Volunteers!
Our RMS Volunteers are Wonderful!
RMS PTSA and RMS staff would like to send a huge  THANK YOU  to all of the volunteers who helped out during Griz Biz and the first week of school with the various tasks needed to get the school year off to a great start. From handing out laptops, name tags, student schedules, collecting school supplies, directing traffic, helping out with picture day, and generally just being available to lend a generous helping hand, we are extremely grateful for the wonderfully supportive RMS school community.
Green Team Encourages to Recycle Properly at School
Start off the new school year right! The RMS Green Team wants you to remind your students to make sure they are putting the correct waste in the correct bins at school, especially during lunch time and in the hallways. Let them know to pay close attention to the signs above the bins and take a few moments to separate the waste.

Watch the  Green Team Recycling Video  now!

And are you passionate about recycling and helping the environment? We invite you and your students to join the RMS Green Team to educate the community, combat waste and promote sustainability! For more information or to join, please send an email to .
Science Club - Info Night
Mandatory Info Night - Sep 10th 6:30 pm @ RMS Commons
For all those who want to participate in any of the science competitions.  
  • Big changes in SO competition for RMS - Need for internal testing
  • More rigorous selection for team formation
  • Demo of build events by experienced students
  • Please attend to learn about the RMS Science Club Plans for 2019-20
Looking to be creative this summer? Looking to be a winner? Look Within!
The National PTA Reflections 2019-2020 theme is  Look Within . Students may submit works of art in the categories Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. For program details visit  or email  to receive an official entry form and fall 2019 submission deadline date when they become available.
The Snuggery'- RMS Initiative for students in need

The snuggery is looking for donations to stock up before school starts, to help students in need succeed. We are only focusing on snacks for during the school day right now. Families wishing to donate can bring items to Griz Biz on August 20th from 8-2, drop off any time between 7am and 3pm the last week of August (26-30) or send with their student the first day of school (Tuesday, Sept 3rd).
Ideas for items are: 
-Granola bars (nut free varieties as well)
-Apple sauce pouches
-Individual servings of trail mix
-Individual bags of goldfish
-Peanut butter crackers/cheddar crackers
-Cracker/cheese packages
-Individual serving packs of crackers
-Fruit snacks
Fall Athletes Medical Forms
For parents of grade 8 returning athletes:
Summer will go by very fast and if your grizzly's last physical for athletics/sports teams was 2 years ago, it is time for their next one!
More information can be found here:
Hope everyone had a good summer!
Season 1 sports Schedule
Cross Country Head Coaches – Trevor Long ( ) and Kurtis Gale (
Boys Tennis Head Coach – Katy McCorkle ( )
Boys Basketball Head Coach – Rathan Mahendran ( )
A reminder that purchases made on Amazon using this link help RMS ASB.
Help RMS ASB by donating used clothing and shoes. The bin is located in the parking lot by the portables.
Fund the Grizzlies  –  Please donate to the Redmond Middle School Associated Student Body (ASB) to help fund student activities.
New Bus Stop app for parents!
Wondering where your student’s bus is? Download the Versatrans My Stop app for Apple or Android. GPS technology allows families to view estimated times of arrival for buses at bus stops. (Data on the app is updated every 5 minutes.) On Tuesday, September 3, you will be able to access the Skyward Family ID number, which will allow you to log into the app.
Bear Tracks weekly is produced by RMS PTSA as a benefit to the Redmond Middle School Community. Articles are due on Thursdays for publication the following Monday. Bear Tracks is edited by Ekta Vadlamudi and [YOUR NAME HERE - please email Sujatha Patra: if interested in co-editing ]. Please review our communication priorities and submit articles to .