This week's sponsors
Shura & Nachum Davidovitz
and family
on the yartzeitz of Nachum's father
אברהם בן שמואל
may his memory be blessed
Ronee & Shloime Weiden
Enid & Stanley Hyman
in memory of Ronee and Enid's father
Abraham Weinberger
(Avraham Aba ben Chayim Mordechai)
on his yartzeit today - Aleph Av
may his memory be blessed
David & Mordechai Rosenberg
commemorate the yartzeit of their
Yocheved bas Meshulem Feish
may her memory be blessed
Goldie Schwartz
and family
in memory of the yartzeit of
Hershy Schwartz
(Chaim Tzvi ben Shmuel)
Beloved husband of Goldie
father of
Susan Gottlieb and Steven Schwartz
and their families
may his Neshama have the highest Aliya
Mazel Tov
Gary & Adina Schwartz
on the birth of
Atara Tamar
Andy & Rachel Schwartz
on the birth of
Ezra Yair
Mazel Tov to the Grandparents
Steven & Heidi Schwartz
Great Grandmothers
Goldie Schwartz and Marlow Greene