Thank you for taking time out of your busy and hectic schedules to attend out virtual meetings. Your input is vital for a successful school year! Be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. Turdell on Monday, August 24th which will recap some questions brought up during the virtual meetings. Mrs. Jordan will also be sending out information to preschool families beginning Monday, August 24th.
Reminders From Nurse Pat
  • Whether your student will be attending classes on-campus or virtually, immunizations MUST be current.
  • If your child will be attending classes on-campus and has a chronic health issue, especially health conditions that might have symptoms similar to COVID symptoms, please provide a doctor's note before school starts.
  • Spacers MUST be used with inhalers. Nebulizer treatments will not be done in the school at this time.

Medical Forms
Medical forms for the 2020-2021 school year are located in the "Parents" tab on our website.
Mask Guidelines - UPDATED
Updated items will be shown in red.
Bearcat Chat with Angie and Krisztina
August 21, 2020 @ 9AM
We are still accepting applications for K-8, and for Preschool.
Please feel free to share this information with family and friends so they
can learn all that St. Monica has to offer!

  • August 21 - Bearcat Chat
  • August 22 - Used Uniform Sale, Noon-2pm
  • August 31 - Save the Date New Family Orientation
  • August 31 - Spirit Store Fleece Sale Ends
  • September 11 - Back to School Teach & Treat Meet the
  • September 12 - Back to School Teach & Treat Meet the
Family Portal
Before school starts, please make sure to log into the Family Portal to make sure your contact information is correct. Under "School" select "Web Forms". Then select "Family Demographic Form". More information about logging into our Family Portal can be found on the "Parents" tab on our website.
After School Care Registration for 2020-21 School Year is Open!!
St. Monica's
Uniform Provider
School Supplies
Looking for information on what school supplies are needed for next year??
Check out the "Parents" tab
St. Monica's Lunch Program
Our lunch provider will be providing box lunches for our PreK-8th grade students enrolled in our lunch program until further notice. Menu is coming soon.
New Family Orientation
Mark your calendars for Monday, August 31st. Make sure to check your emails for more details coming soon!
Safe Environment
Safe Environment training is now available online. Make sure to get this taken care of before school starts.
Used Uniform Sale
Saturday, August 22nd
The PTO's in-person used uniform sale is in the Family Center. Please follow the link to sign up for a slot as we take social distancing precautions. Masks
required inside.
Spirit Store Online
Now available in the Spirit Store are our custom face masks in child and adult sizes and our customized hand sanitizer bottle. When ordering, select "unknown" for the teacher field.
"A Taste of St. Monica" Cookbook!
Order your copies of the PTO's parish-wide cookbook, containing more than 500+ recipes from parishioners, parents, teachers, staff, alumni, family members and friends. Proceeds from the book will help the PTO continue programs in support of the students and teachers this school year. 
Summer Office Hours
August 24th - August 28th
Hours: 9am-3pm (M – F)
For detailed information on
St. Monica Athletics
please click the link below
Fall sports have been canceled!
We're Social
Follow St. Monica Catholic School on Social Media to Stay Connected
Private Facebook Parent Group: St. Monica School Dallas Parents
Instagram: @stmonicaschooldallas
Twitter: @StMonicaBearcat
Enjoy your Summer Break and stay safe Bearcats!
Look for the Bearcat Byte Bi-monthly During the Summer!
St. Monica Catholic School
Preschool (3) - 8th Grade
4140 Walnut Hill Lane
Dallas, TX 75229

P (214) 351-5688
F (214) 352-2608