Hello Summer!
Summer is here and replenishing your body and soul are both equally important.  Hydration is the key!  The benefits of drinking enough water to replenish your body can be found in our newsletter below. At Blissful Massage and Wellness Center we also focus on how we can help to replenish your soul. 

Taking care of our soul requires careful listening and paying attention.  Many of us use the excuse that “we don't have enough time" so we really only pay attention when we have some sort of injury or illness.  You can focus on prevention.  One way to take care of your soul is to join us on July 21st from 2-4pm for our FREE Reiki for the Community.  Using Reiki we can help you release the energy blocks in your body that weigh you down. You can get more information about our Reiki for the Community below.

Coming up in
Don't Miss Out.

Every Tuesday "Tarot Tuesdays"
18th Evening of Bliss
21st, FREE Reiki for the Community

4th Beginning Crystals
5th, 12th, 19th, 26th Clairvoyant Training
6th Reiki share for practitioners
15th Evening of Bliss
25th Crystals for the Home

See below for more details.
Beginning Crystals
August 4th

During this introduction to crystals class we will cover fundamental topics. We will explore how to pick a crystal, how to cleanse and charge your crystals and be led in a meditation to connect with the deva of your quartz. You will be introduced to the healing qualities of crystals and cover how to use them to enhance your daily life, your spiritual intentions and deepen your meditation practice. Participants should bring at least one crystal of their choice to practice with.  

Crystals for the Home -
Creating Sacred Space
August 25th

This class will take a beginner's look at using crystals to create a sacred space in your home. We will go over which crystals to use, how to cleanse your home of negative and dense energy and use crystals to keep the energy of your home high. We will discuss grids for your threshold, your home footprint as well as enhancing a meditation space or workspace. No need to bring your own. There will be crystals on hand to practice with.  

Faciltated by Yesenia Cordova
Dates: August 4th and 25th
Time: 11:30am-1:00pm
Cost: $25
About Yesenia:
Yesenia Cardona is a heart-based, Master light healer certified in the Paramita Path practice ( www.paramitapath.org ).

For more than thirteen years, she has dedicated herself to sharing the light of pure love with clients through healing consultations, meditation classes and workshops. She has an intuitive gift she uses during healing consultations which allows her to provide guidance that has helped many clients in their healing process and create positive, loving changes in their lives with  ease  and grace.

She loves using crystals during her work and enjoys teaching others about them. She is trained in leading Karmic healing, accessing the Akashic Records, perform space clearings and working with pregnant women.

Evening of Bliss
Thursday July,18th
and August 15th

We're glad you found your way here!  We have such a variety of healing practices here at Blissful Massage and Wellness Center, and are happy to be able to offer you the opportunity to experience a small sampling of our services. Services we offer on these Evenings of Bliss will vary. Each month we showcase different modalities. You can call ahead to see who will be working on that night.

We open our doors every third Thursday from 7:00pm – 8:30pm. Come experience the amazing services we have to offer in a casual environment. Each month our practitioners will offer a variety of 15-minute mini sessions. Guests will have an opportunity to sample three modalities. Depending on how many are in attendance one session may be a small group session. Practitioners will also answer questions and provide information about their healing modality.  A $15-$20 donation is suggested, but no one will be turned away.

Services Offered:
Clairvoyant Readings/group sessions by Sherry Woodcock
Meditation on the five Doshas by Megan Kramer
Tarot Card Readings by Alyssa Cook
Tongue and Pulse diagnosis by Diana Rogers
Neck and back massage by Diana Florez
Sound therapy by Jody  Davis-Krauth
Services offered may change; please call for current schedule.

If you would like to find our more about the services we may be offering at our Evening of Bliss please  visit our Services Page  on our website.
Practitioner Spotlight
Sherry Woodcock is a clairvoyant and spiritual teacher, mother, grandmother, wife and author of the Daily Spiritual Tools book series.  She has been on a life-long journey learning about physical and spiritual well-being. Sherry spent 15 years at the Berkeley Psychic Institute and the Aesclepion Healing Center in the California Bay Area, where she received extensive clairvoyant and healing arts training and taught classes in meditation and hands-on healing. 
With the spiritual health training Sherry received and a degree in Nutrition Science from the University of California, Davis, she worked for 20 years in a major health maintenance organization as a Clinical Health Educator.  In this role she facilitated classes in everything from stress reduction and meditation to nutrition and healthy eating.  

In a clairvoyant reading she looks at vibrations of color, which represent the spiritual energies in your aura and chakras. She then shares with you what is supporting you with your life’s purpose and what may be keeping you stuck in old patterns.  “I look forward to working with you, and to helping you align with your own innate wisdom and purpose.”

Visit Sherry for a Clairvoyant Reading or Take a Clairvoyance Training!

What is Reiki?
Life Force Energy that when offered by a Reiki Practitioner, can assist in one's physical and mental healing, emotional balance, deep relaxation and overall general well being.

Free Reiki tune-ups for our community. Come and enjoy an energy healing for anyone and everyone who wants one. This tends to be a well-attended event, so please reserve your spot here on Eventbrite. Energy work can allow one to feel more connected to oneself, more relaxed, can help in the process of healing after a surgery and goes hand in hand if you're preparing for a surgery .
Free Reiki for the
July 21st 2-4pm

Date: July 21, 2019
Time: 2PM-4PM
Location: Blissful Massage & Wellness Center
Cost: Free
Clairvoyant Training
Part One

August 5th, 12th,
19th, and 26th
  • Curious about psychic readings or being clairvoyant?
  • Ready to tap into your own psychic ability?
  • Are you already exploring your clairvoyant abilities, but don't know how or where to develop them?
This four-week training is open to all skill levels.  In this training you will begin to understand and develop your own psychic abilities and discover that looking at energy clairvoyantly allows your spirit to come into your own Truth, clear and healed.

We use the sixth chakra of the body, also known as the "third eye", to see energy and mental images that affect what we experience and how we feel. This is the beginning of psychic awareness, which means awareness of soul personality energy and how it expresses itself through the body. 

These classes are taught in the energy of "psychic kindergarten", which means that all students participating can feel safe to be themselves, explore their natural abilities with the wonder of a child, learn about clairvoyance and feel free to ask questions, play, make mistakes, grow and have fun!  

Where: Blissful Massage and Wellness Center
When:  6:30-8:30
Cost: $150  Register at Eventbrite.com or call Sherry at 707-330-1354

Taught by Sherry Woodcock, psychic, clairvoyant reader, energy healer, and author of Daily Spiritual Tools.
The Benefits of
Drinking Water
Are you aware that an adult’s body consists of 60% water, and our blood is 90% water?  Yet water for most people is a struggle to drink. We could live longer without food than without water - water is that essential for our well-being!!  Here are some of benefits of drinking water.

  • Water delivers oxygen through the body through blood
  • Cushions the brain, spinal cord and other sensitive tissues
  • Dehydration can affect brain structure and function. It is also involved in the production of hormones.  Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning.
  • Our digestive system depends on water.  Are you aware that the bowel needs water to work properly?  Dehydration can lead to digestive problems, constipation, and an overly acidic stomach. It increases the risk of heartburn and stomach ulcers.
  • Water helps maintain blood pressure.  A lack of water can cause blood to become thicker, increasing blood pressure.
  • Water prevents kidney damage. The kidneys regulate fluid in the body; insufficient water can lead to kidney stones and other problems.
  • Water boosts performance during exercise. Dehydration during exercise may hinder performance.
  • Water boosts healthy skin and beauty.  Skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkling. 
  • Water lubricates joints.  Cartilage, found in joints and the disks of the spine, contains around 80% water.  Long-term dehydration can reduce the joint's shock-absorbing ability, leading to joint pain.

So this summer make the time to replenish your body with some nice cool water. Look for some great infused water recipes in next month's newsletter.
We're Expanding Our Staff!

We’re looking for qualified CAMTC-certified massage therapists to join our team! If you or someone you know is interested in a full or part-time positive, please call the center at 446-1094 if you are interested.
Gift Certificates

Gift certificates are available for all of our wellness services. Purchase your gift certificate and give the gift of wellness to one of your favorite people. Prices for gift certificates vary.

Call: 707-446-1094
Be well,
Brian, Jody and the staff at Blissful 

Blissful Massage & Wellness Center