Staff Christmas Purse

Our annual tradition is back to collect monetary donations to treat all our staff and teachers with a "Christmas bonus."
These gifts are made in lieu of classroom collections.
There are 4 ways to donate:
  1. PAYPAL.ME (gives you the option to pay from your PayPal balance or bank)
  3. Drop your donation in the big red stocking in McManus
  4. In-person on Dec. 14th at the Dads' Club meeting.
A huge shoutout to the PTO for their fabulous Merry Mixer event. What a great way to kick off the Christmas season! Thank you, Dads' Club for manning the refreshments and your continued support of the event.

  • Dec. 1 - Bearcat Chat
  • Dec. 1 - Deadline for KofC Christmas Poster Contest
  • Dec. 1 - Deadline for DPL Swim Registration
  • Dec. 3 - Pancakes with Santa
  • Dec. 3 - Winter Athletic Store Closes
  • Dec. 6 - St. Nick Visit for Pre-K
  • Dec. 8 - All School Mass - 9:45AM
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
  • Dec. 9 - Christmas Concert - Celebration of Carols
  • Dec. 11 - 7th Grade Service Project
  • Dec. 11- Christmas Concert (K-2nd)
  • Dec. 13 - Feast of St. Lucia
  • Dec. 13 - Band Concert
  • Dec. 14 - Spirit Store During Lunch
  • Dec. 14 - Christmas Musical (3rd & 5th)
  • Dec. 14 - Dads' Club Meeting
  • Dec. 15 - Polar Express (1st Grade)
  • Dec. 15 - Pre-K Christmas Program
  • Dec. 15 - Bearcat Chat
Emergency/Pick-up Contact Information Review
FACTS had a system issue that may have caused some of the Emergency/Pick-up contact information for your student(s) to be incomplete. Parents please log into your account on the Family Portal, select Webforms/St. Monica Family Demographic Form. Please provide updates to "Emergency Contacts" and the "Transportation Form".
Reminder: The District Code is SMSD-TX
Financial Aid 2024/2025
The FACTS financial aid application for the 2024-2025 school year opened on November 1, 2023. To be considered for financial aid, below is a list of the required documents for St. Monica Catholic School:

  • 2022 Tax return
  • 2022 W-2s/1099s
  • 2023 Tax return
  • 2023 W-2s/1099s
Knights of Columbus Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest
The contest is open to kids in grades K-8. Posters will be made on 11 X 17 sheets of paper. There will be prizes awarded to the winner of each grade category. Posters are due by Friday, December 1st.
Posters can be dropped off at the church office or contact Daniel Titus for
alternate drop off.
For an entry form or questions, email Daniel Titus or call 214-850-0240
Winter Athletic Store
Store closes on Sunday, December 3rd. Items will be delivered in time for Christmas.
Books for Bearcats
Help spread the joy of reading with others at St. Monica!
Upcoming Events
Pancakes with Santa
Sunday, Dec. 3rd the Knights of Columbus are serving all-you-can-eat pancakes in the school cafeteria from 8AM to 11AM. Santa Claus will make a surprise visit for family photos from 8AM to 12PM.
For pancakes and photos, advance purchases may be made online at Enjoy breakfast and Christmas photos with your parish family.
We will have an All School Mass at 9:45AM on Friday, December 8th. Students need to wear their Dress uniform. K-2nd will be sitting with their prayer buddies at Mass.
'Tis the Season
First Annual Frosty 500
Sprints & Holiday Market
Saturday, December 2nd
2920 White Rock Rd.
JWA Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, December 2nd
Buy raffle tickets for a chance to win items from their vendors.
Bishop Lynch Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, December 9th
Free Admission
Bearcat Athletics
DPL Swim Registration for 5th-8th
Deadline to register is TODAY!
Logo - St monica Catholic Church
Did you know the parish has a monthly newsletter?
St. Monica Catholic School
Pre-K (3) - 8th Grade
4140 Walnut Hill Lane
Dallas, TX 75229

P (214) 351-5688
F (214) 352-2608