Hello, Members
May 13, 2019
Beaver Creek Community Association
3 PM
2nd Monday of each month

Beaver Creek Adult Center
4250 E Zuni Way
Lake Montezuma, AZ 86342
Dear Members,

This is a news and dues letter. We are trying to save money on postage, so this year we're doing business by email as much as possible. The household dues are still $25 or $35 if you would like to send a little extra to help more with the Rollins Park upkeep. The easiest way to send in dues is to use the PayPal at www.BeaverCreekAZ.us. The other two ways are to put a check in our mailbox behind the hostess desk in the Adult Center or to mail one to BCCA, PO BOX 5292, Lake Montezuma, AZ 86342. From way back the LM post office has been used. Please use its 86342 zip code. Some members have already paid, please disregard the request if you have done so, and catch up on the news. Also, if you purchased an ad in the business directory, your dues are covered for the year.

As always, we could use more help if you have a little time to spare. A couple of tasks that need to be done in the near future (besides paying the dues which help us to keep going) are volunteers to place the flag at Rollins park at half staff when required and to replace the flag when tattered. We will also need volunteers to attend the AZ State Transportation meeting in Cottonwood on July 19 to support us in our request for safety improvements at the McGuireville Interchange. The meeting will probably start at 9 AM; we don't know the location, yet. Last month we sent a complaint about the tall weeds on the golf course to Yavapai County Development Services who that day sent a letter to the owners about that problem. We would like to report other problem lots due to the upcoming fire season being of particular concern. Please let us know! Also if you have a weed eater and some extra energy, it would be nice to help out a neighbor who can no longer cut weeds. To volunteer or send us information, please use contact@beavercreekaz.us.

Our web site has lots of information on it including meeting minutes and letters. Any time that you have a comment or question about a topic, please use the contact email and we'll do our best to answer or get information to you. An update about some of the things that we've been doing follows.


BCCA Board: 
Janet Aniol, president; Sharon Olsen, vice president; Ron  Melcher, secretary; Bob Burke, treasurer; Mike Nelson board member; Chris Nichol, web master
BCCA President's Update May 13, 2019

The organizations that we are particularly affiliated with are all busy this month. The Beaver Creek Community Action Team (safety & health committee) has received its emergency cards (printing paid for by us) and is distributing them at meetings and placing them in locations such as the Adult Center and the Beaver Creek Library. Beaver Creek Transit has just started its Saturday local loop which provides bus service to our businesses. BCT recently received a check from the Lake Montezuma Women's Civic Club for $600+ which will cover about the first month of operation cost. The Beaver Creek Trails Coalition has its annual meeting this month on May 20  at 1 PM in the Adult Center. Please come see an excellent Power Point and find out what's been happening with local trails.

BCCA secretary, Ron Melcher organized the replacement of the burned out light atop of our flagpole. Copper Canyon Fire & Medical responders wonderfully provided the equipment and expertise to get to the top of an unusually tall flagpole. (Flag photos courtesy of Ron)

The Beaver Creek Business Directory has been mailed to zip codes 86335 and 86342. We will do a mail out to those of you receiving mail in other zip codes in the next couple of weeks. The directory team who started from scratch to make this happen included Bob Burke, BCCA treasurer, Nancy Rowland, BCCA member, and Chris Nichol, BCCA web master.

I attended the AZ State Transportation Board meeting in Flagstaff last month and spoke to that board and ADOT engineers about our need for safety improvements at the McGuireville Interchange on I-17. The Yavapai County Director of Public Works, Dan Cherry, also spoke to the board about our issue (many thank you's!!!). We need to follow up with many community members speaking about their dangerous experiences at the interchange during the July 19  meeting of the state board in Cottonwood.

At this time Yavapai County has budgeted $1.5 million dollars in fiscal 2022/23 for Public Works to improve safety at the dangerous curve on Beaver Creek Rd occurring prior to the entrance to Montezuma Well. The cost to the National Park Service will be about $250,000 for the cultural archeology excavation to be done prior to the road work.

I attended the Yavapai College Governing Board meeting in Cottonwood last month. The Call to the Public lasted more than an hour. The unanimous theme was that there needs to be more classes and programs offered in the VV, particularly in career and technology training. New college President Rhine is giving us some hope for a changed attitude toward out region. She has already added emergency food to the campus.

DR. RHINE ANNOUNCES THAT VICE PRESIDENT OF STRATEGIC INITIATIVES WILL BE HIRED TO FOCUS ON IMPROVING THE HEALTH OF COMMUNITY COLLEGE BY ADOPTING AN "OUTWARD MINDSET".  Says that there will be an organizational shift where innovation, accountability, collaboration, equity, transparency, and engagement will become the essence of the Community College's normal culture.
COMMUNITY COLLEGE EXPANDS STUDENT FOOD PANTRY TO VERDE CAMPUS.  I AM YC Club opens second College emergency food pantry.
                PO Box 5292
               Lake Montezuma, AZ 86342