Check out the combined calendar
State testing starts soon
Students in LWSD will begin testing at the end of March. Each school has a different testing schedule: students at Redmond Middle School will be tested on the following dates:
Math - 4/25/19
ELA - 5/2/19
- ELA Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) - 5/7/19
- ELA Performance Task (PT) - 5/9/19
- Math CAT - 5/14/19
- Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS) - 5/15/19
8th Grade Only
- Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) - 5/15/19
6th and 7th graders not currently in Algebra
Learn more
about the state assessments on the district website.
Spirit Week at RMS will be Monday, April 15th through Friday, April 19th. The planned days are:
Monday – Comfy Cozy Day
Tuesday – Twin Day
Wednesday – Pink Out
Thursday – Grizzly Pride – 6th grade wear red, 7th grade wear white, 8th grade wear black
Friday – Carnival theme (mix match day)
ASB is selling tickets for the final RMS social event of the school year scheduled for Friday, April 19
. Tickets will be on sale Tuesday April 16
through Thursday April 18
at ASB/Non-ASB pricing. All last-minute ticket sales on April 18
will be $5. The social runs from 2:40 – 4:30 PM with no students released early.
Open your hearts and homes to students from Japan! The RMS Japanese program is looking for several more home stay families to host two 8
grade students from Shukutoku Junior High School in Tokyo Japan. No Japanese language ability is required by the student or home stay family. All that is required is a desire to experience another culture. Students will arrive at RMS on Friday, May 17 and return on Monday, May 20
. This is a great opportunity for any RMS student who is interested in Japanese culture. Please contact Kuyper Sensei at
for details. Arigatou!
The RMS Music Department Needs your help!
Every eight years, RMS has the privilege of hosting the LWSD Middle School Solo & Ensemble Festival. The festival is an opportunity for middle school musicians to perform piece of music as a soloist or in a small ensemble for an expert adjudicator that provides feedback and encouragement. This year it is our turn to host this festival and we will be doing so on Saturday April 20, 2019.
As with all large events, “many hands” are what make the day a success. We are in need of those in our community that might be able to donate their time or a food item or both! If you are able to assist us and our young musicians with the Solo & Ensemble Festival, please indicate that by filling out
this form.
Thank you from the bottom of our Grizzly hearts!
Save the Date - Griz Biz 2019
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 20, 2019, this will be the date of Griz Biz where families can pick up and complete paperwork, sign up for sports, open lunch accounts, tour the school, etc.
Join us to celebrate 40+ cultures represented at RMS! PTSA is
hosting a colorful and entertaining International Night
on Tuesday, April 23rd from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. There will be
cultural booths, crafts and samples of ethnic foods at our Cultural
Bazaar, located throughout the main hallways. Students and their
families can also join our international community for Live
Performances on the RMS stage in the commons from 7 pm- 8 pm. It
will be a fun night!
Green Week Starting on April 22
The RMS Green Team welcomes students, staff and families to celebrate Green Week at RMS starting on Earth Day, next Monday, April 22! It's a chance for everyone to continue being "green" as much as possible. The Green Team have a week full of helpful reminders to help you become more environmentally friendly at school and at home. Also, look out for events such as "Wear Green to School Day" and a chance to win a cool green prize when your student's class signs the green classroom pledge! If you have questions, please contact
How to Support the LWSD Capital Projects Levy
Lake Washington Citizens Levy Committee (LWCLC)
the levy
. Personal endorsements are welcome and appreciated.
to the LWCLC here
. Your donation will help get cover the campaign costs and to help educate the community about the levy.
Get Involved
to help get out the vote.
Phone/text Banking
: PTSA dates are Monday, April 15: 4:30-7:30 at the LWEA office in Kirkland.
Sign up here
Sign Waving
-April 16:
TUESDAY – This is a district-wide sign waving event. All PTSAs, including parents, students and community members are encouraged to participate. In addition to sign waving, there is a plan for a media event the same day. More info to come.
-April 22: Teachers + PTSA – The LWEA has organized sign waving event on April 22nd. Teachers will be sign waving and PTSAs are welcome to participate, if possible. Follow up with your LWEA building rep.
Get your ballot in by April 23rd.
Join us before school on Tuesday, April 16, 7:15-8:15 in front of the school to wave signs to support the levy vote. Wear Red, and bring the kids so they can participate, too!
We will set up on the sidewalk by the street, off of school property.
Staff Appreciation Week - May 6-10
May 6-10 is Staff Appreciation Week. Let’s show our wonderful RMS staff how much we value and appreciate all the hard work they put in to enrich the lives of our kids. Please sign up to support them with donations of time, food, and/or money. The following is the week’s schedule and links to sign up.
Monday, May 6
Coffee Cart
– sponsor a coffee for your favorite staff member(s)
Tuesday, May 7
Taco Bar
– sign up to donate food and volunteer to help setup/serve/clean up
Wednesday, May 8
Dessert Buffet
- sign up to donate food and volunteer to help setup/serve/clean up
Thursday, May 9
Snack Attack
- sign up to donate snacks
Friday, May 10
– small individual appreciation gift – no volunteer help needed
RMS PTSA seeks leaders for next year
The following are the RMS PTSA Nominating Committee’s candidates for the 2019-2020 school year executive board and open positions:
- Co-President – Ashley Epstein
- Co-President – OPEN
- VP FACE – Swarnima Aswinkumar
- VP Communications – Sujatha Patra
- VP Volunteers – Stacy Hatch
- Treasurer – OPEN
- Secretary – OPEN
All current Lake Washington Council PTSA members are eligible to become board members and are invited to recommend themselves for any position at the RMS PTSA General Meeting on Tuesday, April 16 at 7:00 p.m. For information about a board position, please contact the Nominating Committee at
If you have a student at RMS in the fall - consider giving couple hours a month to support, engage and advocate for our students, staff and community. Your RMS PTSA nominating committee is currently seeking volunteers interested in joining the PTSA leadership team for the 2019-2020 school year.
Download a nomination form
and submit by April 2, 2019 or
contact the nominating committee
for more information.
Not a member but interested in making good things happen at RMS?
Join the PTSA
and become eligible.
We have many opportunities for you to help implement important programs this month. Top three events this month:
- International Night
- Music solo/ensemble program
- Spring Social
We need your help!
Please sign up where you can – it is greatly appreciated!
Don’t forget to drop off your food box donations April 4
. They could use help making deliveries. See the link for additional information.
Link -
Please join the PTSA in congratulating Taunya Covington for her outstanding performance and dedication to the students of RMS. Taunya demonstrated leadership, team work and commitment to academic enrichment by donating over 100 hours of time between October and January by directing a large group of enthusiastic munchkins, scarecrows and witches. Thank you Taunya, you are an amazing volunteer!
Science Club News - YBTC STATE challenge
YBTC (You be the Chemist) competition was conducted at RMS on March 11
where a total of 22 students participated. HUGE THANKS to Ms Nelson for administering this test !! Top 5 scorers, mentioned below are advancing to state level YBTC. State challenge is planned on April 20th Saturday at Open window school.
1. Evan Kim
2. Alon Ragoler
3. Annabella Li
4. Divij Ashwinkumar
5. Lance Atienza
YBTC STATE challenge
April 20th 9 am
Open window school
6128 168th Pl SE
Bellevue, WA 98006
Member Savings. Powered by PTA
Take advantage of these benefit offers:
- Washington State Spring Fair - April 11-14 - discounts on admission and rides
- Great Wolf Lodge - save up to 30% on your next stay
- - 50% off at plus kids go free to LEGOLAND Parks or Discovery Centers.
- Tickets at Work - formerly TicketMonster - 20-70% off on movies, hotels, shows, concerts, sporting events and more.
- Office Depot - savings on school supplies, office products, technology, furniture, and print.
Members were sent their benefits access code along with their electronic membership card at the time of sign up. Can't find your? Contact
for assistance.
Season 4 – April 2019 - Schedule
Below is the schedule for the first two weeks of season 4. Coaches will be sending home a more detailed schedule, include matches.
RMS dines out at MOD Pizza on Thursday April 18
. Please support RMS ASB by eating at MOD Pizza and either showing them the attached flyer, or letting them know that you are with RMS. MOD Pizza will donate 20% of your bill to RMS ASB.
A reminder that purchases made on Amazon using this link help RMS ASB.
Help RMS ASB by donating used clothing and shoes. The bin is located in the parking lot by the portables.
Fund the Grizzlies
Please donate to the Redmond Middle School Associated Student Body (ASB) to help fund student activities.
Cheer tryout packets are now available in the Athletic Office at Redmond High School.
Tryout dates are April 15-19 (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15 - 5 and Wednesday 1:30 - 3:30)
How to Talk to Your Child About Sexual Health
Lake Washington School District is excited to partner with the King County Public Health Department in hosting an informational parent event: How to Talk to Your Child About Sexual Health. Our presenter is Becky Reitzes, Health Educator and Family Planning for King County Public Health. This event will be held at the Resource Center Board Room on Tuesday, April 23 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. This informative evening will provide strategies and tips, primarily aimed at parents of fourth through eighth graders, to help parents engage in age-appropriate conversations with their children about a topic that is often considered difficult to discuss.
Bear Tracks weekly is produced by RMS PTSA as a benefit to the Redmond Middle School Community. Articles are due on Thursdays for publication the following Monday. Bear Tracks is edited by Ekta Vadlamudi and [YOUR NAME HERE -
please email Sujatha Patra:
if interested in co-editing
]. Please review our
communication priorities
and submit articles to
See what's happening on our social sites: