Sponsored by Jack & Jill of America, Inc. (Indianapolis Chapter) and The 100 Black Men of America of Indianapolis

Please Support

Beau Isaiah Ezekiel Webb

Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters,

I am very honored to announce that I have been selected as one of the outstanding young men to participate in the 2023-2024 Beautillion Militaire Program. The Beautillion Scholarship Event will be held on April 7, 2024 at Indiana Roof Ballroom. (New date and location)

My parents Gary and Pam Webb (Kappa/AKA) have been a huge inspiration in my life and I am so thankful for the love and support they have provided me throughout the years. I am currently a Senior (class of 2024) at Fishers High School and life long member of Eastern Star Church. My Pastor, Jeffrey A. Johnson Sr., has definitely made a strong impact on the person I am today. For many years I have had the pleasure to serve in leadership, and ministry through my church programs.

My core belief in life is centered around my love for God, my family and my community.  I have a deep love and connection to music and have come to learn that music is a huge part of who I am and what I do. I have been able to develop and showcase my adoration for music through church, service, community and school. I have played percussion in multiple bands at Fishers High School for 5 years.

My great grandfather, Billy Duncan, played the saxophone for Blues Artist B.B. King and many others, and his legacy has helped me better understand the quote I learned directly from ex NBA player Stephen Jackson, “If you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life”. I plan to carry this legacy forward during my college education and beyond in pursuit of a double major in Business Administration and Music Technology/Commercial Music with the ultimate goal of owning my own Music Consulting Firm and Recording Studio.

I am also very passionate about helping the homeless with local community initiatives and impact days. Years ago, I designed and implemented a routine neighborhood food drive to help provide food to those in need, collecting and donating items to Third Phase and Dayspring Center Homeless Shelters. Also, I love to give of my talents and will always remember playing my snare drum for patients at a local nursing home! It was so special to see the smiles on their faces. My late grandmother also loved when I would sing and play the drums for her. It always brought about a smile or laughter. I will always cherish those days!

I hope that we can count on your support. I welcome ANY contribution that you are able to make. In order to be published in the souvenir book, please submit your tax deductible contribution via mail to my home address or make online donations via CashApp or Zelle before Sunday, March 3, 2024 See payment details below.

With appreciation,

Beau Isaiah E. Webb


Beau Buddy $5 - $100

Beau Tuxedo $250-$499

Beau Tie $101 -$249

Beau Top Hat $500 Above


Please indicate in the check memo or in PayPal/CashApp/Zelle comments section how you would like your name to appear in the souvenir booklet and please provide your email address. Please feel free to check with your company to see if they will match your donation.

Mail to:



Beau Isaiah Webb



9012 Max Ct.

Fishers, IN 46037

Make checks payable to 100 Black Men of Indianapolis$beauisaiahwebb2

Electronic Donation

Electronic Donation Beau Isaiah

Click drop down arrow and enter Isaiah Webb


Concert World

Symphonic Band

Marching Band Drumline, Section Leader

Future Black Leaders (FBL) Club, Music Leader

Future Black Leaders Heritage and Juneteenth Programs, Music Performance

ISSMA Competition, Gold Metalist

Marching Band, Cadet

Winter Percussion

Pep Band


David Donaldson Drumline

Bloom Project, Inc.

Neighborhood Food Drive, Creator/Organizer

Eastern Star Church, Teen Leadership Council & Music Production

Indianapolis Kappa League, Board Member 

Center for Leadership Development Alumnus

IBE Performing Arts Academy, Music Production/Videography

Girton Enterprises, Videography Mentorship

Leaders of Tomorrow Leadership Program

Indy's Got Talent Showcase, Music/Drum Performance


Convoy of Hope

Mozel Sanders Feed the Hungry

Martin Luther King Impact Days

Fishers Junior High School, Music Education Facilitator

Food 4 Souls, Food Drive Caravan

Third Phase Homeless Shelter, Neighborhood Food Drive

Watkins Park Beautification Project

Dayspring Center Homeless Shelter

Wheeler Mission Homeless Shelter


IBE 50th Gala Opening Music Performing Act for R&B Group After 7

Youth Shark Tank 2022, Pitch Videographer

Talladega College HBCU Band Performance Opening Act, Music Performance

Youth Shark Tank 2023, Pitch Videographer

Ransom Place Beautification Historical Project, Videographer

Grand Park/Best Choice Fieldhouse, Basketball Referee



Apollo Renaissance Music Performance Winner - 1st Place, 2019

Youth Shark Tank Pitch Competition Winner - 1st Place, 2020

Student of the Month Award, 2021

Outstanding Musician Award Winner, 2021

Top Percussionist Award Winner, 2022

Bands of America Grand National Finalist, 2022

Winter Guard International Winner - 1st Place, 2022

Bands of America Grand National Finalist, 2022-2023

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Participant, 2023 


About The Beautillion 

The Beautillion recognizes the achievements of African American males from Indianapolis area high schools. All participants attend weekly educational workshop sessions prior to the final event. Sessions cover topics from personal responsibility, finance, cultural issues, and respect for others, to community service, health issues, communication, and college expectations. The men of the 100 and other volunteers provide mentorship to assist beaus with defining future goals.

Beautillion participants are also partially responsible for obtaining patron support for the Scholarship Fund. All net proceeds are directed toward scholarships and book awards which are distributed to the Beaus. Each beau receives either a scholarship or book award which can be used at the college, or other institution of higher learning, of his choice.

Thank you so much for your generous donation. Your love and support means more than you'll ever know. God Bless! Isaiah

Manhood Pledge

We were born males not men.

We will become men, when we learn the art and science of manhood.

We vow to work to become men, to leave childhood, boyhood behind us.

We vow to seek knowledge of the best way to relate to ourselves, to our Almighty, to our families, and to the community.

We vow to know, to seek answers to who we were, who we are, and know where we are going.

We vow to be the positive example of manhood and Brotherhood, to be a Brother to Brothers, Brother to Sisters, and Brother to the community and institutions to which we belong

We vow to work to make the place where we are better than the way we found it.

We vow to develop ourselves to save lives not take lives.

We will provide, protect, and secure life.

We will be constructive, not destructive.

We vow to live the "Seven Rs" of:







and Redemption

We know that life is hard work, but we accept that challenge for ourselves, for you, for life, for the future. Because the future is open and we shall decide!