Christmas Purse

Christmas Purse donations are OPEN! Please make plans to donate. There are SO many ways to give:

  1. Donate at the PTO’s December 11 Meeting
  2. Donate at the Dads’ Club December 12 Meeting
  3. Morning carpool collections on December 11, 12, & 13 
  4. Cash or check in McManus stocking


The Merry Market Committee and St. Monica would like to specifically thank the following community sponsors:

Thomas Cusick Custom Homes

Falcon Realty 

Pediatric Dentistry of North Texas

Jake's Burger

Camp Crafty Imagination Workshop

Pop It's a Party

Laura & Jim Einspanier

Beechmont Ventures

State Farm

The Fredericks Firm

Four Sixes

Inwood National Bank

  • December 6 - All School Mass (DK-8th)
  • December 6 - 7th/8th Grade Mixer
  • December 7 & 8 - BL Poinsettia Sale After Masses
  • December 8 - KofC Pancakes w/Santa
  • December 9 - School Mass (1st-8th)
  • December 10 - K-2nd Christmas Concert
  • December 11 - Band Christmas Concert
  • December 11 - PTO General Meeting
  • December 12 - 3rd & 5th Musical
  • December 12 - Spirit Store During Lunch
  • December 12 - Dads' Club General Meeting
  • December 13 - Polar Express Day (1st Grade)
  • December 13 - St. Lucia Day (Kinder)
  • December 13 - Bearcat Chat

1st-8th will attend the 8AM Mass on Monday, December 9th. Mass uniform required. There will be no weekly Mass the week of December 9th.

Christmas Purse donations will be accepted at both meetings!

PTO General Meeting

Wednesday, December 11th @6:45PM

Family Center Upper Lounge

This meeting will include the beloved purse drawing tradition! Those who make their Christmas Purse contribution at this meeting will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a purse from a fun and festive collection of choices.


Dads' Club General Meeting

Thursday, December 12th @7:30PM

Sparkman Clubhouse

"If you're a Dad you're in the club"

3366 Duchess Trail

Teacher of the Month

Do you know a St. Monica teacher that goes above and beyond? 

Make sure to get your nominations in for our December TOM.


Upcoming Events

BL Band and Choir Fundraiser

Poinsettias will be available for purchase during the weekend of December 7-8, following the 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass, and the 7:30, 9:00, and 11:00 Masses on Sunday morning. There are 3 sizes: 6” diameter pots ($12.00); 8” diameter pots ($22.00), and 10” diameter pots ($28.00), and they will be available to take with you that day! Payment may be made by cash, check, or card. 

KofC Pancakes

with Santa

Sunday, December 8

Join the Knights for our annual Christmas tradition in the school cafeteria after all morning Masses. All you can eat pancakes and sausage, Santa photos, and more!  


BL Sunday Open House

Sunday, December 8th at 1PM

9750 Ferguson Road

Dallas, TX 75228

Novena for Our

Lady of Guadalupe

Dec. 7th -Church 7pm Rosary; 8pm gathering in the Cafeteria.

Dec. 8th - Gym 12:30pm Presentation of Apparitions of Tepeyac; 3pm Rosary

Dec. 9th - Church 7pm Mass and Rosary; 8pm; gathering in the Cafeteria

Dec. 10th -  Cafeteria 7pm Rosary and gathering

Dec. 11th - Cafeteria 9:15pm Procession with Matachines and Rosary; 11pm Mass with Mariachis and serenade

Dec. 12th - Church 7pm Mass; 8pm Apparitions of Tepeyac in the Cafeteria.

Advent Recitals

Join us on Wednesdays at noon in the church.

December 11

Guillermo Martinez, Organ

December 18

St. Monica Handbell Choir

Homerooms will also be delivering Angel gifts on Monday. Please make sure to get those to your homeroom teachers ASAP.

PTO Give Back

Order now through December 20th at


Keep Christ in Christmas

The St. Monica Knights of Columbus Council 5656 invites you to participate in our 2nd Annual Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Competition. This is a fun way to make sure our kiddos remember what Christmas is

all about. This is open to all kids from K-8. The competition is divided by grade level and Prizes will be given for each winner.

11x17 is the preferred poster size

but 8 ½” X11 will also be accepted.

Posters are due by the end of the day on December 20th. Please turn these into the Church Office or Daniel Titus.


Save the Date for the Dads' Club Goldeneye Gala

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Buy Now, as these are the Early Bird prices until January 25th!

Gala is at the Arts District Mansion and Entertainment is Party Machine from Emerald City.



Bearcat Athletics

SMS Booster Club

The St. Monica Booster Club supports all school athletic programs through fundraising, organizing events, and providing resources. We enhance the student-athlete experience, promote school spirit, and help ensure the success of all sports teams by bridging funding gaps and fostering community involvement.


Logo - St monica Catholic Church
Did you know the parish has a monthly newsletter?
St. Monica Catholic School
Pre-K (3) - 8th Grade
4140 Walnut Hill Lane
Dallas, TX 75229

P (214) 351-5688
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