Classes resume Monday, January 8th! Enjoy your Christmas Break!
Merry Christmas
Thank you, Parents, PTO, and Dads' Club for going above and beyond for our teachers and staff.
Your generosity is so appreciated!
Teacher of the Month
Do you know a St. Monica teacher that goes above and beyond? Make sure to get your nominations in for December!
After School Clubs and Activities
Make sure to start the new year off right!
We have a new after school activity, GameTopia! These activities will start back up in January, so check to make sure you are registered for the Spring semester.
Bearcat Bots (3-8)
Our robotics club aims to instill STEM education through hands-on Robotics experience. The study of Robotics will incorporate three pillars of STEM - Think (think of ideas on how to design a robot efficiently), Do (build a robot and operate), and Test (test solutions and compete).
Drama Kids (3-5)
Join us for Spring Play season! Drama Kids has openings for grades 3-5 in the spring. Students will develop important confidence-building skills that will help them personally and academically.
Play with a purpose. Did you know? Games are scientifically prove to increase critical lifelong skills. Have a blast after school playing super fun games! Enjoy your favorites and discover new ones!
Junior Author Camp
Bring your imagination to publication through the exciting process of writing and illustrating a professionally published, hardcover book!
Best Book Club Ever
Students will have a great time reading books they like while boosting lifelong skills.  Build interest and confidence in reading while exploring genres, exchanging ideas, and enjoying exciting activities!

  • Dec. 20 - Advent Lunch Recital
  • Dec. 20 - Class Christmas Parties
  • Dec. 20 - Light is On Confession
  • Dec. 21- Jan. 7 - Christmas Break
  • Jan. 8 - Classes Resume
  • Jan. 8 - 8th Grade Mock Interviews
  • Jan. 9 - Tuesday Tours
  • Jan. 9 - 8th Grade Mock Interviews
  • Jan. 10 - PK-3rd Class Pictures
  • Jan. 10 - Fentanyl Factor Presentation
  • Jan. 10 - PTO General Meeting
  • Jan. 11 - Report Cards
  • Jan. 11 - 4th-8th Class Pictures
  • Jan. 11- Dads' Club Meeting
  • Jan. 12 - Bearcat Chat
Safe Environment Badges
Just a quick reminder about all of the upcoming Christmas activities please make sure to have your current Safe Environment badges visible when you will be on campus. All visitors without a current Safe Environment badge will be required to show ID and sign in at the
front desk in McManus.
Confession Schedule at St. Monica
Since December is a short busy month, students will not be going to confession with their classes. During December the church will offer confession on:

Mondays at 9AM - 12/11, 12/18
Tuesdays at 5:30PM - 12/12, 12/19
Wednesday from 6-8PM - 12/20
Saturday at 3:30PM - 12/9, 12/16, 12/23, 12/30
School Class Pictures
Pre-K-3rd: Wednesday, January 10th
4th-8th: Thursday, January 11th
Students are required to wear
their uniforms.
Picture Day ID: EVTMSTMG8
Upcoming Events
4th Sunday of Advent/Christmas Eve
In this case, there are two distinct obligations to attend Mass:
the Sunday obligation and the Christmas obligation.

Sunday obligation options at St. Monica:
12/23 - 5PM Mass
12/24 - 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM, or 1PM (Spanish) Masses

Christmas obligation options at St. Monica:
12/24 - 4PM, 6PM, 8PM (Spanish), or 11PM Masses
12/25 - 9AM or 11AM Masses
JPII Middle School Football
Winter Combine
Monday, January 8th - 4:30 to 6:00PM
Open to all middle school athletes
Free admission
PTO Meeting
Wednesday, January 10th @7:30PM
Family Center Upper Lounge
Mrs. Gohsman and Mrs. Garza will present both a school update
and information on IOWA Test results.
Our PTO has coordinated the "Fentanyl Factor" presentation on Wednesday, January 10th at 6:30PM in the Upper Lounge before the PTO meeting. Make sure to add it to your calendars. After the film, there will be a Q&A discussion with local experts, Keith Brown, Executive Director at Texoma High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), and Becky Tinney, a licensed master level social worker in mental health and substance abuse.
Film and discussion are appropriate for both parents and teens.
Dads' Club Blue Logo
Dads' Club General Meeting
Thursday, January 11th @7PM 
Sparkman Clubhouse
"If you're a Dad you're in the club"
3366 Duchess Trail
DPL Mavs Game
Take advantage of the school holiday and watch the Mavs take on the Pelicans on January 15th at 1:30PM.
KofC Basketball Free Throw  Competition
All boys and girls ages 9-14 are eligible. January 28th in the St Monica Family Center small gym 10AM. Winners progress to local, district, and state competitions. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For entry forms or additional information contact: Jeramie von Arx, 972-979-9153.
JCDA Daddy/Daughter Dance
Logo - St monica Catholic Church
Did you know the parish has a monthly newsletter?
Our last Bearcat Byte of the year will be on Wednesday, December 20th!
Bearcat Bytes will resume in January.
St. Monica Catholic School
Pre-K (3) - 8th Grade
4140 Walnut Hill Lane
Dallas, TX 75229

P (214) 351-5688
F (214) 352-2608