Accreditation and Safety Infomation Video
Spring Pictures
Please note there has been a schedule modification due to accreditation.
Thursday, March 30th will be our Spring picture day for K-8th. 2nd grade will be scheduled at a later date due to their field trip and will wear uniforms for the field trip. Preschool does not take Spring pictures. This is a Free Dress Day.
Please review the dress code.
Pictures can be ordered at
Order Code: EVT8TSJMX

  • Mar. 24 - New Student Enrollment Due
  • Mar. 24 - 1st-8th Report Cards Emailed
  • Mar. 26-30 - Accreditation Team on Campus
  • Mar. 27 - SAGE Parent Referral Form Due
  • Mar. 30 - Spring Pictures K-8 (2nd grade will be at a later date)
  • Mar. 30 - 2nd Grade Field Trip
  • Mar. 30 - Student Council Arts & Crafts Drive
  • Mar. 30 - Cheer Parent Meeting (Rising 5th-8th grades)
Stock the Staff Lounge
This is the last opportunity for this school year to help us stock the staff lounge.
SMS Spring Athletic Spirit Wear
Hurry and purchase your spring spirit wear. The store closes Sunday, March 26th.
2022-2023 Yearbooks on Sale!!
Deadline to purchase is Monday, April 10, 2023
SAGE Parent Referral Forms are due Monday, March 27th!
St. Monica Student Council is hosting an Arts & Crafts Drive benefiting Children's Hospital
The drive will run from Thursday, March 30th to Tuesday, April 4th. Donations can be dropped off in your child's homeroom.
The St. Monica Catholic School PTO is pleased to announce the following slate of candidates for 2023-2024
SMS PTO Executive Board:

President - Michelle Delaurier
Executive Vice President - Amy Croft
3rd Vice President - Jennifer Williamson
2nd Vice President - Elvira Kaiser; Elizabeth Morgan
1st Vice President - Sarah Huffman
Treasurer - Rebecca Lee
Assistant Treasurer - Chelsea Sobran
Secretary - Jennifer McConnell

An election for the 2nd Vice President position will take place at the General Membership meeting on April 5, 2023. All members of the General Membership are encouraged to attend and participate. Additional details will follow.
Upcoming Events

Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during Lent at 6PM.
Lenten Dinners
Don't worry about cooking for fish Lent on Fridays. The Knights will do it for you. Place your Lenten Dinner order online at Lenten dinners will be served Friday, March 24th & March 31st in the Family Center 6:30-8PM.
Spirituality Talks with Father Elijiah
Tuesday, March 28th from 6:30-7:30pm
in the church after confession.
Lenten Lunch Recitals
Wednesday, March 29th
at noon in the church.
St. Monica Dads' Club Gala
Friday, April 28
Frontiers of Flight Museum
Save the Date
Grandparents Day is Friday, April 21, 2023
More details coming soon!
Interested in being on the 2023 Autumnfest Committee?!?!
Friday, June 9th
St. Monica
VBS 2023
June 5th - 9th
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Prek 3 - 5th grade
St. Monica Family Center

Summer Camp
Registration is Open!
Bearcat Athletics
Check the School Calendar for these important dates
March 30 - Cheer Parent Meeting @5:30PM in the large gym
May 15 - Varsity Sports Banquet @6:00PM in the small gym
May 16 - JV Sports Banquet @6:00PM in the small gym
Athletics Calendar
Stay up to date about where all our Bearcat teams will be playing this weekend on the Google Calendar on our Athletics page.
Scoreboard Advertising Opportunities
Volleyball is in full force and basketball is right around the corner. Don't miss out on great advertising opportunities.

St. Monica Catholic School
Preschool (3) - 8th Grade
4140 Walnut Hill Lane
Dallas, TX 75229

P (214) 351-5688
F (214) 352-2608