July 26-27, 2023
Zmanim, Davening Schedule
Wednesday Evening
8:23pm, Fast Begins at Sunset:
8:10pm, Mincha, upstairs shul
8:25pm, Maariv followed by Eicha
8:00am Beis HaMedrash, Shacharis followed by Kinos
9:00am Upstairs shul, Shacharis followed by Kinos.
There will be an explanatory Kinos reading following the 9:00am Shacharis coordinated by Doron Simon that will take place in the Beis HaMedrash.
2:00pm, Mincha
8:00pm, Mincha
8:35pm, Maariv
Fast Ends-8:54 pm. Calculated as Sun Azimuth -6 degrees.(Medium sized stars)
Please note: You will find many varying times for ending the fast on Zmanim websites. They all follow various Rabbinic Opinions. If you are ill or having difficulty in fasting, please contact Zevi directly, 516-655-5836, for alternate times.
If anyone would like to have their own BBQ during the 9 days, feel free to come hear Josh Grauberd and Naftalee Zomberg make a Siyum on Masechet Gitten this Sunday at 2:30pm in the O circle.
Josh Slommicki will be making a siyum on Sunday evening outside P6, at 5:30pm. All are welcome to come by and listen. A mezonot snack of cookies will be served so that everyone attending can be included and partake in the siyum.