They are...
Elkie and Harry Bram
in honor of the birth of our
Tehilla Rochel
daughter of
Ettel and Shlomo Bram
in loving memory of my aunt
Sophia Gluck bat Chana Gluck
in loving memory of my brother-in-law
Yitzchock ben Binyamin Eliezer Mandel
יהי שמם מברך
may their memories be blessed
Mindy & Saul Feder
in celebration of the birth and Bris of their first great-grandson
Nechemia Dov-Ber
(David B Klein), known as “Dovi”
to Alex and Joe Klein
Hearty Mazel Tov to
Great-Great Grandmother
Eve Weinblatt
and to Zayda
Howie Feder
and to aunts and uncles:
Tamar & David Hochstein
Limor & David Feder and
Maya & Michael Feder
and to Beaver Lake’s own
Naftali, Dalia, Yona and Joe Hochstein
Marlene & Abe Mordowitz
in honor of the yahrtzeit of
Marlene's mother this Shabbos
Rivka bas R' Yaakov
and the upcoming yahrtzeit of
Marlene's father
R' Mendel Aizik ben
R' Nechemia HaKohen
in honor of the recent births of
a great grandson in Yerushalyim
and a daughter to
Sari and Yisroel Mordowitz
Tami and Nathan Braun
in memory of Nathan's mother
Iana bas Naftali Baruch, A’H
and uncles
may their neshamas have an aliyah
Jeff and Anny Zuckerman
in memory of Jeff's father's
57th yartzeit
אברהם יעקב בן בנימין הלוי צוקרמן ז״
may his neshama have a continued aliya