Staff Christmas Purse

Our annual tradition is back to collect monetary donations to treat all our staff and teachers with a "Christmas bonus."
These gifts are made in lieu of classroom collections.
There are 4 ways to donate:
  1. PAYPAL.ME (gives you the option to pay from your PayPal balance or bank)
  3. Drop your donation in the big red stocking in McManus
TODAY is the last day to donate!!

  • Dec. 15 - Polar Express (1st Grade)
  • Dec. 15 - Pre-K Christmas Program
  • Dec. 15 - Bearcat Chat
  • Dec. 15 - 7th & 8th Grade Mixer
  • Dec. 15 - Last Day to Donate to Christmas Purse
  • Dec. 16 - Parish Family Posada
  • Dec. 18 - Author Visit & Book Signing
  • Dec. 20 - Advent Lunch Recital
  • Dec. 20 - Class Christmas Parties
  • Dec. 20 - Light is On Confession
  • Dec. 21- Jan. 7 - Christmas Break
  • Jan. 8 - Classes Resume
  • Jan. 10 - Fentanyl Factor Presentation
Safe Environment Badges
Just a quick reminder about all of the upcoming Christmas activities please make sure to have your current Safe Environment badges visible when you will be on campus. All visitors without a current Safe Environment badge will be required to show ID and sign in at the
front desk in McManus.
Confession Schedule at St. Monica
Since December is a short busy month, students will not be going to confession with their classes. During December the church will offer confession on:

Mondays at 9AM - 12/11, 12/18
Tuesdays at 5:30PM - 12/12, 12/19
Wednesday from 6-8PM - 12/20
Saturday at 3:30PM - 12/9, 12/16, 12/23, 12/30
Emergency/Pick-up Contact Information Review
FACTS had a system issue that may have caused some of the Emergency/Pick-up contact information for your student(s) to be incomplete. Parents please log into your account on the Family Portal, select Webforms/St. Monica Family Demographic Form. Please provide updates to "Emergency Contacts" and the "Transportation Form".
Reminder: The District Code is SMSD-TX
Financial Aid 2024/2025
The FACTS financial aid application for the 2024-2025 school year opened on November 1, 2023. To be considered for financial aid, below is a list of the required documents for St. Monica Catholic School:

  • 2022 Tax return
  • 2022 W-2s/1099s
  • 2023 Tax return
  • 2023 W-2s/1099s
K-5th Author Visit - Chris Barton
Author Chris Barton is visiting St. Monica Catholic School on December 18th! Order his books using the links below. Enter the promo code "monica" and 15% of each sale goes to the school. Please select the SHIP TO HOME delivery option at checkout to ensure that you'll have your books in hand in time for the event. Order by December 8th for best results.
Book Signing: 12-12:30PM in the library
Author Talks in the Cafeteria:
K-2: 1-1:45PM
3-5: 2-3PM
Upcoming Events
7th & 8th Grade Winter Mixer
Friday, December 15th
SMS Cafeteria
4th Sunday of Advent/Christmas Eve
In this case, there are two distinct obligations to attend Mass:
the Sunday obligation and the Christmas obligation.

Sunday obligation options at St. Monica:
12/23 - 5PM Mass
12/24 - 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM, or 1PM (Spanish) Masses

Christmas obligation options at St. Monica:
12/24 - 4PM, 6PM, 8PM (Spanish), or 11PM Masses
12/25 - 9AM or 11AM Masses
PTO Meeting
Wednesday, January 10th @7:30PM
Family Center Upper Lounge
Mrs. Gohsman and Mrs. Garza will present both a school update
and information on IOWA Test results.
Our PTO has coordinated the "Fentanyl Factor" presentation on Wednesday, January 10th at 6:30PM in the Upper Lounge before the PTO meeting. Make sure to add it to your calendars. After the film, there will be a Q&A discussion with local experts, Keith Brown, Executive Director at Texoma High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), and Becky Tinney, a licensed master level social worker in mental health and substance abuse.
Film and discussion are appropriate for both parents and teens.
DPL Mavs Game
Take advantage of the school holiday and watch the Mavs take on the Pelicans on January 15th at 1:30PM.
JCDA Daddy/Daughter Dance
Logo - St monica Catholic Church
Did you know the parish has a monthly newsletter?
St. Monica Catholic School
Pre-K (3) - 8th Grade
4140 Walnut Hill Lane
Dallas, TX 75229

P (214) 351-5688
F (214) 352-2608